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Earthquake in Thailand early this morning

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Guest IT Manager

I'm now somewhat disappointed.

So it was an earthquake. Da## it. Thought I had finally perfected my technique.



that one was more like small bump in the road. But coming from San Francisco, it makes wonder if the tall buildings here have any earthquake codes built into them.

I would think not.

Any Idea's on this?


Never felt a thing, previously about 6 months ago we felt a big one. Nobody reported that, I looked everywhere for some news. That time really shook the house, but maybe it was localized? we dont have that many news sources in my area :o


Last night I was awake working in my room, on the 35th floor, and all of a sudden I was rocking in my chair uncontrolably. Gently back and forth but I didn't know why. I felt really dizzy and was worried that I might pass out or somwthing. I had to get out of my chair and lay down for a few minutes.

The thought of an eatrhquake poped in my head but when I looked at my cup of tea I didn't notice the tea rocking along with me so I figured it was just me having a flash back or somthing.

My first earthquake, so I'm excited...

It woke me up in 7 story building in Chiang Mai. It was slight and at first I thought it might be window and opened the window to check it out. There was no wind so I thought I had been dreaming. Guess not!  ???
But coming from San Francisco, it makes wonder if the tall buildings here have any earthquake cods built into them.

Are you kidding? Earthquake proof buildings in Thailand? Never heard of earthquakes here. Besides, we're not even in the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Engineers and builders already have their hands full with paying off bribes and stuff they don't have time to worry about earthquakes.


It was quite an interesting sensation in Chiang Mai.  This morning after 50 mins of trying to get an internet connection I could find nothing about it in the news except through this site.  Good job!

Interesting how Thai Meteorologist says in essence, 'Yes, there was an earthquake, we are not sure where,  how strong or how long it lasted'.

U.S. Earthquake center lists full details.

Why, oh why, do the Thai's put up with this poor service from all their agencies?  I know it's a rhetorical question.


I had a similar experience as Jason C.  I surfing the net, when I started to feel dizzy and sick, and my vision was rocking back and forth.  I thought to myself, ####, I've only drank one Chang today, but then my girlfriend called me and said she was going to be sick, and I looked at her and saw she had her eyes closed and looked sick too.  When I got up I realized it was a quake.  Here in Bangkok it wasn't that bad, I'd put the level of the tremor felt here at about 4 or 5, based on several other earthquakes I've been in.  I wasn't scared, but my gf definately was.  

At class today I asked some of my fellow students if they felt it, and only one did.  He also lives high up in an apartment building like me, so it leads me to believe those closer to the ground may have not felt it.


so it was a quake !

last night, just about to fall asleep, then the bed began to move, like a boat, I was feeling a kinda dizzy, but dit not drink a drop for so long ....

and then, the wave went away, and finaly I could sleep, it was like a bad dream :D

I remember some in europe, a lot different, stronger and in the early morning news or whenever it happens, it's reported with lots of details, seems that Thai people are not so interested in this either  :o

anyway, interesting experience here  B)


I was at an Internet cafe in Ramkamheng that time...didn't feel a thing. Was too busy playing yahoo pool :o

I was in my third-floor flat in Istanbul when the big earthquake of Aug 99 happened......that was SCARY.....I had really thought the bulding was gonna collapse.



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