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Meals On Wheels 4u - Delivery - Is A Sponsor

Ulysses G.

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A lot of the restauarants on Meals on Wheels are mentioned on TV all of the time, but some are not.

The Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and French places are not mentioned a lot and I would like to know more about Da Mattia Italian - it seems more expensive than most. Is it worth it?

Hinlay Currie House has been mentioned in a favorable manner before and so has West. Anyone have any more imput on them?

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I just tried an order from Hinlay Currie House and it was good, but not any better than Royal India - my usual Indian place.

All of the packaging was well done and although my guess is that you would have gotten bigger portions at the restaurant, I got fairly full on a 250 baht meal (320 with delivery charge). One chicken curry, two vegetable curries, yellow rice and roti bread. The Chicken Tikka Masala was unusually good.

My only complaint was the raita used somewhat sweet yogurt with almost no veggies and I would warn everyone to avoid it. I did not like it at all.

I much prefer eating at restaurants, but with Meals on Wheels, I can try places that are not convienient and see if I am willing to go out of my way to eat there.

Thanks Mike for a great new service!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I just tried an order from Hinlay Currie House and it was good, but not any better than Royal India - my usual Indian place.

All of the packaging was well done and although my guess is that you would have gotten bigger portions at the restaurant, I got fairly full on a 250 baht meal (320 with delivery charge). One chicken curry, two vegetable curries, yellow rice and roti bread. The Chicken Tikka Masala was unusually good.

My only complaint was the raita used somewhat sweet yogurt with almost no veggies and I would warn everyone to avoid it. I did not like it at all.

I much prefer eating at restaurants, but with Meals on Wheels, I can try places that are not convienient and see if I am willing to go out of my way to eat there.

Thanks Mike for a great new service!

One chicken curry, two vegetable curries, yellow rice and roti bread got you just "fairly full"? Good lord, UG, please accompany me to my next buffet meal so that we may even out the unfair advantage restaurants have over me when it comes to buffets!

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It is hard to give your true opinion about restaurants without being overly critical, but as huge as I am, I do not usually eat giant portions. I was trying not to complain, but I think that almost anyone would have ended up "fairly full" at most. The dal was about a fourth of the size I usually get at the Royal India in a set dinner (Thali) as was the yellow rice. The Chicken Tikka Masala was unusually good, but just a few mouthfuls. My guess is that if one went to Hinlay, the portions would have been much bigger.

IMHO, It was just enough food for most people and a big eater would have had to order more.

I am always more than stuffed when I get the 100 baht veggie Thali at the Royal India if that tells you anything. :)

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I asked Mike already from the beginning to be able to give restaurant experiences on his website. I know it is hard programming but it really would help a lot I think.

And it would the problem of people who get annoyed on this forum with the revieuws :)

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Most of my meals are from Meals on Wheels4u. I have been impressed with the delivery service and also Mike. He is very helpful. I had about 6 curries from Hinlay curry house. I thought the stuff was delicious, but very small portions.It is very cheap at 50 baht. If he were to charge a bit more, I would say fine if the portions were bigger. Everything is packaged nicely except from El Torro, but their food is crap anyway. The best food I havehad has been from Bake & Bite, A Taste of Heaven, New Delhi, and The Dukes and Chiang Mai Saloon.

I want to thank Mike for his excellent service :)

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Thanks guys for the compliments. I printed this of and showed it to the drivers and they were chuffed (as I'm normally bugging them).

I have a few more ideas to implement and the 'Customer Reviews' is something which will be added on but I just need a bit more time as I'm trying to do so many things at once.

Cheers again for the support and always feel free to ask me for anything in particular or what feedback I have from customers.

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huge as I am

Never met you Ug, but you've got me wondering now. Spotted this chap walking into town the other day, he looks American.


Reckon he might not be too happy with the size of the portions at the Hinlay either :)

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I am always more than stuffed when I get the 100 baht veggie Thali at the Royal India if that tells you anything. :)

In that case, you won't be much help at evening out the odds at a buffet. The Royal India Veg Thali is about what I can handle, although it always leaves me just a little overfull.

I agree that a rating system at MOW4U would help with those difficult decisions on what to order when presented with menus galore. A simple initial low tech way to implement it would be for Mike to simply request clients to call him back after a meal to offer a rating which he then averages out (after say ten ratings) and sticks an appropriate number of stars next to a restaurant name.

