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Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer


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Okay ... Yes a lot of users have encountered problems with Maxnet of late, whether they are indy or premier customers.

I have had numerous connectivity issues for 14 days (coincidentally since a local link went down 9.25 PM Sat 20th June). Slow loads inside and outside Thailand, cannot find page, line drops and disconnections etc.

I have had 3 engineer visits and one remote enginneer online (teamviewer), 9 X 1103 phone calls ...still the same.

Plumski in 'Maxnet DNS' thread (post 37) was told on 1st July that the internet would be fixed on 9th July.

I was told by a woman from the Phetchaburi branch (032 440013) at 12.46 today: "mii banhaa tuk tuk thii, ja gare banhaa ik song sapdaa"

"There is a problem everywhere and the internet will be fixed in 2 weeks." :)

So there's your answer, it seems we are all running around in circles of late and so there are probably no fixes that we can do ourselves if our beloved internet provider is buggered and knows it too.

My reply and should be yours too: I am refusing to pay them this month. Their service... is well... in a word 'excrement' :D .

Anybody else been told this or another 'future date' ?? LOL

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Well, I have waited 9 or so hours too for a reply from my local branch manager to talk about the bill this month ...you guessed it ...no call back lol.

Also tried 'Webfacts' tip of dnsadvantage.com again for 3 hours tonight and no difference for me, but for others: try it as some say it has improved their lot. Change DNS to and

P.S. Only 2 mins to log in to ThaiVisa and 3 page refreshers to add a reply. Mmm. Time to watch the telly and give up on this LOL.

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Well, I have waited 9 or so hours too for a reply from my local branch manager to talk about the bill this month ...you guessed it ...no call back lol.

Also tried 'Webfacts' tip of dnsadvantage.com again for 3 hours tonight and no difference for me, but for others: try it as some say it has improved their lot. Change DNS to and

P.S. Only 2 mins to log in to ThaiVisa and 3 page refreshers to add a reply. Mmm. Time to watch the telly and give up on this LOL.

Well, after reading your last post I tend to suspect something is wrong with your installation.

Can you revert your system back to a day when it was working like a charm and then try with the new DNS settings?

I've got the impression some wrong firewall/AV might cause your headache.

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Yes Webfact, I have also tried a 'system restore' back to 14th June (before latest round of probs) when it was good. This made no difference so undone this.

I've also tried last week switching off firewall (only for 30 mins thou as its a bit scary eh) and made no difference.

However, Webfact ...after watching the telly last night, I fired up the comp around 1.45 Am to 3.00 AM and was like lightening and downloading super quick etc.

The Engineers also checked my comp and router and plugged in their own comp and router here last Wednesday and they had the same results : No good too !

Right now, no good again.

So, It must just come down to traffic, oversubscription, or deliberate manipulation. I tend to feel though that their infrastructure is unable to cope with the amount of users, and thus 'will be fixed' ...they keep mumbling on about 'lines' and 'systems'.

Like I said before, they know they have a problem and "IN 2 WEEKS" it will be fixed, Mmm LOL LOL LOL

Just out of interest for Webfact: When the engineer did his 'teamviewer' remote thing last Sunday for an hour, most of his activity was punching in alternate DNS's ... may lead you to think therein lies the problem or they know that is the problem ..err or not. ??

I'm no teccy but I suppose I have learnt a bit this year through the need to ....waiting with bated breath once more.

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Phoned Maxnut and got told the international gateway was broken and would not be fixed for 2 weeks.

I am using open DNS and have checked everything else.

Note to people reading............ do not change your equipment etc. it is a maxnut problem not yours, i would and read this forum for updates on the service.

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Yes Webfact, I have also tried a 'system restore' back to 14th June (before latest round of probs) when it was good. This made no difference so undone this.

I've also tried last week switching off firewall (only for 30 mins thou as its a bit scary eh) and made no difference.

However, Webfact ...after watching the telly last night, I fired up the comp around 1.45 Am to 3.00 AM and was like lightening and downloading super quick etc.

The Engineers also checked my comp and router and plugged in their own comp and router here last Wednesday and they had the same results : No good too !

Right now, no good again.

