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A Renter's Nightmare

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My husband and I rented a beautiful house in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai on the river.....but our landlady is a nightmare. Our lease is for 3 years and we are going into our 2nd. Instead of a deposit, our contract requires that the year's rent to be prepaid in full. Our problem is that now that we have given her the money, 600,000, she wants us to move out asap and if we do she plans to keep the money as a breech of our lease. She refuses to recognize our contract and says she doesn't care. Our differences stem from money, she has manipulated every situation so that we would be paying for more than our fair share. She is building another house on the property and have even gone so far as to have her workers run extension lines to our electricity plugs. When we question her about any of this, she will go into a rage and becomes completely unreasonable. She enters and searches our house when we are not at home and has taken my things without permission.

She continually tries to extort more money by charging me for items provided for the house. Since I have not complied to her demands, she has resorted to violence by written threats and screaming at me, my staff and guests. Within a month, 2 of our pet cats have gone missing. When she heard the maid looking for the cat, she taunted her by yelling repeatedly out of her window "may mii, meow" (no have cat). I suspect that she has something to do with their disappearances. There are many other incidences but they are too numerous to mention. It is as though I am living in a horror movie.

Our house in situated on a 4 rai property which she shares. Besides ours there are 2 other houses. She will live in one and plans to rent out the other one soon. Being in such close proximity to one another does anyone know if a restraining order preventing her from entering our leased property be levied. I am in dire need of help and will welcome your suggestions.

Edited by ASUWISH
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My husband and I rented a beautiful house in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai on the river.....but our landlady is a nightmare. Our lease is for 3 years and we are going into our 2nd. Instead of a deposit, our contract requires that the year's rent to be prepaid in full. Our problem is that now that we have given her the money, 600,000, she wants us to move out asap and if we do she plans to keep the money as a breech of our lease. She refuses to recognize our contract and says she doesn't care. Our differences stem from money, she has manipulated every situation so that we would be paying for more than our fair share. She is building another house on the property and have even gone so far as to have her workers run extension lines to our electricity plugs. When we question her about any of this, she will go into a rage and becomes completely unreasonable. She enters and searches our house when we are not at home and has taken my things without permission.

She continually tries to extort more money by charging me for items provided for the house. Since I have not complied to her demands, she has resorted to violence by written threats and screaming at me, my staff and guests. Within a month, 2 of our pet cats have gone missing. When she heard the maid looking for the cat, she taunted her by yelling repeatedly out of her window "may mii, meow" (no have cat). I suspect that she has something to do with their disappearances. There are many other incidences but they are too numerous to mention. It is as though I am living in a horror movie.

Our house in situated on a 4 rai property which she shares. Besides ours there are 2 other houses. She will live in one and plans to rent out the other one soon. Being in such close proximity to one another does anyone know if a restraining order preventing her from entering our leased property be levied. I am in dire need of help and will welcome your suggestions.

Could happen anywhere in the world.

Since its a shared property, several houses on one land deed, you cant have her removed.

Try to get out by both parties signing an agreement she will have to refund after you moving out. Agreement should be made in police station. Tea money to BIB is efficient, with a promise of more tea money when she has refunded prepayed rent.

Or stay and enjoy life. If you stay, replace the locks, and try to catch/film her entering your house. Its illegal.

Good luck :)

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My husband and I rented a beautiful house in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai on the river.....but our landlady is a nightmare. Our lease is for 3 years and we are going into our 2nd. Instead of a deposit, our contract requires that the year's rent to be prepaid in full. Our problem is that now that we have given her the money, 600,000, she wants us to move out asap and if we do she plans to keep the money as a breech of our lease. She refuses to recognize our contract and says she doesn't care. Our differences stem from money, she has manipulated every situation so that we would be paying for more than our fair share. She is building another house on the property and have even gone so far as to have her workers run extension lines to our electricity plugs. When we question her about any of this, she will go into a rage and becomes completely unreasonable. She enters and searches our house when we are not at home and has taken my things without permission.

She continually tries to extort more money by charging me for items provided for the house. Since I have not complied to her demands, she has resorted to violence by written threats and screaming at me, my staff and guests. Within a month, 2 of our pet cats have gone missing. When she heard the maid looking for the cat, she taunted her by yelling repeatedly out of her window "may mii, meow" (no have cat). I suspect that she has something to do with their disappearances. There are many other incidences but they are too numerous to mention. It is as though I am living in a horror movie.

