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whether we like it or not prostitution is here to stay. Until the govt improves the economic position for all Thai(s) by providing good jobs then the situation will never change. I dare say even when that happens you are still going to have an industry for prostitution.

Under these circumstances, the best thing to do is legalize it. Everywhere it has taken place and become legal, then it becomes a better situation for everyone except those who have religious or moral issues with it.

As for the issue of minors being involved, this is reprehensible. No more, no less. Severe penalties should be put into law, and those in violation should be fully exposed to those penalties. I don't think these laws would have any expect on the supply side. People who still sell their daughters are going to continue to do so. But what it would do is make people think twice before generating the demand.

On the other hand, when one tab of a controlled substance can get many years of hard prison life, and involvement in other more tolerated forms of law-breaking results in little more than a wrist slap (less with a bribe in the right place), then the writing is pretty much already on the wall, isn't it?

Edited by Spee
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I agree with Crazy Daves comments about the police do know what is going on. 

I only come to Pattaya at weekends and I can think of which gogo's have underage girls (and for the MOST part, they are NOT on Walking Street), which bars employ farang without work permits, Which characters are as big a villains as they come (and how all seem to be upstanding members of community/rotary types/donations to orphanages/paying for new police buildings etc).

The police DO know what goes on in Pattaya however for the most part they choose to ignore it.

I'd dare say Walking Street would be the last place I'd suspect underage workers since the police presence is far greater here than anywhere else in Pattaya. Amazes me any owner would be that stupid to even hire any underage gals - has to be forged papers.

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I agree with Crazy Daves comments about the police do know what is going on. 

I only come to Pattaya at weekends and I can think of which gogo's have underage girls (and for the MOST part, they are NOT on Walking Street), which bars employ farang without work permits, Which characters are as big a villains as they come (and how all seem to be upstanding members of community/rotary types/donations to orphanages/paying for new police buildings etc).

The police DO know what goes on in Pattaya however for the most part they choose to ignore it.

digger you are one of the few that understand thailand, quite a few years ago the thai police wanted pics and copys of passports of all gogo managers, i at the time was managing a gogo, we went up into the office and i told the cop who works at soi 9 for cid to fok himself, i told him when he has pics etc of all the other managers of gogos in pattaya i would let him take my pic, fok me 3 weeks later he had pics of all the gogo bar managers, i still told him to fok himself, yeah ok the police know we are working without a permit in that business but i was foked if i was gonna give then proof..

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Perhaps some of these punters were just in the go go bars doing research as you have done before. :D

How do you know that these people in the go go bar were any different to you and more importantly how would the police know?

Would you consider it fair if you were caught in a go go bar and deported and named and shamed because it's a situation that could occur to you as you have been to go go bars before?

Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang? I would hope so, or your view seems very biased.

The life of a humble researcher is sometimes risky, it's a cross I have to bear. :D

Do I think the Thais are responsible for Thousands of Farang sex tourists boarding planes across the world to travel to Thailand to exploit a situation with people who find themselves in a financially vulnerable position?

No. It would be like blaming the murder victim for being murdered.

I'm afraid you chose to misread the question.

I asked "Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang?"

thai's full stop.....p4p was here already before any farang arrived, it's just has been illegally commercilized for thais and farangs alike :D

there were comfort houses for the thai's before the farangs even knew about it, pattaya for example was created to cater for r&r army boys, the thais saw money in it and made pattaya and other parts of thailand what it is today :D

just watch those snitchers :o

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"Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang?"

thai's full stop.....p4p was here already before any farang arrived, it's just has been illegally commercilized for thais and farangs alike :D

there were comfort houses for the thai's before the farangs even knew about it, pattaya for example was created to cater for r&r army boys, the thais saw money in it and made pattaya and other parts of thailand what it is today :D

just watch those snitchers :o

May I say something that obvious to the more intellegent punter,but seems to draw a blank with most of the rest of you on this forum.

THAILAND IS NOT THE ONLY PLACE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD WHERE YOU CAN GET A WOMAN BY WALKING INTO A BAR.The only trouble is a lot of you here that write in seem to think it is. I've got news for you thickies. It happens all over the world and has done since a bright lass in the stone age realised she had something that men want tucked away under her kilt. Since that day,whether for a loaf of bread,a couple of rum & blacks,a fistful of dollars or as a plain everyday job,it happens in every city,town,village and a great deal of hamlets too. From suburban Surrey in England,through Hollywood in the good old clean U.S of A,round Japan,across Europe and finally to Thailand women exploit the weakness of men. Just remember Thailand is not like Russia,Germany,U.K. or even the States where they are literally abducted and forced into it,most times having what pittance they earn spirited away from them. Here,most of the girls I have met are very happy in their work and a lot of them eventually met the man of their dreams. I know quite a few fat,balding,older men that have married a younger Thai girl and their wives think the world of them. It's personality,charm and above all security that counts in the love stakes for a lot of women. In a recent survey in England 100 gorgeous lovelies were asked who they would rather marry; a handsome gym instructor or a balding,fatish 40+ bank manager. 75% went for the latter.

