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Different Skin Colour Of 2 Thai Kids


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OK, I know a Thai girl who is lots of fun to be with but is unbelievably devious.

Anyway she has 2 kids from her 1st marriage the youngest is as light as a Thai chinese girl you see on the TV and the other is very dark skinned, their father is half Caucasian half Thai thus has a fair complexion.

Is this possible to have 2 completely coloured kids from the same parents or highly unlikely?

There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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My money is on Scarlet Strumpet rather than Queer Genes. :)

Yes mine to, it was when she told me the darker one looked like her ex husband in a way which was made to convince me that i instantly thought this. But there must be many of these cases.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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Sure it's possible. But you should do your own due diligence as (broad generalization alert without naming names) a lot of gals that a certain group of guys that usually travel here via plane tend to get involved with and marry have been married before, have had children from more than one father, and might be less prone to giving you the entire story straight up.


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Sure it's possible. But you should do your own due diligence as (broad generalization alert without naming names) a lot of gals that a certain group of guys that usually travel here via plane tend to get involved with and marry have been married before, have had children from more than one father, and might be less prone to giving you the entire story straight up.


She doesnt work in a bar and lives abroad with her new husband my relationship with her is purely platonic, the kids are 100% definitely brought up by the ex husband who she was married to for 12/13 years .... maybe just one of lifes mysteries that LOS offers on a regular basis.

Edited by sanmiguellight
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Sure it's possible. But you should do your own due diligence as (broad generalization alert without naming names) a lot of gals that a certain group of guys that usually travel here via plane tend to get involved with and marry have been married before, have had children from more than one father, and might be less prone to giving you the entire story straight up.


Yes, I guess I should believe all the galls who get involve with farangs are very innocents. I also believe in Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy :D

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My money is on Scarlet Strumpet rather than Queer Genes. :)

because you have no bloody idea about genetics!

Mendel is my middle name, and I do marriage counselling on the side.

This is the Internet. Larf!


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Sure it's possible. But you should do your own due diligence as (broad generalization alert without naming names) a lot of gals that a certain group of guys that usually travel here via plane tend to get involved with and marry have been married before, have had children from more than one father, and might be less prone to giving you the entire story straight up.


She doesnt work in a bar and lives abroad with her new husband my relationship with her is purely platonic, the kids are 100% definitely brought up by the ex husband who she was married to for 12/13 years .... maybe just one of lifes mysteries that LOS offers on a regular basis.

So in this case, husband #3 (?) should do HIS due diligence.


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before some more ignorants present their bullshit and smear an innocent woman they should inform themselves that is indeed possible that parents can produce offsprings which differ ethnically in an extreme way.

google for "Mendel's Inheritance Laws", get a basic idea or just shut up and keep on sipping your Chang! :)

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Sure it's possible. But you should do your own due diligence as (broad generalization alert without naming names) a lot of gals that a certain group of guys that usually travel here via plane tend to get involved with and marry have been married before, have had children from more than one father, and might be less prone to giving you the entire story straight up.


Yes, I guess I should believe all the galls who get involve with farangs are very innocents. I also believe in Santa Claus and Tooth Fairy :D

your spelling of "galls" proves that.

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before some more ignorants present their bullshit and smear an innocent woman they should inform themselves that is indeed possible that parents can produce offsprings which differ ethnically in an extreme way.

google for "Mendel's Inheritance Laws", get a basic idea or just shut up and keep on sipping your Chang! :)

When i was a kid there was a guy of light Indian appearance in skin colour, both his white skinned parents were definitely his biological parents, but this is 1 person i know of in the UK.

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Naam is right, of course.

W.E. du Bois (1868-1963), was an African American activist who conducted the initial research on the Black experience in the United States. His work paved the way for the civil rights, Pan-African, and Black Power movements in the United States. He coined the phrase "Black Power" and who is still today highly regarded in Black American circles.

Yet Du Bois himself , as can be seen from his picture (left) was clearly another example of the Mendelian Laws of Inheritance at work: and was, on the face of it, not "Black" at all. In his particular case, the recessive "White" alleles combined in his parents to produce a particularly White-looking individual.


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I'd imagine a good portion of folks here have had BASIC high school biology and know it's possible.

If the OP has suspicions, then he is far from alone and certainly not having unique unfounded thoughts. A lot of foreigners here are foster parents, and no doubt some of them don't know it and perhaps don't know to what extent.


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The whole skin colour thing is totally overdone in this country. It's completely superficial.

If you're concerned about your friend's veracity or otherwise, take one hair from both kids and go and pay for a paternity test. This is one aspect of Thai culture I very much resist, a fascination with the amount of melanin in a person's skin and all the prejudice attached to it.