Our house in situated on a 4 rai property which she shares. Besides ours there are 2 other houses. She will live in one and plans to rent out the other one soon. Being in such close proximity to one another does anyone know if a restraining order preventing her from entering our leased property be levied. I am in dire need of help and will welcome your suggestions.

Its 12 months pre-paid in full, so theres no refund for any part of this period,

if you're into 2nd year, I assumed that you do not further pay rent on top of the pre-paid?

Move for your own sake as quickly as possible.

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Reminds me of the song "dont pay ferry man till he gets you to the other side" asking why you paid or signed a contract to pay 12 months in advance is pointless now, call the police and the tourist police tell them she is trespassing. keep calling them every time she enters your house

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What does your contract state? i.e. Does it state in there that she should be allowed access to inspect the property via prior arrangement.

Another thing is you say she gains access to the house when you go outside and removes property - have you proof of this? If you have proof i.e. video evidence, witnesses etc., ok, but if you don't have proof she can sue you for defamation. Be careful!

Take photo's of the extention lines attached to your electricity supply and keep all your receipts as proof of the extra usage to back up your case.

I suggest you go and speak to a Lawyer and ask what course of action would be the best in your case. It could be that she only needs a visit from your Lawyer to know that you mean business and will not accept her behaviour.

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Had the same problem before with someone who realized that they could rent the place for more than I was paying. I sure do hope that you have a contract because it will help you regardless of whether you take the legitimate route of seeking an attorney OR the illegitimate one of talking to a friend who knows a guy who does this and that for a living... and happens to be a police officer. The money is money.. but I would just stick to the terms of your lease agreement and as long as she cannot prove that you have breached any of the terms of the agreement then she cannot kick you out. My advice: call the friend of a friend and offer them something for resolving the situation and getting a newer, more solid contract in writing. May cost you about 10,000 max... but well worth it if you want to win this situation and put your landlady back in check.

I feel for you, I really do. Nothing infuriates me more than irrational Thais. Hang in there.

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You say that she plans to keep the 600,000....so from this i'm assuming that you paid her 1 year in advance, and then also paid monthly rent payments for the first year?

So have essentially already paid for 2 years?

If this is not the case, and you have only paid the 1 year that you have actually live in the house already, then just move out...

There seems to be something pretty weird about this story though, you'd think that someone who was earning 600,000 per year off of only one property (ie this women must be pretty rich) wouldn't be stealing items from your house, and killing your cats...yelling at you and the maids etc...?

Maybe this crazed landlady is not actually the owner of the house...? If so maybe the actual owner is unaware that she is acting this way; may be worth contacting the owner directly.

Edited by dave111223
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Sounds like another crazy whore/bargirl gone on the greed trail, tough call here, i personally wouldnt want to be around the bitch, but ive seen what these types can do, yes you may have the law on your side, but it wont help unless ( an armed one ) moves in with you, :) .good luck,.

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I rent a house in Bangkok and I would like to know, in relation to this situation, are the Thai contracts worth anything? What are peoples' opinions on whether the contract means anything - how can you use a contract to help your case if you are caught up in anything like this?

Example; the landlord/lady informs you that they want you to move out; so you take the contract and then,.,.,..,,,what?

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I rent a house in Bangkok and I would like to know, in relation to this situation, are the Thai contracts worth anything? What are peoples' opinions on whether the contract means anything - how can you use a contract to help your case if you are caught up in anything like this?

Example; the landlord/lady informs you that they want you to move out; so you take the contract and then,.,.,..,,,what?

The general consensus on this board seems to be that only the tenant (if farang) has to keep to the terms of the contract and the landlord can do what he/she likes.

I've never heard about anybody actually standing their ground against these people.

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The contract if correctly prepared is definitely enforceable and fair, ie through a lawyer or good agent. However if you have done a deal direct with the owner, as so many here claim to be better and cheaper, then it could say anything. If so, you are screwed. Bear in mind too the English translation is irrelevat if there is Thai script as that is what is enforceable.

Find a good lawyer if you can. In a situation where a contract is terminated by the landlord who has collected rent in advance then the excess rent is definitely repayable in full. Don't fall the Thai BS of paying one year in advance, it is usually because they have money problems, find somewhere else.