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I am always more than stuffed when I get the 100 baht veggie Thali at the Royal India if that tells you anything. :)

In that case, you won't be much help at evening out the odds at a buffet. The Royal India Veg Thali is about what I can handle, although it always leaves me just a little overfull.

I agree that a rating system at MOW4U would help with those difficult decisions on what to order when presented with menus galore. A simple initial low tech way to implement it would be for Mike to simply request clients to call him back after a meal to offer a rating which he then averages out (after say ten ratings) and sticks an appropriate number of stars next to a restaurant name.

i reckon mike might have enough going on with fielding and placing orders without acting as a feedback forum as well. something like surveymonkey might be useful though.

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I am always more than stuffed when I get the 100 baht veggie Thali at the Royal India if that tells you anything. :)

In that case, you won't be much help at evening out the odds at a buffet. The Royal India Veg Thali is about what I can handle, although it always leaves me just a little overfull.

I agree that a rating system at MOW4U would help with those difficult decisions on what to order when presented with menus galore. A simple initial low tech way to implement it would be for Mike to simply request clients to call him back after a meal to offer a rating which he then averages out (after say ten ratings) and sticks an appropriate number of stars next to a restaurant name.

The issue would seem to be that any restaurant that doesn't get 5 or nearly 5 stars is going to consider pulling itself from the site and at the very least waste a lot of Mike's time complaining. His business isn't an internet restaurant site but a delivery site that wants as many restaurants signed up as possible with as light an administrative burden per restaurant as can be achieved.

Comments would be impossible as he'd need full time moderation. Never underestimate the power or ubiquity of OCD lunatics on the internet.

BTW I'd also add that Mike goes above and beyond to be helpful and his service has never been anything short of exemplary

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The issue would seem to be that any restaurant that doesn't get 5 or nearly 5 stars is going to consider pulling itself from the site and at the very least waste a lot of Mike's time complaining. His business isn't an internet restaurant site but a delivery site that wants as many restaurants signed up as possible with as light an administrative burden per restaurant as can be achieved.

Comments would be impossible as he'd need full time moderation. Never underestimate the power or ubiquity of OCD lunatics on the internet.

BTW I'd also add that Mike goes above and beyond to be helpful and his service has never been anything short of exemplary

sensible post, spot on last line and middle paragraph particularly apt.

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I am always more than stuffed when I get the 100 baht veggie Thali at the Royal India if that tells you anything. :)

In that case, you won't be much help at evening out the odds at a buffet. The Royal India Veg Thali is about what I can handle, although it always leaves me just a little overfull.

I agree that a rating system at MOW4U would help with those difficult decisions on what to order when presented with menus galore. A simple initial low tech way to implement it would be for Mike to simply request clients to call him back after a meal to offer a rating which he then averages out (after say ten ratings) and sticks an appropriate number of stars next to a restaurant name.

If a restaurant starts getting minimum stars against their food they might not want to participate with MOW4U anymore and Mike would lose business, not a good idea from his angle. He's just a delivery service (and a good one) not the Michelin Man or Jamie Oliver. I think when people go to most restaurants, it's just a case of 'suck it and see' and if you don't like the food, then don't order from there anymore. There are no iron clad safeguards even with restaurants that have 5 stars, just accept the loss and try somewhere or something else...after all 'one mans meat is another mans'...... etc etc'.

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huge as I am

Never met you Ug, but you've got me wondering now. Spotted this chap walking into town the other day, he looks American.


Reckon he might not be too happy with the size of the portions at the Hinlay either :D

I was of "normal" weight or extremely fit until I got rheumatoid arthritis when I was 25 years old, when I was a complete fitness nut eating mostly whole foods and very little meat. I still stayed thin until I moved to Thailand and went through a period of time that I was in too much pain to continue my daily runs and other exercise and I slowly started to balloon up to where I am now.

I have tried a million diets and have done exercise for arthritics daily for years now - even though I don't eat huge amounts of food - but I just can't lose weight for more than short periods of time.

I find it interesting that so many people feel so secure that they will never get fat and think that they have the right to laugh at fat people. There are so many around and obesity has grown and grown in our generation to the point that you would think that folks might realize that they very well might end up that way themselves, or at least be so used to it that they are bored, rather than amused.

I try not to get too serious about the whole issue, as so far, it has not hurt my life or hurt my health any more, but I am constantly amazed at how insensitive so many people are that might very well be the same size as me in another 10 years or get struck with some other terrible disease.