So, It must just come down to traffic, oversubscription, or deliberate manipulation. I tend to feel though that their infrastructure is unable to cope with the amount of users, and thus 'will be fixed' ...they keep mumbling on about 'lines' and 'systems'.

Like I said before, they know they have a problem and "IN 2 WEEKS" it will be fixed, Mmm LOL LOL LOL

Just out of interest for Webfact: When the engineer did his 'teamviewer' remote thing last Sunday for an hour, most of his activity was punching in alternate DNS's ... may lead you to think therein lies the problem or they know that is the problem ..err or not. ??

I'm no teccy but I suppose I have learnt a bit this year through the need to ....waiting with bated breath once more.

well observed, 2 weeks time... in my understanding does it mean "we ain't know any date". From my knowledge in dealing with Thai ISPs I trust your provider can't admit that their hardware is indeed cra_p and they will seek for a solution in that very moment hundreds of customers will complain about (at least 60% must be Thai customers...). That would be my guess. But to be frank, I faced a similar problem with another provider last year. After countless "investigations" where almost every "engineer" must have been involved, they came up with the conclusion, that the land line was indeed the culprit + the port in the telephone exchange.

Good luck - I am sorry I can't do more.

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I changed the DNS number thingy, as advised in the other thread & it improved the problem with pages NOT loading but the speed of it all is still pathetic.

I will be complaining & bitching about payment too, its already been over a week like this & if it goes on as suggest for another 2 weeks or longer, I will refuse to pay.

The old saying (or song) "Don't pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side" springs to mind.

& then the theory, "You only get what you pay for" springs to mind as well. :) Internet is CHEAP in thailand, might be one reason its complete TRASH.

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LOL ...thx for your help Webfact ..your the man! Yup the 'two weeks' could be a fob off (I think they are sick of me ranting at them LOL)

Andyman: told 'int. gateway broken', Mmm someone must have dropped it, should be renamed 'int. rusty farmgate'. But hey, if that is the problem, the Maxnet answer, how is it I had no problems in the wee hours of the night (1.45-3.00 Am)??? Mmm.

Neverdie: Don't pay them, even if you think its cheap, we are all paying for a 'promised' 24/7 service which is not the case. I'm not and if they cut me off ..so be it ...I've had enough of the 'Maxexcrement experience'.

Good luck to all and your 1103 calls.

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I heard a rumor yesterday that TT&T/Maxnet was bankrupt and Jasmin Internet is in the process of picking up the loose ends. Haven't been able to get it confirmed anywhere though... This supposedly should be the reason people are being called up and ask to "re-signup" for their Internet service as reported by several...

Edited by Phil Conners
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I heard a rumor yesterday that TT&T/Maxnet was bankrupt and Jasmin Internet is in the process of picking up the loose ends. Haven't been able to get it confirmed anywhere though... This supposedly should be the reason people are being called up and ask to "re-signup" for their Internet service as reported by several...

My brother in law is manager of internet services in the north, he told that the problem is that the company managing of TT&T is in the process of being removed from it's responsibilities while the major shareholder wants to take over management of TT&T. This has now become a political struggle as the managing company does not want to leave it's role. This is causing a lot of insecurity among staff and problems in their corporate structure. So untill these problems are resolved things will not improve.

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I heard a rumor yesterday that TT&T/Maxnet was bankrupt and Jasmin Internet is in the process of picking up the loose ends. Haven't been able to get it confirmed anywhere though... This supposedly should be the reason people are being called up and ask to "re-signup" for their Internet service as reported by several...

My brother in law is manager of internet services in the north, he told that the problem is that the company managing of TT&T is in the process of being removed from it's responsibilities while the major shareholder wants to take over management of TT&T. This has now become a political struggle as the managing company does not want to leave it's role. This is causing a lot of insecurity among staff and problems in their corporate structure. So untill these problems are resolved things will not improve.

...an let the customer suffer! What an attitude! :)

Do they really care? The answer seems to be NO.

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Yeah they are going to get a real tune up from me about this.

This morning early I was getting nearly full download and upload speeds and my pinging problem was @ 27ms.

Just did another one....check out these smashing results:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 127 kbps (15.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 22 kbps (2.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 6963 ms

Sunday, 5 July 2009 2:07:11 PM

....and they think I am going to pay for this service, do they?