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The whole skin colour thing is totally overdone in this country. It's completely superficial.

If you're concerned about your friend's veracity or otherwise, take one hair from both kids and go and pay for a paternity test. This is one aspect of Thai culture I very much resist, a fascination with the amount of melanin in a person's skin and all the prejudice attached to it.

Hey well done, it quite clearly wasnt about being prejudice about skin colour but the PC fool you are has managed to try and make it so ...... this is one aspect of Western culture i very much detest.

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The whole skin colour thing is totally overdone in this country. It's completely superficial.

If you're concerned about your friend's veracity or otherwise, take one hair from both kids and go and pay for a paternity test. This is one aspect of Thai culture I very much resist, a fascination with the amount of melanin in a person's skin and all the prejudice attached to it.

Hey well done, it quite clearly wasnt about being prejudice about skin colour but the PC fool you are has managed to try and make it so ...... this is one aspect of Western culture i very much detest.

You'll see I addressed the issue at hand.

Only heard this about a million times

"That kid black, ugly"

Yeah, right, a real confidence developer that one.

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before some more ignorants present their bullshit and smear an innocent woman they should inform themselves that is indeed possible that parents can produce offsprings which differ ethnically in an extreme way.

google for "Mendel's Inheritance Laws", get a basic idea or just shut up and keep on sipping your Chang! :)

In leiu of a standard "birds and the bees" talk, my father sent me down to the basemaent to breed Drosophila Melanogaster for a couple of months. I learned that sniffing ether will make you extremely lightheaded and I also learned that yes indeed these children under discussion could certainly be from the same parents.

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The whole skin colour thing is totally overdone in this country. It's completely superficial.

If you're concerned about your friend's veracity or otherwise, take one hair from both kids and go and pay for a paternity test. This is one aspect of Thai culture I very much resist, a fascination with the amount of melanin in a person's skin and all the prejudice attached to it.

Melanin is in the skin for a good reason and that is to protect the skin. If you stop production you will cause skin problems. I see a huge increase in skin cancers due to the use of these products in the future. Black white who cares?

Cheers, Rick

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OK, I know a Thai girl who is lots of fun to be with but is unbelievably devious.

Anyway she has 2 kids from her 1st marriage the youngest is as light as a Thai chinese girl you see on the TV and the other is very dark skinned, their father is half Caucasian half Thai thus has a fair complexion.

Is this possible to have 2 completely coloured kids from the same parents or highly unlikely?

There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.


The answer is yes. It is just a matter of whatever genetic matairial happens to determine skin color. My Thai family is a mixture of...get this..Thai, Chinese, English (via Austrailia), Indian, and Burmese heritage. There are 3 children in the family whose skin color runs from relatively light (as in Thai) to relatively dark (close to Indian). There is a granddaughter who has Indian facial features, but who has skin that would pass as a Thai from Chiang Mai.

So, the answer is yes, it is possible.


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OK, I know a Thai girl who is lots of fun to be with but is unbelievably devious.

Anyway she has 2 kids from her 1st marriage the youngest is as light as a Thai chinese girl you see on the TV and the other is very dark skinned, their father is half Caucasian half Thai thus has a fair complexion.

Is this possible to have 2 completely coloured kids from the same parents or highly unlikely?

There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.


The answer is yes. It is just a matter of whatever genetic matairial happens to determine skin color. My Thai family is a mixture of...get this..Thai, Chinese, English (via Austrailia), Indian, and Burmese heritage. There are 3 children in the family whose skin color runs from relatively light (as in Thai) to relatively dark (close to Indian). There is a granddaughter who has Indian facial features, but who has skin that would pass as a Thai from Chiang Mai.

So, the answer is yes, it is possible.


Well said IMA, but are you a dark haired, brown eyed or blond haired, blue eyed farang?

Cheers, Rick

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I know a few people who have this in London, parents are white and black, have 1 child very white and the other very black, It can happen.

You must also understand that boys tend to play outside more in the sun, her mum probably does not mind so much with her son but tries to keep her daughter out of the sun and as white as Casper, whatever makes that dowry sweeter :) Jokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Edited by bravingbangkok
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IMHO All down to genes.

One may take skin colour from the mother, the other the father.

good point..logical and right most times..have an example you mention in the wife's family...boy almost black (Thais) girl almost white..both successful as young adults with decent to good jobs..university educated..

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Unless DNA testing is done it's not proven who the real father is.

Also, it's entirely possible for two different fathers to impregnate two different eggs in a woman, resulting in dramatically different looking twins.

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