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SiamOne  Today, 2005-08-10 03:45:55 IP: | Post #73|  

QUOTE(Boo @ 2005-08-08 17:35:59)

sounds like your wife has the right attitude andymoss

yes, she has....that's me!1   

:D Welcome to the forum SiamOne.


Thank you Boo, that is nice of you

now, back to subject.....

I have friends in England who are Thai, married, all were bar girls before. They will NOT believe me that I never work in bar, I cannot convince them. They think as I have farang husband, I must have met him in bar...what to do?

I am living in KL now, and the other day somebody grabbed my bum. When I turned around there was just a crowd of people, cannot see who did it. My husband was upset, more than me, but nothing to do. If I had caught the bastard.....

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SiamOne  Today, 2005-08-10 03:45:55 IP: | Post #73|  

QUOTE(Boo @ 2005-08-08 17:35:59)

sounds like your wife has the right attitude andymoss

yes, she has....that's me!1   

:D Welcome to the forum SiamOne.


Thank you Boo, that is nice of you

now, back to subject.....

I have friends in England who are Thai, married, all were bar girls before. They will NOT believe me that I never work in bar, I cannot convince them. They think as I have farang husband, I must have met him in bar...what to do?

I am living in KL now, and the other day somebody grabbed my bum. When I turned around there was just a crowd of people, cannot see who did it. My husband was upset, more than me, but nothing to do. If I had caught the bastard.....


Why do people think they can do that? Someone does that to my wife and some bones are gonna be broken, by me or my wife, whoever gets to him first! :D

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I have friends in England who are Thai, married, all were bar girls before. They will NOT believe me that I never work in bar, I cannot convince them. They think as I have farang husband, I must have met him in bar...what to do?

The same happens to my missus when we meet new Thai people SiamOne... :o

The assumption is always if she has a falung, then she met him in a bar. Reasoning along the lines of she would never meet him anywhere else does not even enter the equation. :D

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I have friends in England who are Thai, married, all were bar girls before. They will NOT believe me that I never work in bar, I cannot convince them. They think as I have farang husband, I must have met him in bar...what to do?

The same happens to my missus when we meet new Thai people SiamOne... :o

The assumption is always if she has a falung, then she met him in a bar. Reasoning along the lines of she would never meet him anywhere else does not even enter the equation. :D

The people who think are never the ones that should. Ignore 'em.

Unless they grab your wife's ass, then............. :D

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I have friends in England who are Thai, married, all were bar girls before. They will NOT believe me that I never work in bar, I cannot convince them. They think as I have farang husband, I must have met him in bar...what to do?

This is a difficult one I think, as it is obviously Thai people who are making these assumptions about you (probably some farang too right??)

The only thing I can say, is that you & your husband know where you met & IMO it's your business & no one elses.

Same as those other women, how they met their partners isn't important but they maybe think that if you didn't meet your hubby in a bar enviroment (& they all did), that you might look down on them (not suggesting you do, just trailing some ideas) & maybe they are trying to make themselves feel "same" as you & not "lower". (this is my limited knowledge of thai social heirachy :D & I'm not suggesting bg's are lower but social structure is quite important to most thai's I know & placing everyone on a rung seems to happen everyday when you meet people. How old are you, what's your job, whats your family name etc ) Then again they might just like winding you up for fun as they know it annoys you :D

Personally, if I told someone that I met my partner in a supermarket ( for example) & they insisted I was lying & that I was a bar girl & wouldn't beleive the true story, then I would be very insulted at being called a liar more than being called a bar girl. :o

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Personally, if I told someone that I met my partner in a supermarket ( for example) & they insisted I was lying & that I was a bar girl & wouldn't beleive the true story, then I would be very insulted at being called a liar more than being called a bar girl.  :o

Idiots. The best response is "Where is that market? When can we go?"

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For the past few years, I have recouped my costs of visits back to England by doing a bit of Supply Teaching whilst I am there.

In one rough school in Huddersfield there was a bit of argy-bargy going on and a (white) girl said "These Asians are all the same. You don't like Asians, do you, sir?" When I replied "Like them ? I am married to one. My wife is Thai", she said "Oh, I didn't mean Thais, I meant Pakis". Which, once more, gave me my opening for a geography lesson on the extent of Asia. (I was doing Science Supply, but I have found that they only take anything in if they think it is NOT what you have set out to teach them, so since I would rather they learnt anything than nothing.......).

