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I do not know if this is a suitable topic as I do not live in Thailand, but I just needed some feedback on a topic from women (thought this would be the best forum!)

I recently came back from a trip to Thailand (BKK area) where I met a wonderful Thai guy. He was a friend of the family and showed us around Thailand for 5 days. Needless to say, we both enjoyed our time together and still keep in touch since I returned back to the States.

My question is if anyone has any insight on the Thai male's view on mouth-kissing? My reason for asking was that I gave him a kiss goodbye before I left. Actually, I was trying to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and... bam! smack on the lips! ( lol, it was more of a half-kiss as he turned mid-way). I gave him another kiss before we departed, but this time on the lips :o Funny thing is that I am usually not so forward about these things, but I didn't want to leave Thailand asking "what if?"

I have read that kissing is often look down upon by the general Thai public and have read accounts of Thai women who are hesitant about kissing on the mouth. Is this the same for Thai males? Have any of you found that your SO was hesitant at first about kissing?

Edited by csdncer
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Anyone? :o

Further background: I am 21 half-Chinese, half-Khmer and he is 25 half-Thai, half-Khmer living in Bangkok. He seemed okay with kiss, actually eager even, but I know the standard kiss is the sniff-kiss (or I should have asked, at least!). Is it usually only those who are exposed to western relationships that adopt the mouth-to-mouth kiss? It seems like the younger Thai generation is displaying more of the holding hands/kissing, as well. I definitely don't want to offend any of the traditional Thai customs, however. :D

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Agreed, also Bangkok people are quite different from rural people. When I met my husband at first he was hesitant to kiss, instead he did the 'hom' (sniff). However, he quickly learned to kiss and certainly seems to enjoy it now :o

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I've never seen anyone kiss in public here

me neither , ive seen open displays of affection , couples sitting in parks etc. in close contact , often with the girls hand resting (quite high up !) on the guys leg.

but this seems to be a display of affection more than entering the realms of things sexual. a kiss , other than the sniff kiss or the euro peck , is a sexual move and thais dont seem to go that far in public.

it may be different after dark , in clubs etc. but in public they are usually more formal.

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My boyfriend is happy to give me a peck on the lips in public. It shocked me the first time he did it, but now I am fine with it (god, it's a bit of a role reversal here, I think!).

Of course he wouldn't go the grope or anything like that (thank god) but he is more than happy for a quick peck hello or goodbye.

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My husband has never kissed me in public, not after 16 years of marriage. I live in a pretty rural area (at least, the local people are) and I can't recall ever seeing a local guy kiss a local girl (or vice versa), not in 16 years. Hubby agrees, he's never seen it either.

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mine will kiss me in public but only a chaste peck on the lips, no toungues which is fine with me as I hate people who do that in public :D I have a freind who's husband would never kiss her how ever chaste in a public place :o

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  I have a freind who's husband would never kiss her how ever chaste in a public place :o

That's my guy :D .

But to be fair, he is only this way here on Koh P. He is from here, his parents are from here, all 4 of his grandparents are from here. He is either related to or knows about 1/4 of the island :D . So, if we were caught being romantic in public, everybody would talk about it. And I do mean, everybody. "GASP! Look, a married couple is kissing!!!" :D

When we go to the US he is quite sweet and will even hold my hand in public! :D

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I'm assuming, however, that even the sniff-kiss is only done to a certain extent and very subtle while in public?

This may seem ignorant, but it seems that even Thai couples do not kiss each other often even in private? Does anyone know if the same holds true for the younger Thais with Thai bf/gfs?

From experience, I have noticed that Asian families tend to be less physically affectionate than western families. In example, my parents are Chinese and I have never seen them kiss before (!). Growing up, my mother would only give me a sniff kiss if she wanted to show affection. I am not big on public displays of affection, even in the States, but I am definitely grateful for being able to kiss someone without much notice.

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can someone explain the 'hom' to me.



"hom' normally means nice smell, good smelling. but in this sense it means a sniff kiss. Example: my mother in law says to her grandson, "mah hom ti". He comes to her, she puts her face next to his cheek and then she gives a little sniff. As if to smell him. It is a sign of affection.

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My GF informs me that when she had a Thai BF in the past she would only ever let him kiss her on the cheek - even at home!

I would say that a public display of affection (kissing) between 2 Thai's would definitely be considered to be vulgar by anyone outside of Bangkok. Between a Thai and a Farang may just about be acceptable if discreet.

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In the MIL's house any kind of physical touching is a no-no, when we were in Samui we held hands when out & had the occasional peck on the lips but after some of the crap going on in the streets there we were tame by comparison. But in MIL's house in Khon Kaen it was def not the norm, even for the teens but they did used to laugh when I would smack hubby on the thigh for some joke misdemenour & his mum & aunt loved the fact that I had him doing his own ironing :o

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Most western boys & girls learn the art of kissing in the playgrounds & in their early teenage years, thai kids I think, don't (not sensual tongue kissing anyway) but I have to say, the sniff kiss can be a real turn on done by the right person at the right time :D but I do miss the occassional on the sofa having a good old snog & grope that western boys do so well though :o

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