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Soi Dogs Acting Aggressive


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I'd have to say most soi dogs haven't bothered me. But in the last week, there has been two incidents I've found frightening. I was exploring some side streets, when I came to a dead end. I simply turned around, walked the other way, and behind me heard a dog howling. It was a very ugly thing... and didn't think much of it, turned around, and kept walking... thinking "I could take it" if I needed to. Then, I heard a bunch of barks. Like 5 or so dogs came running towards me. My first instinct was to run away, but then I remembered "never run from a dog unless u want him to chase you do." So I stayed calm, and simply walked away. But the pack of dogs were running at me, baring their teeth, and way too close for comfort. Luckily, I didn't have to fight them.

Then, yesternight me n my girlfriend were walking home on a different street when the same thing happened. I made the mistake of staring at one of the dogs, and then a bunch of them came and started barking at us. They followed us a ways.

Now, here is my question.

What do you generally do to make sure these dogs

a) do not bite you

:) stay away!

And, if worse comes to worse, what can I have in my possession that is small and light weight which can fend them off? I thought of buying pepper spray and an extendable baton in my backpack. Are there places in Bangkok which sell these?

Thanks in advance for the replies! I am def. not a big dan of these soi dogs... I find them dangerous!

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You were exploring small side streets? Where do you think you are? You're lucky you weren't raped and murdered let alone bit by a few cuddly pups. I suggest you use more common sense and act more safe.

utter crap again from one of our self-appointed resident experts. do you suggest he stays home under the bed, or keeps to the saftey of nana?

as for the op, one of those collapsible spring loaded umbrellas usually makes an impression. picking something up and pretending to throw sometimes works, and then there is always pepper spray -- personally havent gone this route.

i used to live down a soi that was taken over by packs of roaming dogs at night, these usually worked. thankfully i have not had to deal with dogs for a while, except for a few evening forays on my mountainbike around the tobacco monopoly. now that is frightening.

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dogs were running at me, baring their teeth, and way too close for comfort. Luckily, I didn't have to fight them.

Turn around and bare your teeth right back at them, they are cowards and hate to be face to face.

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The ploy of bending down to pretend to pick up a rock usually works, and I’ve seen thais do it as well. Although if it doesn't work and there in no actual rock handy you're kinda screwed.

I know people who carry pepper spray, but never knew someone who used it. Seeing as I walk with a cane which is more like a baseball bat I am rarely troubled by soi dogs other than them barking as I pass. Also not being buddhist, I’d have no problem clubbing a soi dog (or someone’s pet dog too for that matter) dead on the spot if it became to aggressive.

As far as the poster who shall remain nameless but said you were lucky not to be raped or murdered, I say utter, complete, and total hogwash. I suggest they resume taking their anti-paranoia meds immediately, maybe double up on the dose for a while. That is; if they can come out from under the bed long enough.

In over 4 years here I've walked countless side streets, dead end sois, paths, etc, day or night, all over the Bangkok Metro area. NEVER once did I perceive anything remotely resembling danger from the plethora of thais around me. Sometimes drunk foreign tourists who were too full of themselves gave me a slight tingle, but I’d club them just as dead and as fast as I would a soi dog if I had to.

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dogs were running at me, baring their teeth, and way too close for comfort. Luckily, I didn't have to fight them.

Turn around and bare your teeth right back at them, they are cowards and hate to be face to face.

Thats just a standoff. you'll be baring your teeth for ages ;-) Attack is the best form of defence. Best to run towards them baring teeth and a Big Stick, Walking stick or 9 iron.

........ Unless they are rottweilers or dobermans etc..

Edited by jubby
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You were exploring small side streets? Where do you think you are? You're lucky you weren't raped and murdered let alone bit by a few cuddly pups. I suggest you use more common sense and act more safe.

Raped by soi dogs!!! something new to worry about.

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You were exploring small side streets? Where do you think you are? You're lucky you weren't raped and murdered let alone bit by a few cuddly pups. I suggest you use more common sense and act more safe.

Raped by soi dogs!!! something new to worry about.

Good one! I spit my somtum all over my screen.

I was being humourus by the way, but I do not make it a habit to explore side streets? Why would you do that exactly? Sticking to the bright lights and busy areas always seemed like the natural thing to want to do. Natural sense of self preservation, in any country.

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with a pack, some will always circle behind you to attack, make sure you don't let this happen, back towards a wall if you need to, then you need to remain confident and in control, walk towards the dogs and they will back away.

I get it quite often when i am walking my dogs, but i am pack leader and when they come towards me I will go towards them, they normally back off but it's important for you to learn what is an aggressive bark and what is a territorial bark before taking this action.

I also carry a stick when i walk the dogs and if any don't back off i hit them on the nose, they soon scurry away. My favourite however was outside my house when the neighbours rottweiller got aggressive and I had the electric tennis raquet mosquito killer in my hand and rapped the rottweiler on the end of the nose with that, then he became disinterested after the electric shock

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The collapsible baton is an excellent idea.

The big problem is if bitten, you then have to deal with the long course of rabies shots (10 times i believe at 500 baht a pop).

I would stand my ground and have absolutely no problem using a baton or any object on a dog that came too near.

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And, if worse comes to worse, what can I have in my possession that is small and light weight which can fend them off? I thought of buying pepper spray and an extendable baton in my backpack. Are there places in Bangkok which sell these?

Thanks in advance for the replies! I am def. not a big dan of these soi dogs... I find them dangerous!