But, on this occasion, I picked up a mutter from one boy "All Thai women are prostitutes".

I happened to have read some sociology research that estimated that, sometime in their lives, 5% of Thai women will spend some time as sex-workers.

So we had a little Maths lesson and estimated the number of women in the population (and they were surprised that there are as many Thais as Brits) and how many, at any one time, would be 'on the game'.

One girl marched into her next Maths lesson and said "Sir, do you know that there are 375,000 prostitutes in Thailand? I'll bet you think that's terrible, Sir. But it isn't, 'cos it means 19 out of 20 aren't. No worse nor 'Uddersfeeld, is it, sir?" The Head of Maths reckoned that was more Maths than she had learnt from him in six months!

A lot of the job of teaching in England's schools is a matter of trying to get them to unlearn the mis-representations of the tabloids.

And it seems to be much the same here. When most of the 'falangs' who get into the newspapers are seen to be boozers, the impression gets about that any Thai wife must have met her husband in a bar, and she must have been a working bar-girl. It took me five years of only drinking "nam phao" at wedding receptions to establish that I am not a boozer---but all that achieved was the local folk telling my wife "Your husband isn't like other falangs"!! Winning is not an option.

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For the past few years, I have recouped my costs of visits back to England by doing a bit of Supply Teaching whilst I am there.

In one rough school in Huddersfield there was a bit of argy-bargy going on and a (white) girl said "These Asians are all the same. You don't like Asians, do you, sir?" When I replied "Like them ? I am married to one. My wife is Thai", she said "Oh, I didn't mean Thais, I meant Pakis". Which, once more, gave me my opening for a geography lesson on the extent of Asia. (I was doing Science Supply, but I have found that they only take anything in if they think it is NOT what you have set out to teach them, so since I would rather they learnt anything than nothing.......).

But, on this occasion, I picked up a mutter from one boy "All Thai women are prostitutes".

I happened to have read some sociology research that estimated that, sometime in their lives, 5% of Thai women will spend some time as sex-workers.

So we had a little Maths lesson and estimated the number of women in the population (and they were surprised that there are as many Thais as Brits) and how many, at any one time, would be 'on the game'.

One girl marched into her next Maths lesson and said "Sir, do you know that there are 375,000 prostitutes in Thailand? I'll bet you think that's terrible, Sir. But it isn't, 'cos it means 19 out of 20 aren't. No worse nor 'Uddersfeeld, is it, sir?" The Head of Maths reckoned that was more Maths than she had learnt from him in six months!

A lot of the job of teaching in England's schools is a matter of trying to get them to unlearn the mis-representations of the tabloids.

And it seems to be much the same here. When most of the 'falangs' who get into the newspapers are seen to be boozers, the impression gets about that any Thai wife must have met her husband in a bar, and she must have been a working bar-girl. It took me five years of only drinking "nam phao" at wedding receptions to establish that I am not a boozer---but all that achieved was the local folk telling my wife "Your husband isn't like other falangs"!!  Winning is not an option.

Never play the game to win, that just sets up a loss.

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Let me join you girls here. I'm new to this forum. Just found it today.

Anyway, this has been in my head for more than 30 years. Yes, I'm that old. When I was a little girl and waiting for my dad crossing the road when we were out for dinner in makkasan area, suddenly a farang guy touched my ass while they walked pass me.

I was so scare as this was never happen to me. I looked back and saw him smile. I was so angry that any grownup could do that to a little girl. When I catch up with my dad, I didn't tell him anything. This has and still is in my mind every time I passed that place. :D:o

Edited by Thai-Aust
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Let me join you girls here. I'm new to this forum. Just found it today.

Anyway, this has been in my head for more than 30 years. Yes, I'm that old. When I was a little girl and waiting for my dad crossing the road when we were out for dinner in makkasan area, suddenly a farang guy touched my ass while there walked pass me.