Next time do a proper protected contract, don'y rely on trust.

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Does anyone remember Chicago bar in phuket a few years ago, farang owner 3 year lease, thai owner saw how well he was doing and drove him out with life threats and strange happenings in less than a year,these types cant control their greed and if offered more cannot refuse, lease agreements,.? remember that saying " not worth the paper they its written on " well it was coined in thailand, beware !,.

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My husband and I rented a beautiful house in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai on the river.....but our landlady is a nightmare. Our lease is for 3 years and we are going into our 2nd. Instead of a deposit, our contract requires that the year's rent to be prepaid in full. Our problem is that now that we have given her the money, 600,000, she wants us to move out asap and if we do she plans to keep the money as a breech of our lease. She refuses to recognize our contract and says she doesn't care. Our differences stem from money, she has manipulated every situation so that we would be paying for more than our fair share. She is building another house on the property and have even gone so far as to have her workers run extension lines to our electricity plugs. When we question her about any of this, she will go into a rage and becomes completely unreasonable. She enters and searches our house when we are not at home and has taken my things without permission.

She continually tries to extort more money by charging me for items provided for the house. Since I have not complied to her demands, she has resorted to violence by written threats and screaming at me, my staff and guests. Within a month, 2 of our pet cats have gone missing. When she heard the maid looking for the cat, she taunted her by yelling repeatedly out of her window "may mii, meow" (no have cat). I suspect that she has something to do with their disappearances. There are many other incidences but they are too numerous to mention. It is as though I am living in a horror movie.

Our house in situated on a 4 rai property which she shares. Besides ours there are 2 other houses. She will live in one and plans to rent out the other one soon. Being in such close proximity to one another does anyone know if a restraining order preventing her from entering our leased property be levied. I am in dire need of help and will welcome your suggestions.

Thank you everyone for your kind response to my post. I will take all your helpful and supportive suggestions into consideration.

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It’s now got to the point where some farang’s want to take action against this sort of behaviour from unscrupulous Thai’s who have got away with this sort of thing for far to long.

Here is a link to the office of the consumer protection board which might be of help.


Unfortunately it’s all in Thai, so you need someone to guide you through.

Personally I’d go and seek the advice of a lawyer taking my rental agreement with me as proof of how long I’ve been at the address which in turn will tell them how long the landlord or landlady ‘maybe’ hasn’t been paying tax on rental income.

The landlord must pay 15% tax on the monthly rent and it they haven’t been doing so it’s a great weapon to have at your disposal.

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Abide by the lease and make sure she does even if it requires a lawyer.

I would install a webcam and motion detection software on you PC so it will record video when someone comes into house when your gone.

I also would consider changing the locks.

Cut a deal with contractor building house to pay you a monthly fee and if he refuses pull the plugs he has connected to your house. He or she have no legal right to use your electric if you pay the bill.

Don't put up with crap from owner and for sure get a lawyer lined up in case needed.

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I just read about an Ozzie couple who rented a house for a few months in Thailand. While out to dinner, it burned down. The investigators said it was faulty wiring. The couple confirmed everything was OK for them to leave the country, and they did. Now, 2 years later, they return to the LOS and are in big trouble.

The owner got another investigator to say it was a cigarette in the bed that caused the fire. He wanted 60,000B. The couple had to pay or they were not allowed to leave the Kingdom.

What a mess these Thai's allow to happen. Such a shame....hope you get your issued resolved!!!!

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Best way to resolve this is to goto the tourist police with your receipts, contracts, they will most likly go with you to see this lady and will tell her to either honor the contract or return your money, probably best option is to get your money back and leave, don't wait around for this crazy lady to fk with you.

Edited by pkspeaker
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My husband and I rented a beautiful house in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai on the river.....but our landlady is a nightmare. Our lease is for 3 years and we are going into our 2nd. Instead of a deposit, our contract requires that the year's rent to be prepaid in full. Our problem is that now that we have given her the money, 600,000, she wants us to move out asap and if we do she plans to keep the money as a breech of our lease. She refuses to recognize our contract and says she doesn't care. Our differences stem from money, she has manipulated every situation so that we would be paying for more than our fair share. She is building another house on the property and have even gone so far as to have her workers run extension lines to our electricity plugs. When we question her about any of this, she will go into a rage and becomes completely unreasonable. She enters and searches our house when we are not at home and has taken my things without permission.

