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Pm Plans To Extradite Thaksin From Fiji


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So the junta-backed government want to get the last legally elected PM back for a proper beheading? Anyone want to take bets on the date of next elections in Thailand? Russia and Iran have shown how it can be done, guess Kasit and Suthep is currently studying hard on how it was done. If they have time in between the latest reports on Thaksins whereabouts that is. Abhsit too busy smiling to cameras and beeing a good puppet to notice anything...

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Apart from the fact that the current government [of Thailand] is not appointed or a junta... :)

Not fair and proper elected ether. :D

They are in their position in accordance to the rules set and not through any illegal moves.

But don't let facts distort your world view.

Taking over the country at gun point trashing the constitution and making new rules as you go along, closing airports, taking over government house.  If your on that side I guess its fair in your eyes..Why don't you try losing another election then you can just do this all over again if you don't like the winner.  Not my distorted view.

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The government is liaising with the Fijian authorities to extradite fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra back to Thailand, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Thursday.

"The government is checking if Fiji has the same extradition law as England," Mr Abhisit said.

According to Pacnews in Fiji, Thaksin met Fijian Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama earlier this week and proposed a US$280 million investment package in return for being offered asylum.

continued at http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/1...aksin-from-fijipostlogo.jpg

-- Bangkok Post 09/07/09

The BKK Post/Nation are agenda driven media. This slavish reporting of Abhisit and friends' paranoia about Mr. Thaksin is indicative of that. However, if I was as determined to avoid Democratic one-person-one-vote electoral politics in order to save my political skin, I would be threatened by Thaksin also. This is understandable.


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Mobster plans to extradite other mobster from Fiji.

This is not a fair characterization of Mr. Abhisit. Aren't you impressed by the ad-nauseum reference to his educational record. He is not a mobster, but a Politician who is in-place via undemocratic forces in fear of a Politician who commands huge electoral allegiances in Thailand. If I was him, I would be afraid also - very afraid.


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The BKK Post/Nation are agenda driven media

Yep, they need to sell their papers, and keep the reader numbers up so that they can sell advertising space, too. The plus side is that they can't afford to lose readership by publishing anyone else's propaganda and news articles that don't check out.

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Let's hope they don't bring Taksin back. Can you imagine the red shirt protest with Taksin sitting in a Thai jail. You only need to talk to Bangkok taxi drivers to understand the passionate support that Taksin still commands.

On second thoughts: Maybe it's a good idea, it has the potentail to bring down the appointed Abhisit government, but it will come at a cost and who knows what government would emerge.

Interesting that Abhisit is looking at extending Samaks populist policies. Wasn't populist policies one of the democrats main criticisms of Thai Rak Thai?

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Maybe out-Thaksinning Thaksin may be Abhisits ticket to electoral selection in his own right....He has never accomplished that feat before and he will not do so next time, unless he engineers an Iran-type elction process.


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The BKK Post/Nation are agenda driven media

Yep, they need to sell their papers, and keep the reader numbers up so that they can sell advertising space, too. The plus side is that they can't afford to lose readership by publishing anyone else's propaganda and news articles that don't check out.

At least you agree it is propaganda. Most Farangs dont realize that however, and will parrot BKK Post/Nation agenda's and think they are discussing politics knowledgably.


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Apart from the fact that the current government [of Thailand] is not appointed or a junta... :)

Not fair and proper elected ether. :D

They are in their position in accordance to the rules set and not through any illegal moves.

But don't let facts distort your world view.

Taking over the country at gun point trashing the constitution and making new rules as you go along, closing airports, taking over government house.  If your on that side I guess its fair in your eyes..Why don't you try losing another election then you can just do this all over again if you don't like the winner.  Not my distorted view.


We might not like them, but the democrats did none of these things.

If you are gonna hate them, do it for the proper reasons, not from parroted red propaganda... (and there are reasons.)

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Why did Thailand’s former PM travel to Fiji?

Bloggers are debating the significance of the recent trip of Thailand’s ousted Prime Minister to Fiji and Tonga.

Media reports claim Thaksin Shinawatra, one of Thailand’s richest men, departed Malaysia just ahead of arrest warrants and made his way by private jet to Fiji, where he entered the country under an assumed name known to authorities. He later met with Fiji’s leader Frank Bainimarama and advisors.