I was so scare as this was never happen to me. I looked back and saw him smile. I was so angry that any grownup could do that to a little girl. When I catch up with my dad, I didn't tell him anything. This has and still is in my mind every time I passed that place.  :D  :o

Sorry to hear that :D

Reminded me when I was 15 I was with my Dad, brother and step-mum down Walking st I wasn't walking as fast and got left behind a few paces. With that some farang guy put his hand up my skirt :D:D I was real shocked more than anything and just caught up with my Dad and didn't mention anything to him about it.

It's not only in Thailand though. When I was working part-time in this pizza shop this year I had to deal with the drunks that on a regular basis tried to grope myself and my friend that worked with me. Aswell as the chat up lines and dirty talking we had to put up with. In the end we walked out on the job.

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When I was working part-time in this pizza shop this year I had to deal with the drunks that on a regular basis tried to grope myself and my friend that worked with me. Aswell as the chat up lines and dirty talking we had to put up with. In the end we walked out on the job.

And there was me thinking the girls in the pizza/kebab shop liked all that attention.. :D

totster :o

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When I was working part-time in this pizza shop this year I had to deal with the drunks that on a regular basis tried to grope myself and my friend that worked with me. Aswell as the chat up lines and dirty talking we had to put up with. In the end we walked out on the job.

And there was me thinking the girls in the pizza/kebab shop liked all that attention.. :D

totster :o

Nope. Only sometimes

A guy walked in and started looking at me. I caught him looking at me and he started to read the menu. I walked over and asked him what he wanted. He said "I knew I'd have to answer this question. Can I just stay and stare at you all day?" The guy was so hot so I had a little flirt with him :D

And he kept his promise and returned the next day to take me on a date :D

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I live in the heart of Sukhumvit and enjoy it immensely. I notice so many farang ladies around here really having a great time. They are obviously mainly tourists but they are here and they love it. Sometimes I will see what appears to be a knockout farang girl; I will then walk by and hear the Russian accent. Of the times I have seen this, the girl is always accompanied by a customer

You are a perfect example of what the people here are complaining about.

As soon as you hear an Eastern European accent, You assume that woman is a prostitute.

Are there no Russian tourists?

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Slightly off topic,but the Russian thread was funny.

I have had an apartment at the Versace In Surfers (au),which I spend time at now and then.

Its just about a sport with the regs to watch the old russian mafia types squiring round these stunning russian daughters!!!!

I live in the heart of Sukhumvit and enjoy it immensely. I notice so many farang ladies around here really having a great time. They are obviously mainly tourists but they are here and they love it. Sometimes I will see what appears to be a knockout farang girl; I will then walk by and hear the Russian accent. Of the times I have seen this, the girl is always accompanied by a customer

You are a perfect example of what the people here are complaining about.

As soon as you hear an Eastern European accent, You assume that woman is a prostitute.

Are there no Russian tourists?

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  • 3 weeks later...

How many times have you seen a farang male by himself and assumed that he was in Thailand for purposes of sex (if he wasn't wearing business attire)?

How about seeing a farang male with a Thai woman, and assumed that they met at a bar or similar establishment?

I'm embarassed at all the men that automatically assume that if an attractive woman is by herself and not walking briskly then she is for rent, Thai or not; a belief that's quite narrow-minded. (And you're a piece of something stinky if you verbalise it, asking her "how much?")

I also think it's quite narrow-minded if you see me and automatically assume:

1) that I'm a lonely Indian looking for love (More people tell me I look Indian but am actually Canadian-American. Although I think I look more Hispanic than Indian)

2) that I'm a sex tourist or am interested in bar culture or bar girls because I happen to be a single guy in Thailand (no, no, never. Not even a drinker, yet almost every waitress assumes that I want a beer when I sit down in a restaurant. I used to find this offensive, but that's past)

3) that if I'm with two other well-dressed guys, or out to dinner with my male friend, then I am gay. Not only that, we're all gay just for spending quality time together.

4) that if I'm with my father (whom I don't resemble that much) that he's my sugar daddy and I'm his "ho"

5) that I'm a terrorist building a local cell just because you happen to think that all Middle East-looking young men are doing just that. (I don't even know anyone from the Middle East, but I've nearly been assaulted)

6) that I want to grind you when we're dancing because, well, I'm a well-dressed "tall, dark, and handsome" young man. *Obviously* a gigolo or Casanova because of it. (If you motion for me to grind you on the dance floor, you'll never see me again.) And, of course, in Thailand to meet prostitutes, or SE Asian women.