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My brother in law is manager of internet services in the north, he told that the problem is that the company managing of TT&T is in the process of being removed from it's responsibilities while the major shareholder wants to take over management of TT&T. This has now become a political struggle as the managing company does not want to leave it's role. This is causing a lot of insecurity among staff and problems in their corporate structure. So untill these problems are resolved things will not improve.

^Oh dear ! My '2 weeks' , Andyman's 'farmgate broken' and Plumski's '9th July it fix good' is looking more and more like a fob off to stop us ringing da 1103.

Strangely enough, my bill payment is due on the 11th and normally recieve this around the 2nd of month ....No bill has come, but then also ... I didn't sign the so called 'new contract'. Mmm I fear I will 'disappear' and so be it LOL.

Yep as Webfact has pointed out and I'll second that: 'Do they really care? Nope'. But at the moment, why should they, if all the staff members' worries are focussed on whether they have a job tomorrow or not?

Maxexcrement is in such a mess at the moment ...but yes, you and me 'the customer' suffers for this. As a result, I fear this garbage service is going to go on much much longer than our anticipated 'fob off' timelines. :)

P.S. Neverdie: Nowhere near as bad as you, but my Internet is only truely useable between @1.30 Am and 9.30 AM ...Mmm usually I'm in bed along with everyone else ..Thai and Faalaaaang ! ...Neverdie- Refuse to pay, I have !

Good luck all and your 1103 calls. Anyone else out there with a future date/excuse ??

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Yup neverdie, not the end of the world for sure. Anyone out there tried the Hutch Sticks? 999 baht a month? Any good?? I'm limited on my options of alternate providers here TY.

Uur ..okay its 'peakish time' now ...wow wicked upload (as usual)


But Bangkok .... that looks good eh! (spot on stuff)


But hey ...let's go to London, bit better than San fran, but ...don't look too impressive, does it?


And quickly back to the U.S. on the East coast ...wicked upload (as usual)


Finally, let's go the other way to down under ...Mmm, bit like London


So, there you have it ...16 days ago U.S. same servers were 1.5-2MB down, .20- .28 up, ping 250-280. This was ok and useable, Mmm, now it's not. Am I looking in the wrong direction or am I missing something here teccy's??

I just wanna use the WWW please Maxnet ...any chance? LOL

Oh sry ..I must edit and put this in ..and the winner is (drum roll) Las Vegas ! My best result yet LOL


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^ Thx Webfact, your the man! I finally did the 'linequality' thing (have to sign up 1st to use so sry for delay). But WF and others, I'm sorry I'm no teccy and thus cannot interpret the data that well. Please look at my result on the following link and please anyone give your opinion on this.

http://www.dslreports.com/linequality/nil/2538986 (if yer canny click on it ..copy and paste ..sorry!)

It does say 'pass' so I reckon it's ok?? but a bit confused as to the '???' ones with 100% loss and a 'maxnet' losing packets as well.

Please fill in the blanks for me .... Thanks You You You. :)

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Non - peak time. Mmm ...well close to it anyhowz :D

San fran ...whoooah get on !!! Ooooh sexy ping and DL UL from around the world !!!


But there was me getting excited in my 'off peak' moment. Bye bye LA


But hey ..errr. washington is on the up err ..any good ???


Boom boom!! What a mixed bag ... compare this to two'ish hours ago ...and B4 you say it ..yes, i'm on the same IP address and have not done nothing to comp.

Come on you max people ..sort it please please, with sugar on top.... let's have those San Fran lastest 24/7 eh !! :D:D:)

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Well, here we are at 1.30 Am plus, the magic cut off point of 'too many users on line'. I have made no changes to my comp, settings, IP address, or basically anything else you can think of.

Total connectivity and no probs ...super downloads, P2P across the world fine, facebook fine, google fine, hotmail fine, thaivisa fine, well EVERYTHING FINE .... just fine, fine, and urr fine.

Theory 1: too many subscribers to maxnet and thus 'off peak' is fine.

Theory 2: Somebody is flicking a switch at 1.30, but that would be conspiracy theory/paranoia.

Int. gateway broken? BS. BS, and some more BS.