She continually tries to extort more money by charging me for items provided for the house. Since I have not complied to her demands, she has resorted to violence by written threats and screaming at me, my staff and guests. Within a month, 2 of our pet cats have gone missing. When she heard the maid looking for the cat, she taunted her by yelling repeatedly out of her window "may mii, meow" (no have cat). I suspect that she has something to do with their disappearances. There are many other incidences but they are too numerous to mention. It is as though I am living in a horror movie.

Our house in situated on a 4 rai property which she shares. Besides ours there are 2 other houses. She will live in one and plans to rent out the other one soon. Being in such close proximity to one another does anyone know if a restraining order preventing her from entering our leased property be levied. I am in dire need of help and will welcome your suggestions.

When did you give her the 600k? If this is 'going into' the 2nd year, I'm assuming you've already paid 600k for the first year? Have just you given the landlady a further 600k for the second year? This only matters if there's a large amount of money, and 600k is a huge amount of money to most Thais and me, you've just handed over, and she wants to make life so difficult for you she wants to chance her arm with some other unwary tenant. If, on the other hand, the current year has not yet been paid, move out. I had a similar situation some years ago and left the property, after trashing it.

It's not unusual, or in fact unreasonable, in certain tourist areas for the landlord/lady to ask for 6 months to a year in advance in addition to a two to three month deposit. A potential tenant can turn up and tell you he/she's willing to rent your pool villa for the duration of the high season and move out straight after Christmas leaving you with having to find new tenants at the low season rate and the all the hassle that goes with it. If it's simply some bungalow or flophouse in the burbs, well a month in advance is usually all that's required.

If you have a written Lease, something on paper with both your signatures on it, take it off to a reasonably competent lawyer, or better still, do it the Thai Way, and take it to the local cop shop and lodge a complaint. Paper is everything in Asia. Not just Thailand. And if she's been stealing your stuff, have her for theft too, although probably difficult to prove, but will cast her in a somewhat disparaging light.

As soon as the 'guests' in this country stop rolling over to those of the more unsavory and unscrupulous of the native population, the sooner word will get around we're not all such pussies and they will desist.

Chock dee.

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Having just spent a few days in Hua Hin land hunting the " greed" is definitely on the increase. I spoke to an Englsih couple who bought land 12 months ago price 175000 baht a rai they told me it was now 200000 bahtmax but when enquring in the local village we had price from 400000 to 1 million a rai, welcome to greedy Hua Hin. I was not to be seen during this process so it was a Thai deal. mmmmmmmmm nice greedy folk!!

Edited by yabaaaa
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Having just spent a few days in Hua Hin land hunting the " greed" is definitely on the increase. I spoke to an Englsih couple who bought land 12 months ago price 175000 baht a rai they told me it was now 200000 bahtmax but when enquring in the local village we had price from 400000 to 1 million a rai, welcome to greedy Hua Hin. I was not to be seen during this process so it was a Thai deal. mmmmmmmmm nice greedy folk!!

Sorry, but what does this story of possible "greed" in Hua Hin have to do with the OP's problem with the landlord and what is happening to them.?

I'm not the sharpest tack sometimes so explain please.

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Sound like you might just have a good court case, one that you can win with the contract in writing. I would start by contacting a GOOD lawyer(s), short of this just bit the bullet and move, post the name and location on a local website if possible to warn other of this Bad Landlord :D:D:) This woman sound like the Witch from H#ll

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Don't go anywhere.....Let her "lock you out" and then go straight to the police and file a report..In Thailand, for a landlord to do that is a "Criminal Offense" and she will be put in jail.....I am serious.....this is a law many people do not know exist....

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Another thing; you have a signed contract which the landlord gives up rights to that property for the length of the contract. If you have proof that she has entered the house without your permission etc...that is also considered a criminal offense and she can be put in jail. I have a friend who is a owner and many years ago who didn't know the law,he entered a house of his that the tenant had vacated, but had left a few items behind. The lease was still in affect....he took those items out and he was thrown in jail for trespassing and it cost him 200,000 baht to get out of jail.......

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