I've learned to just ignore persons when they are so quick to make narrow-minded assumptions.

However, I think we're all narrow-minded about something. This mental trick helps us to easily classify what we experience and move on to other stimuli.

For example, we see a man and a woman together and automatically assume that they're involved in a relationship. Or we see a guy with tattered clothes and assume that he's broke, or a two separate Indian families that happen to walk in a restaurant together and assume that they're all together. And so on, untill we get to the assumptions that would cause us to react a certain way based on our personalities (or insecurities) and actually end up offending someone. Some men will grab your rear or ask how much, some women will ignore you because they "already know" what you're about, and some old ladies will clutch their purses extra tight. I've had my privates uninvitedly groped on more than one occassion by women in the US, and it does not feel good.

In one way or another, it's all offensive.

Edited by thohts
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The opinions that you reflect seem to be based on the ideals that everyone has pre concieved ideas about the situtation that you so seemingly accept as your own reality. Does it really matter what people think unless you are personally class/sect or possibly caste driven and orintated. Live and let live take people for what they are - and manage any personal prejudices as exceptions.

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How many times have you seen a farang male by himself and assumed that he was in Thailand for purposes of sex (if he wasn't wearing business attire)?

Depends on the venue, his appearnt interests,the people with whom he associates ,his age,the dress that he's wearing and his apparant nationality.

Even at a place like NEP; if I come acreoss a middle aged, apparently wealthy looking Japanese, I'd consider him to be a tourist, rather than a punter.

If at this venue I come across loud, clannish, loutish, individuals, with a penhant for beer, I'd say that theyre there for sex.

How about seeing a farang male with a Thai woman, and assumed that they met at a bar or similar establishment?

Again, I'd make a judgement based on the following parameters:

Where I saw them

The apparent age difference between the two

The type of clothes that they were wearing

Of, course if they happen to be cuddling , then there is only one conclusion,

because even the most brazen Thai ladies of the night, will seldom cuddle in

public places .

It is absolutely normal for a non Thahi to be accompanied by a Thai lady for reasons other than sex, Have been escorted to shopping malls , eating places and the like, by very decent Thai ladies, with not a thought of sex in my head. Remember that the Thais' are a very friendly lot. A smile in Thailand is equivalent to a 'hello' , it's in no way a "come on" as it often is, in places such as Germany and England.

quote=thohts,2005-09-18 01:55:06]

I'm embarassed at all the men that automatically assume that if an attractive woman is by herself and not walking briskly then she is for rent, Thai or not; a belief that's quite narrow-minded. (And you're a piece of something stinky if you verbalise it, asking her "how much?")?

Again, It's not the woman, but where she happens to be, the way that she's dressed / made up, and the time if day , or, nigtht which will categorize her.

Plus of cours the way that she walks. If she does a hip walk, then , she wants to be considered a woman of the night (my opinion).

Asking any woman "How much'? in places other that beer /go go/ bars and at massage parlours is pretty gross and bad mannered (my opinion).

How would you feel if some slob asked a relative of yours such a question?

Desist from such behaviour. Thailand has very many places where such question are perfectly acceptable.

I also think it's quite narrow-minded if you see me and automatically assume:

1) that I'm a lonely Indian looking for love (More people tell me I look Indian but am actually Canadian-American. Although I think I look more Hispanic than Indian)

2) that I'm a sex tourist or am interested in bar culture or bar girls because I happen to be a single guy in Thailand (no, no, never. Not even a drinker, yet almost every waitress assumes that I want a beer when I sit down in a restaurant. I used to find this offensive, but that's past)?")?

Let me tell you; most Thais' assume that every male non Thai, visiting the kingdom is making such a journey predominately for sex, if the non Thai

happens to be in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai Mae Sai, Khorat, Udon, Khon Kaen -in short; in any major Thai city.

People who came before you have left such a legacy in Thailand. You can't do very much about it. Why should it bother you what they think?

quote=thohts,2005-09-18 01:55:06]

3) that if I'm with two other well-dressed guys, or out to dinner with my male friend, then I am gay. Not only that, we're all gay just for spending quality time together.?")?


