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Booking A One Way Flight On Thai Air To The Uk


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Hi folks i am looking for some advice.

With a bit of luck My wifes Visa application will be approved in a couple of weeks and i will be looking to book her flight to London from Bangkok.

Ideally i want to book with Thai air on this occasion as it is a direct flight and of course she will be more able to ask questions of Thai staff.

The problem lies in the fact that i can book a flight on the internet but the site states that the card used would have to be presented at the airport on check in by myself.

Needless to say i am stuck in the UK for work reasons and unable to be there with her when she flies.

Can anyone advise of a way for me to book her flight from the UK without needing her to have the card in her hand or myself standing with her?

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When I was in the same position as you, I sent the money to her via Western Union, then she paid and booked the air ticket with the Travel Agent, I had previously informed her of the on the flight details. BTW, EVA AIR, BA also do direct flights, ring around because sometimes there are Special Deals. Air Asia are offering deals, but I'm not sure if they are direct. (BKK to Stansted) Good Luck :)

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Thanks folks i had a horrible feeling it would work that way.

Anyone got the address in Bangkok for the Thai air office?

scratch that a quick search got me the addresses.

Edited by Merangue
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Can anyone advise of a way for me to book her flight from the UK without needing her to have the card in her hand or myself standing with her?

No "or". Both: Credit card holder must be one of travelling people.

What you can do, get some travel agent in BKK and pay to them with your credit card. That moves the responsibility for identity verification to travel agent and nobody will ask for CC and holder to be present at check in.

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If you book through www.expedia.co.uk you can pay for the ticket and they will email the ticket to you. You can then email the ticket to her. With Expedia the person who pays doesn't have to be one of the travellers. I've done this a few times. Regards.

Of course, Expedia is assuming the role of an agent and will be hit if there is a complaint.

Just for fun, I checked Expedia's price for 17 June 2009 1-way Bangkok-Nagoya. It is 978GBP (which is almost 50K baht). They have only JAL, no mention of TG.

Checked Thai Airways site for 1-way ticket same day, their price is 21,185B.

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hi ive done this on a number of occasions but only with qatar ethiad and using edreams what you do is either book it online or over phone they will ask for a copy of you credit card and passport to be faxed to what ever company you choose after they recieve this they will send you an eticket,i have just done this yesterday for my fiance she flys ethiad £407 ..sorry forgot to add she flys to manchester after waiting 3 months for her 3rd visa hopefully this be last time as we are marrying soon..

Hi folks i am looking for some advice.

With a bit of luck My wifes Visa application will be approved in a couple of weeks and i will be looking to book her flight to London from Bangkok.

Ideally i want to book with Thai air on this occasion as it is a direct flight and of course she will be more able to ask questions of Thai staff.

The problem lies in the fact that i can book a flight on the internet but the site states that the card used would have to be presented at the airport on check in by myself.

Needless to say i am stuck in the UK for work reasons and unable to be there with her when she flies.

Can anyone advise of a way for me to book her flight from the UK without needing her to have the card in her hand or myself standing with her?

Edited by leebie
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Some airlines will not let you book on-line in Thailand without going to the office and showing your credit card before the ticket is issued, even if you are flying. I recently tried to book tickets for Emirates and Qantas, both had a pop up explaining this requirement.

Edited by theoldgit
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hi good luck with visa my fiance arrive today after waiting 3 months,i booked her flight with ethiad from the uk,they require a copy of my card (both sides)and passport i have done this 3 times now using qatar no problems either time...let me no how visa goes mate stressfull times

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