Remember if you are an honest,fun-filled,nice to be with guy you can go anywhere and hit it off. If you are a dour,miserable,cantakerous old sod with a skull as an av atar you can't .

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I couldn't agree more than with Lampard 10. It makes me chuckle to read these defenders of Thailand like Boris and Doctor John frothing at the mouth about those who may pay for sex there as thogh its the only place in the world this happens. I wonder if DJ and Boris ever went around Kings Cross in London or the streets of Las Vegas voicing their outrage at the pimps there exploiting women there? I doubt it somehow. They seem to be suffering from some superiority complex probably bought on by massive self guilt!!

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It is true that sex-for-sale is available in every city and every country of the world. But I wonder in how many places it makes up such a huge percentage of GNP? And how many are there where millions of people travel halfway around the world, primarily for sex?

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"Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang?"

thai's full stop.....p4p was here already before any farang arrived, it's just has been illegally commercilized for thais and farangs alike :D

there were comfort houses for the thai's before the farangs even knew about it, pattaya for example was created to cater for r&r army boys, the thais saw money in it and made pattaya and other parts of thailand what it is today :D

just watch those snitchers :o

May I say something that obvious to the more intellegent punter,but seems to draw a blank with most of the rest of you on this forum.

THAILAND IS NOT THE ONLY PLACE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD WHERE YOU CAN GET A WOMAN BY WALKING INTO A BAR.The only trouble is a lot of you here that write in seem to think it is. I've got news for you thickies. It happens all over the world and has done since a bright lass in the stone age realised she had something that men want tucked away under her kilt. Since that day,whether for a loaf of bread,a couple of rum & blacks,a fistful of dollars or as a plain everyday job,it happens in every city,town,village and a great deal of hamlets too. From suburban Surrey in England,through Hollywood in the good old clean U.S of A,round Japan,across Europe and finally to Thailand women exploit the weakness of men. Just remember Thailand is not like Russia,Germany,U.K. or even the States where they are literally abducted and forced into it,most times having what pittance they earn spirited away from them. Here,most of the girls I have met are very happy in their work and a lot of them eventually met the man of their dreams. I know quite a few fat,balding,older men that have married a younger Thai girl and their wives think the world of them. It's personality,charm and above all security that counts in the love stakes for a lot of women. In a recent survey in England 100 gorgeous lovelies were asked who they would rather marry; a handsome gym instructor or a balding,fatish 40+ bank manager. 75% went for the latter.

Remember if you are an honest,fun-filled,nice to be with guy you can go anywhere and hit it off. If you are a dour,miserable,cantakerous old sod with a skull as an av atar you can't .

Splendidly put Lampard, although I expect one person to reply in his usual supercilious twattish manner

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"Do you think that the Thais are as much to blame for prostituion as farang?"

thai's full stop.....p4p was here already before any farang arrived, it's just has been illegally commercilized for thais and farangs alike :D

there were comfort houses for the thai's before the farangs even knew about it, pattaya for example was created to cater for r&r army boys, the thais saw money in it and made pattaya and other parts of thailand what it is today :D

just watch those snitchers :o

May I say something that obvious to the more intellegent punter,but seems to draw a blank with most of the rest of you on this forum.

THAILAND IS NOT THE ONLY PLACE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD WHERE YOU CAN GET A WOMAN BY WALKING INTO A BAR.The only trouble is a lot of you here that write in seem to think it is. I've got news for you thickies. It happens all over the world and has done since a bright lass in the stone age realised she had something that men want tucked away under her kilt. Since that day,whether for a loaf of bread,a couple of rum & blacks,a fistful of dollars or as a plain everyday job,it happens in every city,town,village and a great deal of hamlets too. From suburban Surrey in England,through Hollywood in the good old clean U.S of A,round Japan,across Europe and finally to Thailand women exploit the weakness of men. Just remember Thailand is not like Russia,Germany,U.K. or even the States where they are literally abducted and forced into it,most times having what pittance they earn spirited away from them. Here,most of the girls I have met are very happy in their work and a lot of them eventually met the man of their dreams. I know quite a few fat,balding,older men that have married a younger Thai girl and their wives think the world of them. It's personality,charm and above all security that counts in the love stakes for a lot of women. In a recent survey in England 100 gorgeous lovelies were asked who they would rather marry; a handsome gym instructor or a balding,fatish 40+ bank manager. 75% went for the latter.