Personaly don't think that you're quite right regarding this one. . Have had many , many, meals with men friends, or with a man friend, and don't think that Ive ever been considered gay, because some waiters suggested girlie places (on their own volition) to us after we had finished our meal. They wouldn't have acted this way

if they'd considered us to be gay . Also, in Thailand , it is nothing derogatory to be considered gay, or even , a ladyboy, so don't let such thoughts bother you.

quote=thohts,2005-09-18 01:55:06]

) that if I'm with my father (whom I don't resemble that much) that he's my sugar daddy and I'm his "ho".


Unfortunately , this has happened to me also, not in Thailand, but in London.

My father had an operation on his leg and was supporting himself on my shoulder, while walking along South Kensington, in London. Saw lots of winks and knowing smirks, directed in our direction. The noble residents of the area considered us to be gay, because my father couldn't walk properly and had to lean on my shoulder because of the temporary disability to his leg. Do remember feeling rotten about it at that time.

Thais aren't like that , and will almost never associate you and your father to be gay. I think that you've got a hangover regarding this matter from your experiences in te West.

quote=thohts,2005-09-18 01:55:06]

3) 5) that I'm a terrorist building a local cell just because you happen to think that all Middle East-looking young men are doing just that. (I don't even know anyone from the Middle East, but I've nearly been assaulted)".


Well, I,m sometimes mistaken for an Iranian / mid eastern, myself, but have never had any problems regarding my appearance from Thais.

Have on occasion been denied entrance to a couple of go go bars at NEP , but looking back , can't say that I was in any way discomfited by that experience.

Most go go bars are very similar, so if Nana didn't like me, went over to Cowboy, where I had a reasonably good time. Cowboy also has some bars that don't like darker skinned people ; Long Gun, Suzie Wong- but have never tried to enter such venues. Have also told all my friends never to patronize such venues.

quote=thohts,2005-09-18 01:55:06]

3) 5) 6) that I want to grind you when we're dancing because, well, I'm a well-dressed "tall, dark, and handsome" young man. *Obviously* a gigolo or Casanova because of it. (If you motion for me to grind you on the dance floor, you'll never see me again.) And, of course, in Thailand to meet prostitutes, or SE Asian women.)".


Well, if some woman wanted to "grind" me, I'd never have a problem with that .

Indeed, I'd welcome her to do so. Suggest that you try it (the woman based "grinding") Bet you'll end up enjoying it.

Good luck , enjoy yourself & don't give a hoot regarding what people think of you - especially in Thailand.!

I've learned to just ignore persons when they are so quick to make narrow-minded assumptions.

However, I think we're all narrow-minded about something. This mental trick helps us to easily classify what we experience and move on to other stimuli.

For example, we see a man and a woman together and automatically assume that they're involved in a relationship. Or we see a guy with tattered clothes and assume that he's broke, or a two separate Indian families that happen to walk in a restaurant together and assume that they're all together. And so on, untill we get to the assumptions that would cause us to react a certain way based on our personalities (or insecurities) and actually end up offending someone. Some men will grab your rear or ask how much, some women will ignore you because they "already know" what you're about, and some old ladies will clutch their purses extra tight. I've had my privates uninvitedly groped on more than one occassion by women in the US, and it does not feel good.

In one way or another, it's all offensive.

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Well ive certainly never been mistaken for a working girl before :D

Although I certainly dont look Russian, and I only really hang out in places where there are lots of female tourists/expats anyway, so am never really out of place.

Very bizarre so many of the girls get asked this :o

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Well, if some woman wanted to "grind" me, I'd never have a problem with that .

Indeed, I'd welcome her to do so. Suggest that you try it (the woman based "grinding") Bet you'll end up enjoying it.

I doubt it. I've never enjoyed something like that from someone I didn't know or barely knew. I'm not exactly a virgin, but I don't appreciate being a stranger's sex toy. I guess some women just automatically assume that they can do that to any guy they please, as most men would welcome such uninvited sexual advances. I guess that's the effect of too much porn and not enough emotional connectivity :o

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  The apparent age difference between the two

        The type of clothes that they were wearing


        Of, course if they happen to be cuddling , then there is only one conclusion, 

        because even the most brazen Thai ladies of the night, will seldom cuddle in

        public places .

