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I have a Mitsu Lancer '96 (1.3) 4G13. It hates starting (lots of cajouling with the engine turning but not firing - before it catches) - now its started cutting out when I drive and slow down at junctions etc - and is a pig to restart. Seems to idle OK though as long as its been sitting for a a minute or two. I have given it new HT Leads/Distrubuter Cap/Condensor/Rotor Arm and Plugs (and replaced a few wires that were crap) as they were all well past their sell by date. Colour of plugs was good, but they were badly worn (not melted). Anyway, this makes it sound better whilst driving now, but problem above is still there. I tested the coil and it fine - good healthy spark. Oil is OK and fuel seems to be getting through when idling OK (fuel filter is 3/4 full while running - full on engine off) - so I guess the fuel pump is OK. It a carburetted system (pointless). I put in some fuel additive to clean the cyclinders, valves, jets etc. But all to no avail.

I'm at the end of my knowledge (or tool kit) now, so I need a good machanic who can take it from here and sort out the problem. May be it just needs a good tune now and the idle position etc set properly.



i know the pain and i have a couple good mechanics.one

is called dam ,on left side cm lampun rd in nongpuen.only thai is spoken.

the other one however did like 10 years in vegas and his english is great.

forgot his name but it goes something like that:

on the same road ,after nonghoi after miguels, near the turnoff to wiang cum come on the same right side coming from cm there is a guy selling pots and plants and stuff for gardening.he is friendly looking always wearing a big hat.

you turn in to the right just at his place and see big buses in front of you.look to the right and there is a car mechanic with all the right telltale signs in english-voila. if you can't find it pm me and i go get the number.

i take my isuzu pickup to dam simply because me thinks he is cheepa...


His name in english is Jimmy. 0818852893 hope mods dont have a prob with this. If he works on it i would say yes take it to him. If his staff work on it well about as good as taking it to any thai shop in my opinion. The good thing is if your thai is bad his english is good and you can get across what the problem is. But i think he is getting a bit pricey for normal car repairs compared to a reglar thai shop.


I have been taking my cars to a big shop directly opposite the Cockpit in front of the old Makro on the super highway. I name of the shop is Nong Pratip Prat Yon and the number is 053-247983. For 8 years they have done a good job at a fair price for pretty much any car problem I've had.


My advise? Go to the Mitsu garage, the owner is arrogant but the mechanics are Tops. After the somaniest friend of a friend my problems were solved there. With guarantee. At the end Much cheaper than friends of friends.

My advise? Go to the Mitsu garage, the owner is arrogant but the mechanics are Tops. After the somaniest friend of a friend my problems were solved there. With guarantee. At the end Much cheaper than friends of friends.

Hey, don't knock the personal recommendations. Mitsu may be good, as the Suzuki (cars) agent on the city end of the Doi Saket road is good. At least they have almost all the parts you may need in stock, and are 100% familiar with the beast.

But for older cars in CM (ie pre computer and on carbs, NOT injection) it is hard to beat Daychar Garage for quality and value.

If you go down the old Borsang road towards the Superhighway, pass the left soi to the Oriental Dhara Dhevi Dheserted, and turn left into the next soi where you see electric vehicles and fork lift trucks for sale on the pavement. Pass the huge parts warehouse and 50m later, Daychar is on the right. Look for the FUCHS (a German motor oil, of course) sign.

Daychar speaks no English but is Alfa Romeo qualified in Bkk in the early 70's. He is the single reason you see so many nice old Alfas in Chiang Mai!

He will do any mechanical job (given the limitations above) and is especially good on multi-carb, multi-valve engines. His prices must be the lowest in town for such a high standard of work, and he shows you how to SAVE money!

Having been a regular customer for well over 10 years, I have to add that if Daychar has any weaknesses they are in the areas of electrics and brakes. Go to J & N Autos ('Jimmy' as in the other thread) for those jobs, plus the more high tech stuff.

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