Just remember, that fat slob that you are laughing at, could easily be you or your husband or wife or child some day. :)

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Well I wasn't laughing at him Ug, even if I was trying to inject a gentle touch of humour. Clearly a medical condition inducing obesity is as sad and unfortunate as any other long-term illness. As I understand it, the evidence leans towards the vast majority of people who are overweight today having reached this condition through lifestyle alone.

I have to say though that the portions at the Hinlay would do me just fine, and there may even be some left over for breakfast...

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I understand what you are saying UG and I sympathise. Before i came to Thailand I was a gym fanatic, did weight training, ran 8k usually each day, and had a lot of lean muscle. I was actually underweight at that time, but as i burned so many calories it wasnt easy to keep weight on. After several months of living here (and still keeping up with my fitness) I was hit with an illness and had no idea what was going on. Suddenly I had no energy and my weight dramatically climed up in a very short period of time, even though I wasnt eating differently. After many many months of incorrect meds and diagnosis I finally was diagnosed correctly as having Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I now take a hormone supplement and, so long as i have a regular check up, my weight is much more stable. But, for a while there I was shocked how quickly my body put on weight and how weak i was. I gained around 12kg in a very short period of time, which did drop off after the thryoid level was more stable. Although im not in the same shape as before, im working on it. Im just lucky that with a little pill my thyroid can be stablised..some people are just not as lucky. Unfortunately people often dont think in those terms and can be quite cruel.

edit: Oh wedders, just to say, my comment about people being cruel wasnt meant to be a dig at you.

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I don't want to make too big a thing about this, but how would you like to be surfing the net and see a picture of yourself with the inference that you are fat or ugly or something along those lines? That poor guy was just sitting there doing nothing and now he is on Thai Visa representing all fat people. It would certainly hurt most people's feelings.

By the way, have you ever ordered food delivered from Hinlay? Ajarn was of the same opinion as me - small portions.

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Once again, there was nothing in my original post that suggested anything other than a touch of humour. It is pretty well accepted that certain aspects of lifestyle are responsible for increasing mean weights over the years, an effect that is pretty universal, even if manifesting itself mainly in the prosperous West at the outset.

Had a gentle jibe been aimed at skinny folk (I am one), I wouldn't have taken offence, but there you go.

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Interesting, the difference between senses of humour. The Brits indulge more in the self-critical kind I know. Anyway if my post genuinely offends despite the intent (by the way there was no suggestion that he was "ugly" Ug, just big), then I would be happy to remove it. As I said, post a pic of a skinny guy on the web, and I certainly wouldn't be up in arms about it.

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But, for a while there I was shocked how quickly my body put on weight and how weak i was. I gained around 12kg in a very short period of time, which did drop off after the thryoid level was more stable. Although im not in the same shape as before, im working on it. Im just lucky that with a little pill my thyroid can be stablised..some people are just not as lucky. Unfortunately people often dont think in those terms and can be quite cruel.

This is the point that I am trying to make. When we see someone who is fat, we don't know if they have a medical problem or a slow metabolism or take medication that makes them gain weight.

There are also many theories now that obesity is some kind of a disease caused by some sort of virus and can be impossible to control.

I don't know about other people, but I actually rather be fat than starving and angry all of the time. :)

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Interesting, the difference between senses of humour. The Brits indulge more in the self-critical kind I know. Anyway if my post genuinely offends despite the intent (by the way there was no suggestion that he was "ugly" Ug, just big), then I would be happy to remove it. As I said, post a pic of a skinny guy on the web, and I certainly wouldn't be up in arms about it.

Sorry, I never meant to suggest that you were trying to be cruel. I don't think that you were, but the first thing I thought is how the fellow would feel if he happened to be looking at Thai Visa.

You were polite enough to not show his face, but I would imagine that most people who know him well would recognize his body type, clothes and facial hair.

I know that you did not mean a lot by it, but some people do. It just reminded me of how nasty and how vicious some people can be.

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Ug, as I said I would be happy to delete the photo if it offends. But as you copied it into your own post, there's little point.

I don't know about other people, but I actually rather be fat than starving and angry all of the time.

Great - then let's all not be angry together, skinny and large. If you like I'll post a pic of my legs and you can make a little fun of me too :)

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I am not a big fan of Italian style food that use ketchup as tomato sauce.

Da Mattia is awesome. Taste like the real deal. I had pasta with Tuna Roe in the other day. Could not have done better.

The guy is skillful chef pizza was excellent also. Only thing is a bit expensive.

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