Once again, you are stereotyping, and your conclusion is wrong

I am married to an older farang, and we often cuddle in public...esp after a drink or two

but I am not, or ever have been, a bar girl. I have travelled and have fairly modern ideas, so maybe I am not a typical Thai, whatever that is.

Oh dear, maybe I am a naughty brazen girl :o

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In the interests of public safety I should point out that due to very cheap packages being available Pattaya now has a large number of holidaying Russian families including gorgeous little 18 year old Svetlana's.

Now knowing something of Russian patriarchy I am pretty sure that if you assume she is a 'ho' and worse he is her pimp he's going to do something very nasty to you...

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Another time, a young Greek guy (anyway, that's what HE said), started talking to me while I was buying DVDs in the Silom area.  He seemed contemporary and aware, so after some conversation I agreed to meet up with him for dinner.  At first I declined, because I told him that I don't meet men on the streets because I don't like giving the wrong impression.  He assured me that if he wanted to meet a working girl, Bangkok was full of them.  Seemed logical to me, so I agreed to meet him.  Turns out, after some sort of address confusion, he wanted me to meet him in the lobby of his hotel.  I took that as a sign and called it a night and went home - without him!  I was burnt though, because in this particular case it seemed like any other "normal" male/female interaction that would happen anywhere, but this isn't normal, it's Bangkok.

Nothing outwardly bad about meeting a girl in the hotel lobby!

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I think there is a difference between approaching a women in an acceptable enviroment (bar, club, restaurant etc) and chatting her up in a polite manner & accepting it if she turns you down &  completely different if a woman is approached & propositioned whilst walking down the street & esp. if the guy wont take no for an answer but agree that a quick no & walking away should work for most of these pests.

But why even walk up to a lady and say anything? That's the stuff I never liked. Guys trying to talk to women just to talk to women, becuase maybe they can get somewhere. Losers.

Why can't men wait for the right time? Why force converison, if it happens it happens, right? Guys act like if they are not having sex, about to have sex, or working on having sex something is wrong. So, they always put themselves in postitions of stupidity for the sake of getting a phone number or dinner date. Isn't better to just go home with your self respect than make an ass of yourself?

Maybe that's the problem? Men don't have self-respect.

I see your point on the whole overwhelming male chat-up but..

Are we guys supposed to just cut off our manhoods and pretend we are something we aren't? If guys weren't chatting up women and making lines to them the human race would grind to a halt! Is who we are, its in our genetic make-up to go after women. Theres no magical signal on when something is the right time its not a switch that you flick on and off!

O.K Take a guy who see's a good-looking woman on her own in public. He feels attracted to her and he works on what he'll say, then either not do anything due to lack of courage or pluck it up and say a line. :D

God help him if all womenkind show the type of attitude you have displayed in the above post! :o

A growing number of fellow expats who I know are now totally against ever going with a white caucasian girl from Europe or the USA because of what they state is the prudish reserve and overbearing strict nature (amongst other things) compared with Asian women. Please don't give them any more excuses

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err jimsknight, thaibebop is a man, a western man actually, so take a look at your own issues first before coming on here & trying to tell us women what we should or shouldn't do.

It really pisses me off when some man with a bad attitude towards western women reads something on the ladies section that they don't like, assume it's written by a western women & then feel the need to tell said poster what they should or shouldn't do. So FYI, next time be aware that both men & women, thai & western post on the ladies section.

If you & your mates don't like western women then that your business & all the better for western women IMO as we don't want some twit who judges people on their own narrow minded assumptions just like you did.

And as for asian women being less prudish than western ones, yeah a bar girl maybe. Muppet.

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my Thai wife and I are staying in Kuala Lumpur. All the girls in bars we go to assume that she is "working", including any Thai girls.

we dont mind, she just chats to them and they realise their mistake. They are often rather sweet about it

I have a similar experience, and I must say my reaction is a little hypocritical sometimes - or is it the different inference in different situations: let me explain.

If we are in a bar and thai working girl thinks my lady is also working, I don't mind, we can chat, and there is no bad feeling in any direction. But if a farang man thinks she is a working girl I don't like it - perhaps because there is an element of "looking down" at her.

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