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Avoid Bars And Clubs During Travel: C D C Of Taiwan

Mai Krap

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June 13, 2009 9:15 am TWN, The China Post news staff

Avoid bars, clubs during travel: CDC

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Following recent swine flu infections imported from Thailand, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and the Tourism Bureau, has advised travel agencies to refrain from taking tour groups to Thai bars and clubs. Another student who returned from Thailand was verified as carrying the virus, the CDC announced yesterday.

Of the current tally of 37 confirmed A(H1N1) cases in Taiwan, 15 were infected when traveling in Thailand. The World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday elevated its swine flu alert to its highest level of six — its first designation in 41 years. The international agency added, however, that the declaration of a pandemic, although indicative of its expansion, does not reflect the severity of the virus.

In response to the heightened warning, the CDC has convened experts to strengthen its strategy for infection control against the strain. Shih Wen-yi, a spokesperson for the CDC, noted that Taiwan will be receiving its first vaccine shipment later this fall in September but may not be immediately available for inoculation.

Pending the geographic spread of the disease, the CDC will determine suitable candidates that will be administered the shot. Shih said that a large scale community outbreak in Taiwan is more or less inevitable and that the CDC is currently stepping up efforts to help stave off collective infections. The command center is also not eliminating the possibility of taking drastic action to curb swine flu should the situation worsen significantly.

The CDC and the Tourism Bureau have yet to implement stringent restrictions for travel to cities like Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan, but gently advised tourists not frequent areas where crowds congregate such as bars and clubs. Symptoms of the swine flu are especially pronounced amongst the younger demographic, as fatalities have primarily been young, healthy adults, noted the WHO.

Tour guides should not encourage group members to take fever reducers prior to boarding flights, explained Shih. According to Article 42 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, the tour guide of a tour group is responsible for reporting and taking care of group members who show influenza-like symptoms. If a tour guide infringes upon the provision, he or she will be subjected to a fine ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$150,000.

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Bars to avoid

Bangkok Hard Rock

Times must be hard.

The band were poor no strong vocals and half empty on a Friday night.

Small heineken 220 baht! normally the mrs pays the bill and moans like <removed> the next day at how many bottles i drank i always thought it was the qantity of beer but now i realise she is moaning about the cost of the beer :)

Did i misread the post title?


There used to a Brit called Robert who was in there everynight with a couple of Thai girls/helpers (he was mentally challenged or similar)but not there last night and the bar staff didn't know anything, just wondered if anyone else knows whats happened to him.

I always saw him as an icon of Bkk. Mentally disabled but 2 lovely cuties looking after his every need and standing in front of a rock band everynight.

Better than a p1ss smelling nursing home and some fat chav yanking your chain

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If I eat pork when I'm flying does that constitute swine "flew"? :)

We used to call them "colds" when I was a kid and everybody expected to catch it. Now everyone panics. A hand full of already sick people died if they caught various transmitted germs from other people. Most of us survived. It's just natures way of getting rid of the weak. When AIDS was first reported it was supposed to kill off 40% of the population by the year 2000. We all know how far that went.

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Bars to avoid

Bangkok Hard Rock

Times must be hard.

The band were poor no strong vocals and half empty on a Friday night.

Small heineken 220 baht! normally the mrs pays the bill and moans like <removed> the next day at how many bottles i drank i always thought it was the qantity of beer but now i realise she is moaning about the cost of the beer :)

Did i misread the post title?


There used to a Brit called Robert who was in there everynight with a couple of Thai girls/helpers (he was mentally challenged or similar)but not there last night and the bar staff didn't know anything, just wondered if anyone else knows whats happened to him.

I always saw him as an icon of Bkk. Mentally disabled but 2 lovely cuties looking after his every need and standing in front of a rock band everynight.

Better than a p1ss smelling nursing home and some fat chav yanking your chain

My ex-GF told me he had bad back problems. I don't know, she's kinda mentally challenged herself :D

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