Nope, Nope, Nope ... Use some logic here ...what does it all tell you you you ?

So, everybody, including myself, stop messing around with your comp. and accept that we are in the process of being 'shafted' and there is nothing you you you can do other than tell our beloved provider that you you you ain't gonnee pay da bill.

To put it in polite terms: Eff em !! that's as polite as I feel.

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This has now become a political struggle as the managing company does not want to leave it's role. This is causing a lot of insecurity among staff and problems in their corporate structure. So untill these problems are resolved things will not improve.

I quoted from another post in this thread and I try to "translate" that:

Right now they give a 5hit about your connection because they have an internal problem and this is more important to them than any customer care! They need to secure their daily bread!

I wonder if anyone was giving the "advise" - 'if you don't like our service you are free to change to another provider...' What are the alternatives? CAT, TOT?

Yesterday I learnt from a friend of mine True should be available next year within the TT&T Maxnet areas.

But IMHO the Max staff can't be blamed for all this mess caused because they MUST follow orders given by their superiors. Most of Thai staff will never dare to disagree with its superiors 'orders'.

I've learnt that in over 20y collaboration with Thai workforce.

@YOUYOUYOU - that that test indicates your "line" is very ok and capable to send/receive ADSL signal.

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^ Thx again Webfact and thanks for the assurance of the test that it is ok.

Lol pulled an all-nighter and played on my fave site in Vegas ... From around 1.40am: No disconnections, spot on connectivity, untill exactly 9.32 AM. No router restarts, no nothing ....aaahh the bliss of it.

I dunno, it just seems like 'someone' is flicking a switch @1.30am then again at 9.30am, giving us poor customers 8 hours of what the internet should be and then 16 hours of garbage.

I'm saying this as it is so strangely consistent with these times, time and time again. Can't just be coincidence that the 'traffic' suddenly picks up at 9.30am everyday even on a government holiday as today, can it???

So again, forget the fixes at mo' unless someone has a 'magic fix' for 2/3 of the day when we are all awake.

Please post here, if you have had similar to this ....would be nice to know that i'm not just ma..ma...ma...maaaaad !

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The issues I was having with DNS have now gone since 1-2 days, websites load as normal. I didn't change any settings either.

However my ping is not normal and very slow, resulting in awful lag in online games I have been playing since 1 year where I would normally never have issues.

This sucks.

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Me Indy ..(think I've pointed that out already, yeah??)

Phils Pattaya figs do look saddening considering it's Premier. :D

^Devil, if you can stay awake ...try your online game between 1.30am and 9.30 ...and report back as to how its like.

The more I think about this ...I am inclined to feel that: YES, they are 'flicking the switch' at 9.30am to 'garbage setting' but I reckon for Indy users only. They could be doing this as a 'temporary fix' as they probably had a 'post-rush' of new users signing up for the new 3MB indy introduced beginning April, and others like me who were bumped up from 2MB to 3MB,which overloaded their existing infrastructure; a 'quick fix' but not long term solution. Furthermore, this 'overload' has not protected the Premier users completely and thus has had an impact on some but not others. Thus, these '2 weeks it fixed Maxnet answers' maybe true if they now realise they must update.

"It's just my opinion and not based on comp teccy stuff ..just plain logic"

Some other observations for the teccy's: I get 4 start IP's 112,114,117,222.

April 1st to early May, could only access Int. sites ok on 222 ...thus router restarts until I got lucky. Why was that? Then briefly, this condition changed to being 117 ...Mmm.

Early may to June 19th ... can use all Ip's but seemed to be better on 117 and 222, but no major probs day or night.

June 20th (My Maxexcrement D-day) to now: Well as you've read and the IP's 112,114,117, 222 don't appear to be any different and all apply to the 'flicking the switch' rule.

Right now (and I've restarted the router over 30 times) can only get 112 and it's hopeless. But this could be a 'positive sign' that an engineer/s are doing something right now ..Waiting with baited breath once again. :)

Oh well, just to keep San Francisco happy ...here's another smashing result not so long ago.


If I'm awake at 1.30am ..I'll try San Fran again and let's see what the 'ping' is. (if I'm awake)

Come on teccy's put yer cents worth in and anyone with some new Maxnet answer dates and excuses. YYY

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