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Different Skin Colour Of 2 Thai Kids


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Anyway she has 2 kids from her 1st marriage the youngest is as light as a Thai chinese girl you see on the TV and the other is very dark skinned, their father is half Caucasian half Thai thus has a fair

Wow, that is absolutely terrible bad luck for the oldest child.

Its also, of course, possible that the first child was from a different husband.

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before some more ignorants present their bullshit and smear an innocent woman they should inform themselves that is indeed possible that parents can produce offsprings which differ ethnically in an extreme way.

google for "Mendel's Inheritance Laws", get a basic idea or just shut up and keep on sipping your Chang! :)

Yes Naam very good point.

We have Thai friends married for the last 27 years - 1st daughter fair complexion, daughter number 2 very olive complexion.

genetics not tomfoolery.

I also believe that the Japanese occupation during WW2 has a bearing on the genetics flowing in Thailands veins theses days?


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If one of the spouses is of mixed race (Black and white, brown and white, brown and black etc) it is quite possible that offspring could look entirely different without there EVER being any hanky panky. It usually pops up in the second generation, but not always. What you WON'T get is a white baby if the parents and grand parents were black, brown or a combination of both.

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As a Thai I say YES.

By my dad side I am the 5th generation Thai and the 6th generation by my mom side. There are a complete mixture of people in TL and just from every branch of my families there are a lot of different shades of skin colour among the sisters and brothers.

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OK, I know a Thai girl who is lots of fun to be with but is unbelievably devious.

Anyway she has 2 kids from her 1st marriage the youngest is as light as a Thai chinese girl you see on the TV and the other is very dark skinned, their father is half Caucasian half Thai thus has a fair complexion.

Is this possible to have 2 completely coloured kids from the same parents or highly unlikely?

There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.

In the younger kid the fathers gene is dominant, the mothers' recessive, in the older kid the mothers gene is dominant and the fathers' recessive.

Possible or "highly unlikely"? - yes, its possible, and not "highly unlikely", but less likely than likely.

..... and you get degrees of dominance and recessiveness - which results in degrees of skin lightness and darkness, but as for a Caucasian and Negro having one white child and one black child? - thats a different thing: that would be a case of one gene completly missing - and thats ultra rare.

Recessive and dominant genes occur in everyone - there are always genes from one or other parent that are more or less prominent - not only in respect of skin colour, but other physical features e.g. grandma cooing, " .. oh look, he's got his moms' eyes and his fathers nose". .... and a hundred other similar statements grandparents are likely to come out with ..

Edited by Maizefarmer
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Besides just looks there are genetic traits that reflect mannerisms and certain personalities as well. A son might look like his father but act like his mother. I remember reading about a case in the USA where a black man married a black woman whose grand father was white. The woman gave birth to what appeared to be a totally white child. There were a lot of accusations about infidelity until the woman demanded a paternity test which proved that the black husband was the father of the child.

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Sandra Laing is a famous example of a dark skinned baby born to white parents

As far as I know, two white parents can never have a truly black kid. Though the opposite is possible, two black parent can have a truly white kid. This is due to white beeing recesseive and hence if you look white you have only white genes. As black is dominant, you can have "supressed" white genes that will come to show if given to the kid from both parents. Same with blue eyes. Two parents with blue eyes can never have a kid with brown eyes, but opposite is common.

As for that Sandra Laing story, I dont buy it. Parents were NP members living in a small conservative town. No way they could admit the obvious. Paternity tests in the 60s? Give me a break. Even DNA is not 100% secure, and that was not available before late 80s.


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Sandra Laing is a famous example of a dark skinned baby born to white parents

As far as I know, two white parents can never have a truly black kid. Though the opposite is possible, two black parent can have a truly white kid. This is due to white beeing recesseive and hence if you look white you have only white genes. As black is dominant, you can have "supressed" white genes that will come to show if given to the kid from both parents. Same with blue eyes. Two parents with blue eyes can never have a kid with brown eyes, but opposite is common.

As for that Sandra Laing story, I dont buy it. Parents were NP members living in a small conservative town. No way they could admit the obvious. Paternity tests in the 60s? Give me a break. Even DNA is not 100% secure, and that was not available before late 80s.


make sense to me,

how can white parents have a black kid if they never have any black genes.

As for sandra Laing, appart from having a black skin she also have an african morphology, is it possible ?

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Sandra Laing is a famous example of a dark skinned baby born to white parents

As far as I know, two white parents can never have a truly black kid. Though the opposite is possible, two black parent can have a truly white kid. This is due to white beeing recesseive and hence if you look white you have only white genes. As black is dominant, you can have "supressed" white genes that will come to show if given to the kid from both parents. Same with blue eyes. Two parents with blue eyes can never have a kid with brown eyes, but opposite is common.

As for that Sandra Laing story, I dont buy it. Parents were NP members living in a small conservative town. No way they could admit the obvious. Paternity tests in the 60s? Give me a break. Even DNA is not 100% secure, and that was not available before late 80s.


How can white parents have a black kid - if they never have any black genes?

This ties in with the "African morpholgy" comment.

What you have to consider is how far back does one want to go on the family tree? As far as Sandra Laing is concerned (and its an interesting case only in so far as the media got their hands on it - it is by no means an isolated case) you just have to go back a few generations and you find pure African heritage in her family.

That African heritage gene passed through several generations as a recessive gene - then all of a sudden, in one of natures quirks, it reappeared quite dominantly when she was born, tough it remained recessive in her siblings. The gene also reappeared dominantly in her physical features (morphology).

So - how can 2 white parents have a "black" child? Go back into either parents history (far enough) and you are going to find black or African heritage - that can reappear at any stage in subsequent generations.

The longer the gene remains dormant (recessive), the "weaker" it becomes and the less likely it is to re-appear - but its always there, and reappear again at any time it can.

Edited by Maizefarmer
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There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.

The best research was on the genocide victims in Bosnia-- it was a rare opportunity to take genetic samples from a vast number of families.

They found well over 30% of the children were not of their father. There are many cuckolded men out there. In England, the law says the 'father' is to pay for their upkeep even if he divorces the mother. I suspect Thai law is rather differently constructed.

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There was research done in the US many years ago that showed something like 10% (thats a guess but it was a significant amount) of kids were not the child of the father whom they thought they were.

The best research was on the genocide victims in Bosnia-- it was a rare opportunity to take genetic samples from a vast number of families.

They found well over 30% of the children were not of their father. There are many cuckolded men out there. In England, the law says the 'father' is to pay for their upkeep even if he divorces the mother. I suspect Thai law is rather differently constructed.

The 30% hold true in most countries. Some DNA labs in England report up to 50%, but not a true representative sample as they are used in contested cases. The numbers are a little lower in other countries, but the poms are not known for fidelity :) . (Sorry no link it was a paper I read several years ago.)

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