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No Mobile Or Land Line Phones ..options?


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Hi I am looking at land which has no mobile service there (mountains) and no land line phones, what are my options?? Satellite? is it expensive and can I get phone calls diverted thru it incoming outgoing? Internet? reliable?


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Is that absolutely no signal? You may get joy using a GSM repeater - I got one a few years ago (cheapo chinese thing) that worked well. I was not faced by mountains though, more like Burma's "One cell tower per city" policy.....

I'm sure people may recommend IPStar - but with my (extensive) experience with the technology - think more than twice before you lay out the wedge.

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Is that absolutely no signal? You may get joy using a GSM repeater - I got one a few years ago (cheapo chinese thing) that worked well. I was not faced by mountains though, more like Burma's "One cell tower per city" policy.....

I'm sure people may recommend IPStar - but with my (extensive) experience with the technology - think more than twice before you lay out the wedge.

Thanks Phazey as far as i can tell no signal, with two providers ais and another I dont know who monet Ill ask wife later. Whats a gsm repeater what does it do?

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Find another location or bite the bullet and do the satelite thing. Have you thought of trying a mobile and see where in the area nearest you that it would work, who know could just be a side step or two for a signal to get thru. :)

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Satellite phones are nowdays quite nice and not so expensive to use as before. Sure it is expensive compared to GSM but not $10 per minute either as it used to be. Seen some new models already that are same size as your mobile...

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Is that absolutely no signal? You may get joy using a GSM repeater - I got one a few years ago (cheapo chinese thing) that worked well. I was not faced by mountains though, more like Burma's "One cell tower per city" policy.....

I'm sure people may recommend IPStar - but with my (extensive) experience with the technology - think more than twice before you lay out the wedge.

Thanks Phazey as far as i can tell no signal, with two providers ais and another I dont know who monet Ill ask wife later. Whats a gsm repeater what does it do?


Well a GSM repeater uses a large TV style Yagi antenna, which you point into the general direction of the nearest Cell Tower in your area, and amplifies the signal - the other end is a small (6") antenna you place where convenient to get a good signal to your mobile devices.

A google for "GSM Repeater" will get you some links, one of the first has images of some of the kit i used....

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