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Teaching Thai Girls Financial Management ?


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is there some kind of guide that will teach them how to control their monthly income or are they all into blowing the lot very quickly on wild spending sprees?

you can plot a graph of their income and expenditure and its a few peaks and many troughs !

is there a remote possibilty that you can get them to live within their means ? :o

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is there some kind of guide that will teach them how to control their monthly income or are they all into blowing the lot very quickly on wild spending sprees?

you can plot a graph of their income and expenditure and its a few peaks and many troughs !

is there a remote possibilty that you can get them to live within their means ? :o

Are you talking about their own hard earned...or, funds that you throw at them?

If it's your finances they ( I presume tgf) are blowing, take control and make your g/f or wife realise it will dry up one day. If it is a casual aquaintance, they will make sure it's short term cash....and find plenty of reasons to live beyond their means!

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Actually there is. My GF picked up the entire series at Se Ed a while back. It's really designed for young adults, but does a good job of explaining banking, credit, savings, etc. I'll get the title of the series if you're really interested. Of course, it's all in Thai....


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is there some kind of guide that will teach them how to control their monthly income or are they all into blowing the lot very quickly on wild spending sprees?

you can plot a graph of their income and expenditure and its a few peaks and many troughs !

is there a remote possibilty that you can get them to live within their means ? :o

Are you talking about their own hard earned...or, funds that you throw at them?

If it's your finances they ( I presume tgf) are blowing, take control and make your g/f or wife realise it will dry up one day. If it is a casual aquaintance, they will make sure it's short term cash....and find plenty of reasons to live beyond their means!

If she has learned to earn her own money really the hard way and has already satisfied all the family demands she will (as a wife) be able :D to control the finances. But she should also share the family budget, has some part time job which keeps her busy. Others will only learn it when financial supplies are dried up for long time.

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What type of girls are you talking about here? My wife is very good with money, very frugal. I sometimes find it annoying that she can be so 'kee-neo'!

I'm sure that some BG's (not meant as a dig) find it difficult to know what to do with money, especially if they come from a poor family and suddenly find they have wads of cash. This might be when they go on wild spending sprees to the local markets etc... :o

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Quote Petesear “…My wife is very good with money, very frugal. I sometimes find it annoying that she can be so 'kee-neo'!..”

I think your wife and mine went to the same school. :o Mine can be so kee-neo too. There are times when I wonder if the efforts she takes to save a few Baht aren’t actually costing more than she is saving. :D

I definitely can’t complain. During the day she works with multi million Baht budgets but still knows the value of a single Baht at home. She has taught me to value money and save for our future. No more throwing it around like I did in the past. :D

From my experience I have to agree, girls from a poor background who suddenly come into money tend to loose sight of its value. I think they try to impress family and friends of their success by spending up big. Part of the Thai “face” thing again.

Pautai, from my experience, background and education levels tend to influence the way the girls treat money and saving. The Thai colleges offer part/full time courses that can help.


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If you are with a girl that has a 13 year old school level and her parents are insisting she work and send money every month, I dont think you have a chance in ###### in teaching her anything on money managemnet. (generalisation of a BG)

If she has a higher eductacation she might be able to teach you a thing or to.

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My wife is in charge of the finances and we have no problems. Alot of girls would spend what you give them and if they think your a soft touch they will take the piss. So if you think that if you would hand over more money when pushed be very careful.

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We are talking about two things in here:

1. Can you teach a Thai girl financial management, and

2. What are the risk to make a Thai girl being accountable for financial management

The answer to the first is inmidiate: Yes, Thai people is smart and any foreigner and only requires training and time to be adapted to organization, structures, method, etc. If they know the job can work as good or better than any wester lady.

The second matter is the issue, and many in here have provided some arguments. Generally Thai girls have a lot or family responsibilities and financial pressure and this can imposse a risk. The risk in here can be a little bit bigger due to there are large number of girls who come from a very poor background. It is just a risk, but it can be managed.

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My wife is as tight as a fishes bum.She records every little expence in her big blue book....i'm sure she enjoys telling me how much I've spent on grog for the month!!! Cunning really, because when I give her a hard time about what she has spent, she just points to the figures and says.."Da book don lie!" :o:D

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the question is the answer :

thai "girls" - no

thai "ladies" - yes

same as in europe, US, OZ...

young, independent people tend to spend their money faster than they get it

once they are married, or have children (responsibility) they will and can learn very fast to control money

and as many before have said, they are even better than we are!!

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If you are with a girl that has a 13 year old school level and her parents are insisting she work and send money every month, I dont think you have a chance in ###### in teaching her anything on money managemnet. (generalisation of a BG)

If she has a higher eductacation she might be able to teach you a thing or to.

Yes,yes,yes, Tornado. That says it all.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of your girlfriend. Don't be too loud to be able to listen to her whisperings.

Understanding the realism of their way of existence, I many times felt ashamed about myself not recognising their world of thoughts.

It took me too long to realise that I could learn from my girlfriend/wife because I was so stupidly convinced that I knew everything better.

It takes a while to clean up your own rubbish between your own ears. Open up for their way of thinking and be more silent. As a foreigner you mostly think and speak too much.

I feel ashamed about the many mistakes I made. And these were based on my 'superior' western thinking.

Love your partner as she is and try to learn.

And the first category Tornado mentions, enjoy their company and give them money which makes them happy. They deserve to be happy as we all do.

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