Remember if you are an honest,fun-filled,nice to be with guy you can go anywhere and hit it off. If you are a dour,miserable,cantakerous old sod with a skull as an av atar you can't .

Does this mean you are a bit of a baldy porker then frankie lad???

I always step up to the twatish challenge...I thank you

Edited by toastwars
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. They seem to be suffering from some superiority complex probably bought on by massive self guilt!!

Professor Fart, ( how the <deleted> can I respond to a guy with a name like that? ), :D ..................................Professor Fart, you seem to be greatly concerned with my posts, although I never mention you personally, you appear to identify yourself with them, your wild accusations against me personally are somewhat misguided, and as you do not know me personally, completely futile.

You paint a picture of me as being an Elitist with a superior Attitude, you could not be further from the truth, if you think that by speaking out against sex tourism I am being Elitist, please explain why you feel this way, as I certainly do not.

You consider being against sex tourism as Elitist and superior, so how do you feel about sex tourists themselves, as being the opposite, in some way inferior? Interesting notion from you Professor Fart.

If I was in a forum where everybody was against Sex tourism, I would get no such wild acusations of elitism against me, but as I am in a Forum where the majority appear to support sex tourism, I am slated.

I will carry on as usual, I will not become part of a click where guys slap themselves on each others backs and congratulate each other, because they are sex tourists. :o

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The overwhelming number of comment's on this topic goes to show that the upstanding member's of the community, the farang volunteer police are not needed, As crazy dave said, the Thai police are well able to sort out the underage sex problem, cop wanabees, call them snitch, grass, informer's, their the lowest form of f----n life there is.

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. They seem to be suffering from some superiority complex probably bought on by massive self guilt!!

Professor Fart, ( how the <deleted> can I respond to a guy with a name like that? ), :D ..................................Professor Fart, you seem to be greatly concerned with my posts, although I never mention you personally, you appear to identify yourself with them, your wild accusations against me personally are somewhat misguided, and as you do not know me personally, completely futile.

You paint a picture of me as being an Elitist with a superior Attitude, you could not be further from the truth, if you think that by speaking out against sex tourism I am being Elitist, please explain why you feel this way, as I certainly do not.

You consider being against sex tourism as Elitist and superior, so how do you feel about sex tourists themselves, as being the opposite, in some way inferior? Interesting notion from you Professor Fart.

If I was in a forum where everybody was against Sex tourism, I would get no such wild acusations of elitism against me, but as I am in a Forum where the majority appear to support sex tourism, I am slated.

I will carry on as usual, I will not become part of a click where guys slap themselves on each others backs and congratulate each other, because they are sex tourists. :o

So because I think you talk tripe, myself and others are in a clique(correct spelling) and slap each other on the back congratulating each other as we are sex tourists??? Hmm another nonsensical wide sweeping statement .

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Dr John is not against prostitution, but against farangs, This is why he comments about sex tourism being an evil farang thing, but never seems to complain about the thais and their prostitutes.

Your'll find many farangs when living in Thailand for a certain period of time also develop the same "hate all farang, love all Thai" feeling, it's part of them thinking and wishing they were Thai and really, really trying to be part of the Thai life here. Kind of person that speaks thai to other farang to show how at one his is with the Thai.

Your all best not worrying about it, he can rarely answer questiuons thrown at him, doesn't have many valid points considering he goes to Go Go bars himself, and your best defence against him is to ignore him which I imagine people in real life do.

And you lot complain about students backpackers in K san with high and hypocritical morals, imagine bumping into this kind of expat.

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Okay, sliding off topic again. Lets get back to the informers or has it run its course and is it time to turn the lights off on this topic? :D



I agree.All the common sense what needs to be said has been said and now we're on to the normal end of topic slagging match( which I inadvertantly seem to have started) :D

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Okay, sliding off topic again. Lets get back to the informers or has it run its course and is it time to turn the lights off on this topic? :D



I agree.All the common sense what needs to be said has been said and now we're on to the normal end of topic slagging match( which I inadvertantly seem to have started) :D

SO i'll perform the dastardley deed :D

Topic is closed.

PS: Dr john we all know your intrests and what you're convinced off. No need to turn every thread into your favorite topic :D , lay off for a while (long one) :D

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The Situation is a vile one. However the only blame here lies with the bar owner for taking on an underage girl. You can't blame punters as much as you would like to Doctor John.

I wonder how did this Farang Volunteer know this girl was only 15???

I feel that there is more to this than meets the eye which will probably never see the light of day.

He looked up her date :o

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