Yes, but you need the baton to actually work, and you need the spray to spray. So you need to buy them from the police directly. Across the road from the Immigration Office in bangkok is the police store, in addition to the police uniforms, helmets, medals, you can buy the spray they use and the batons they use.

But one big suggestion from me. Buy a bottle of mineral water (6 bahts), empty it of water, fill it with around 15 1 baht coins and when the dogs come near you shake it once, violently. This really works. And costs you 21 bahts. In contrast the baton is around 600 bahts and the spray is 250 bahts. One further alternative is a BB gun...

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I always pretend to pick up a stone, and run at them pretending to throw it, up to now, they have always run off petrified, then they come back again, so I keep on doing it until they get fed up.

^ This one works a treat.

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Running 12 kms down various sois every day I also have this problem occassionaly.

The ones who bark aren't the ones you need to worry about, it's the ones who quietly turn around and growl as you walk past them you should be concerned with.

But anyway, what I do is turn around and face them and shout while I'm backing away until I spot a big stick at the side of the road, then I beat them with it.

Guaranteed they won't worry you again for a few months.

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but it's important for you to learn what is an aggressive bark and what is a territorial bark before taking this action.

whoof whoof snap snap


snap snap whooof whoooof

I aint sticking around a bunch of angry dogs to find out :D I do get your point though , Was watching animal planet with that shyco Lion tamer walking in between A 200kg lion and the lionesses and their cubs with nothing but a big stick in Africa, As soon as the lion would start to stare he would back away sloooowly although he could never outrun them. There was a safety vehicle close by though.....a convertible jeep :)

Edited by zorro1
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If you are able to prepare yourself a water pistol loaded with methylated Spirits will send them running it is method used by Australian postmen (sorry post people). The dog will take off and not make a sound, so could be good for a close nieghbours dog.

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But one big suggestion from me. Buy a bottle of mineral water (6 bahts), empty it of water, fill it with around 15 1 baht coins and when the dogs come near you shake it once, violently.

making such a noise in small side streets :) you have a big risk of attracting even more dangerous animals than soi dogs :D

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Instead of beating a soidog, why not give it a treat? If you do that a few times they'll start to like you and maybe even defend you if you get attacked by another soidog.

you are watching too much animals movies :)

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Gotta love animal planet.

It worked for me... but it wasn't in Thailand.

The house i rented was located in a small dead-end street, with 6 other houses. At the end of the street there was always a pack of streetdogs hanging around.

The first day i walked by they acted agressively and tried to bite me, i kicked two of them in the nose and they backed off. In that same week it happened again twice. So i thought that doesn't seem to work and changed strategy. I took some meat with me, next time they would act agressively towards me i'd just throw some meat on the ground. After a few days they stopped acting agressively towards me.

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I've given this some thought before as mean looking mangy dogs have chased me on my bicycle and I was nipped on the ankle once by a dog I thought was sleeping. What about a compressed gas hand held foghorn as used by recreational boaters? I would think a direct short shot of ear piercing noise would deter them.

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I carry a cigarette lighter with me when strolling the moo baan at night. If stray dogs approach, I simply fire the lighter and they will back off. The old animal instinctive fear of fire still works.

Edited by trogers
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I always pretend to pick up a stone, and run at them pretending to throw it, up to now, they have always run off petrified, then they come back again, so I keep on doing it until they get fed up.

This one has worked 100% of the time for me too. My Thai partner schooled me on this one and he says the secret to this trick is to do it quickly. (Shock and Awe) When it becomes apparent that the dogs are being sketchy, as quickly as you can reach down and grab a rock (real or imagined) and throw it overhand immediately without pause. Don't give them the opportunity to think about whether you're serious about your offensive or if you've really got a rock. They always seem to assume the rock is coming if you surprise them. And be ready immediately with a real projectile to send after them as they retreat to dissuade any second thoughts on their part.

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I've given this some thought before as mean looking mangy dogs have chased me on my bicycle and I was nipped on the ankle once by a dog I thought was sleeping. What about a compressed gas hand held foghorn as used by recreational boaters? I would think a direct short shot of ear piercing noise would deter them.

:) Excellent suggestion! If you have never heard one these things go off at close range believe me when I say, this will definitely have the hounds headin' for the hills :D

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I always pretend to pick up a stone, and run at them pretending to throw it, up to now, they have always run off petrified, then they come back again, so I keep on doing it until they get fed up.

This one has worked 100% of the time for me too. My Thai partner schooled me on this one and he says the secret to this trick is to do it quickly. (Shock and Awe) When it becomes apparent that the dogs are being sketchy, as quickly as you can reach down and grab a rock (real or imagined) and throw it overhand immediately without pause. Don't give them the opportunity to think about whether you're serious about your offensive or if you've really got a rock. They always seem to assume the rock is coming if you surprise them. And be ready immediately with a real projectile to send after them as they retreat to dissuade any second thoughts on their part.

NEVER EVER just pretend to do it. Just do it. if there are rocks around, take a rock and throw it as hard as you can at them. do that all the time.

only this way the whole think works out or what you thing how these dogs know that it is better to keep distance. that is no natural instinct but conditioning. the dog knows and fears it because other people throw rocks at them and hurt them. if there are to many pretenders the effect will wear off and no dog is no more impressed by a human pretending to grabbing a stone.

move into a muslim neighborhood, no soi dogs.

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In the states people at cattle auctions use an electric (4000 volt), fiberglass prod to move some of the animals. A 1 meter cattle prod would also be good walking stick. It would also work equally well on a drunk and unruley Somchai. :)

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