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Where To Buy Pop Music Dvds?


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Legally or illegal? How will you import them to the UK? Happy to take the risk on pirate music? If so probably Tachilek.

But why risk it and teach your nieces that theft is acceptable?


Saying that, I have bought the odd movie, but not taken them to the UK. In all honesty the quality has been crap so now I try to stick to originals. MP3 music can be bought at a lot of legal distributors of mainly Sony labels here.

Edited by iainiain101
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If you want a real CDs, go to B2S at Airport Plaza or Kad Suan Kaew, or try Mang Pong at Airport Plaza.

If you want pirated, go to Pantip plaza or any other pirate boots citywide. (Pirated materials are subjected to search at the Airport in most developed world)

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If you want a real CDs, go to B2S at Airport Plaza or Kad Suan Kaew, or try Mang Pong at Airport Plaza.

If you want pirated, go to Pantip plaza or any other pirate boots citywide. (Pirated materials are subjected to search at the Airport in most developed world)

True, but for some reason they never really seem to care (at least for me at San Francisco International Airport). I've been searched several times and they never took them away. Only once did they even say something. The customs agent said: "Do you know you aren't allowed to bring in DVD's/CD's?" Of course I played dumb and said "No." He then said, "Next time lay off buying the DVD's" then proceeded to let me go on my merry way.

Anyway, I have no problem buying pirated DVD's or CD's. They've jacked up prices for so long and the Thousands of DVD's/CD's/Cassettes/LP's I've bought legitimately, helped to line the pockets of the Highway Robber Music and Movie executives. Anyway, most of the DVD's I bring back have already been watched. If they take them away, so be it. Only way I would care is if they tried to stiff me with a large fine.

As for the place to buy, the best place to buy is in Myanmar are the Mae Sai Border. If you are making a Visa Run, you should check it out. DVD's are 1st class with excellent subtitles (for my Thai wife) and only run 30-35 baht (30 if you are buying a bunch). 25 baht a disk if you buying box sets.

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