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Swine Flu Is In Chiang Rai


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One of my afternoon students in language school is a nurse at Chiang Rai General Hospital. She said that they were treating 10 cases of Swine flu in Chiang Rai (I stress this is unconfirmed). One of the patients was a student fron Samakee School. Yesterday there was something of a panic when many fellow students descended on the hospital.

It is not necessary to go to the doctor unless there are complications, I think the Thais will not pay heed to this advice as they head for the doc at the first sniffle or twinge. Recently my 12 year old stepson said he had stomachache and within a few minutes Mrs. Lman whisked him off to the doc to be filled with pills. The mind boggles to think what they will do when the flu strikes.

The nurse handed a bottle of disinfectant handwash around the class! and one girl insisted on not sitting nearer than 2 meters from anyone else!

For swine flu - just get a bottle of Paracetamol in and stay home if and when it hits.

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About 2 weeks ago the director at the school I work out was told by the local ministry of education about numerous cases at a number of different schools in CR inc samerkee and wittayakom (excuse the spelling) and we had health officials drop in and show the kids how to wear a face mask and wash their hands!!!

The British government recently said there could be 100,000 new cases every day there. Good advice from the man from lanna, lots of water and paracetamol if you do get it.

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I was reading an article about the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and they thought that the high fatality rate may have been caused by the introduction of Aspirin shortly before. Their thinking was the aspirin lowered the patients temperature which made them feel better but actually allowed the virus to multiply. Something to think about.

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One of my afternoon students in language school is a nurse at Chiang Rai General Hospital. She said that they were treating 10 cases of Swine flu in Chiang Rai (I stress this is unconfirmed). One of the patients was a student fron Samakee School. Yesterday there was something of a panic when many fellow students descended on the hospital.

It is not necessary to go to the doctor unless there are complications, I think the Thais will not pay heed to this advice as they head for the doc at the first sniffle or twinge. Recently my 12 year old stepson said he had stomachache and within a few minutes Mrs. Lman whisked him off to the doc to be filled with pills. The mind boggles to think what they will do when the flu strikes.

The nurse handed a bottle of disinfectant handwash around the class! and one girl insisted on not sitting nearer than 2 meters from anyone else!

For swine flu - just get a bottle of Paracetamol in and stay home if and when it hits.

My daughter told me already, she said it was because some students went to see a concert in Bangkok or Phuket or somewhere (forgot where but place is irrelevant) and came back with the 2009-flu

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locals are saying first death in chiang rai of swine flu..In den ha..Saw the party(not really a party but celebration of life) Near to Ampai school..Only hear say but would not suprise me...heard before from doctor at Sciberin that there is no Tami flu in Chiang rai...Please do not shoot the messenger.The person was a young man ..all I know..

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locals are saying first death in chiang rai of swine flu..In den ha..Saw the party(not really a party but celebration of life) Near to Ampai school..Only hear say but would not suprise me...heard before from doctor at Sciberin that there is no Tami flu in Chiang rai...Please do not shoot the messenger.The person was a young man ..all I know..

What I heard David is that he was 35 and suffocated (bronchial spasm?).

It is Kasemrad Sriburin, one out of a chain.

As Lannaman said: drink a lot of water, preferably not cold, and take paracetamol.

In case!

Limbo :)

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Some of my students are sporting face masks, the latest fashion accessory it seems. Mainly they are worn very loosely allowing plenty of airspace between face and masks the the naughty little piggy viruses to enter the nose! :)

I gather some schools are closing down. Judging by the number of parents and kids packing into the restaurants in the centre of town and BigC yesterday then this is really quite ridiculous and totally unnecessary. :D

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I was in Kasemrad Sriburin Hospital today and one of the doctors told me

Swine flu has been in Mae Fae Luang University for over a week now

and there is 5000(she did say 5000) cases of it in Chiangrai that they know of,I dont know

if this is correct or not,


Edited by halfhead
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The government in their wisdom has decided today to suspend reports on deaths and also on the number of confirmed cases stating it causes confusion. I guess they feel more secure keeping the populous in the dark with only lies rumors and disinformation to go on. They have also suspended a-h1n1 testing for the general population, which most had to pay for out of pocket, instead ordering only tests for severe cases as it's overwhelmed the laboratories. They will however issue vaccine to themselves, although the general population is on it's own.

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