Fiji and Thailand have no extradition treaties, fueling speculation that Thaksin traveled to the Pacific looking for asylum. Before Thai officials asked Fiji to return the fugitive leader, Thaksin left for Tonga. Rumors persist he eventually made his way to Port Vila, Vanuatu while leaders of the four-country Melanesian Spearhead Group heard Frank Bainimarama’s five-year plan to write a new constitution and electoral law before holding elections.

The Vanuatu trip has not been confirmed. Thakin’s laywers claims he is not searching sanctuary; he is looking for investment opportunities.

First elected Prime Minister in a 2001 landslide, Thaksin's time in office was punctuated by allegations of serious corruption (often at high personal gain), authoritarianism, human rights abuses and electoral fraud.

A government body froze $2.2 billion of his assets in Thailand. In October 2008, Thailand’s Supreme Court convicted him (in abstensia) of abuse of power, mostly relating to pushing through laws aiding family members' business interests. He was sentenced to two years, but has not visited his homeland since August 2008 to serve the sentence.

Earlier this year, Thaksin, who usually lives in Dubai, again ran afoul of Thai authorities when they accused him of directly supporting anti-government protests that turned violent. After protesters clashed with the military, the government revoked his passport, and Thaksin allegedly travels on a passport from Montenegro.

Fiji has been increasingly politically and economically isolated since April, when the country’s President annulled the constitution and provided the military leader (who himself came to power via a December 2006 coup) with a five-year mandate.

Since then, Fiji’s government has imposed a series of emergency regulations, aimed at controlling assembly and censoring the media. Thus, people inside and outside the country have come to rely on blogs for Fiji political information.

continued .....http://globalvoicesonline.org/2009/07/17/why-did-thailand’s-former-pm-travel-to-fiji/

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Apart from the fact that the current government [of Thailand] is not appointed or a junta... :)

Not fair and proper elected ether. :D

They are in their position in accordance to the rules set and not through any illegal moves.

But don't let facts distort your world view.

Taking over the country at gun point trashing the constitution and making new rules as you go along, closing airports, taking over government house. If your on that side I guess its fair in your eyes..Why don't you try losing another election then you can just do this all over again if you don't like the winner. Not my distorted view.

For most Thais this is SOP, when the politicians start doing bad things the Army resets the clock again.

This time the got out pretty quickly, which in Thailand is progress.

No, absolutely NO government in Thailand has been in power when not backed by the army,

INCLULDING Thaksin. The army is power and Thais respect power, when Thaksin fell into the same

power trip and greediness as most in the political class are wont to, the army stepped in again, and then back out.

BUT after that;

The PEOPLE voted in the constitution. Yes or No is just as valid as a choice between two.

Either the people accepted it or back to the drawing board. They did.

There ARE mechanisms in this constitution to restructure that constitution.

Another Pro-Thaksin PPP government was voted in,

but then removed via checks and balances, for fraud of their own doing.

Closing Goverment House and the airport didn't bring down the PPP.

Not to say they were good moves. PPP members actions brought down PPP.

The remnants of that party made new allegiance's based on their own logic.

What was left as PTP clearly doesn't have the countries best interests at heart.

Best described as the remnants of the old ways living on in it's worst aspects.

BUT again;

Those MP's voted in DURING THE LAST ELECTION, are mostly all still in their jobs.

And THOSE MP's voted for the current coalition, vs a dumbed down rehash of the last 2.

The rest of the world recognizes this as legitimate

after the referendum and the election of MPs who vote for PM.

The opposition and Thaksin come home crew does not,

but their desires to reset the clock again,

doesn't make the current coalition government less legal or democratic.

The process was followed.

Revisionist historians have a much hard time in the modern communication age we live in.

So, yes they have the legal right to extradite Thaksin and make him serve his term,

and stand trial for many other things. He has gotten a pass on some already,

but I bet he suspects too many there IS dirt to find and his broom is now too small,

and the rug to far off to save his fortunes. The bitter end of a grasping egotist.

Edited by animatic
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The BKK Post/Nation are agenda driven media

Yep, they need to sell their papers, and keep the reader numbers up so that they can sell advertising space, too. The plus side is that they can't afford to lose readership by publishing anyone else's propaganda and news articles that don't check out.

At least you agree it is propaganda. Most Farangs dont realize that however, and will parrot BKK Post/Nation agenda's and think they are discussing politics knowledgably.


No, you would know he said exactly the opposite,

if you had read it clearly.

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