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The Latest On David Carradine's Death


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I do agree the death was a tragic accident. I honestly think it was;"death by misadventure" due to a session of autoerotic asphyxiation going awry. ..

My only question is; with the plethora of inexpensive "time-share-gurls" in and around the area of his hotel, why didn't he use a 500 baht short time "spotter"?

There were no secret Kung <deleted> sects out to get him.


The theory that there was a Kung <deleted> sect involved was already published by Not The Nation in this gripping exposé which; true to their style, is written in incredibly poor taste (yet humorous in its own right);


BACK ON TOPIC: The O/P certainly comes off as more than a little paranoid (and an appropriate user name as well :) ). To quote an article which suggest a "vicious pack of rabid and murderous katoeys" were the cause of this accident is questionable, as well as a film director quoted as knowing the modus operandi of the mentioned "packs of katoeys". Personally, I'd rather believe the Not The Nation article, but to each their own.

(I strongly advise the O/P asks his doctor if he can double up on the meds for a while).

I can only say I am thankful paranoia is not contagious! :D

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When this story was reported on the Thai news channel, they actually said that he was a real character in the hotel bar and had been flirting with khathoeys.

Was any money/valuables missing from his room?

Plus they might have escaped out of the window.

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Auto-erotic asphyxiation - bad news for the conspiracy theorists: not withstanding the fact that its is subject with stigma attached to it - and relatives often prefer a verdict of murder or suicide than Auto-erotic asphyxiation (which is why folk don't like to admit it happen to someone close to to them), from a forensic pathology perspective, Bernard Knight lays the matter out in his 584page tome (Forensic Pathology ISBN 0-7131-4550-1 Pages 359 - 360 - my wife has the book - no, don't ask me why - she's a vet!) makes the observation that they are crystal clear cases and easily seperated from suicide and/or foul play (murder).

For those interested - see below: pictures deleated to keep MOD's happy.

Those who want high res unedited versiosn - PM me and I will send them to you by email.





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Hands bound behind back? :):D

They weren't tied behind his back. That conspiracy theory resulted from a Thai person who tied himself up in a closet and sold the picture of it to the press as the David Carradine murder picture, was published in Thai newspapers, but it wasn't Carradine.

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Why bring this up again? The poor man is dead and buried. If he had died peacefully in his sleep, we would all say in a year or two when they show the reruns - oh, yes, he seemed like a nice guy. But no, it'll go on and on and on because of some sort of sick voyeurism on the part of some who do not know how to Google.


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Whether he was choking the chicken or bashing the bishop is no longer relevant.

Or wanking his willie!

Sure, maybe he was spanking the monkey (wee!). But maybe not. Maybe he was was doing nothing of the sort, but was murdered, and the police have been trying to cover it up with this ridiculous story, designed to squelch curiosity because it's so strange and embarrassing. I would think that would make the story extremely relevant to any expat living in Thailand, because that would say something about the kind of place Thailand is and what can happen to any one of us there. If that could happen to someone like David Carradine (wealthy, well-connected, about to start shooting his next movie the very next day), and in a high-end hotel no less, and if there is a pattern of this kind of thing happening over many years to many foreigners in Thailand, then surely none of us should feel safe.

Surely you guys have heard of many other suspicious deaths of foreigners in their Thai hotel rooms? Does it cause you no concern?


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Maybe, he was really assasinated by a secret Kung <deleted> sect of alien mafia, as he was about to reveal thier nafarious plans for world domination by manipulation of the world finacial markets....... Or maybe he just miscalculated he abilities to control his auto-erotic asphyxiation, because of the adhoc technique he utilised, just like Micheal Hutchison. Which ever is the case he is no less dead, may he RIP.

I will go with your first explanation as being the most likely, it stands to reason really.

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I trust the preceeding few contributions to the thread are not referance to what I posted (?) - it was to present some fact on the subject - to end speculative commentry and conspiracy.

What sort of people read (or comment on) subjects like this(?): like or not, fact is this thread has attracted close on a 1000 views since yesterday - which ranks it in the top single percentage of "viewed threads" for the time frame. Likewise, overall the Carradine subject has attracted close on 10 000 views (if viewing from all the sperate threads is added up) to date.

It's clearly a topical subject of interest - if sadly so in part because many of the replies & contributions are not far short of inuendo/rumour and speculation ....

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Thailand is a sketchy place, and becoming more so. Many foreigners turn up dead there in very mysterious circumstances.

His manager and family all said he was in great spirits and cannot believe he would commit suicide, which was the first official verdict. Later an independent autopsy ruled out suicide, but not "foul play", which I take to mean other people may have been involved. The latest I heard was that two lady boys robbed and killed him, then tried to make it look like he died accidentally.

As for this "auto-erotic asphyxiation" theory - does anyone know how that works? I mean, really - wouldn't he have been found lying in his bed if he were masturbating with a rope tied around his neck? Do you really have to hang yourself in a closet in order to masturbate? Wouldn't anyone with the least bit of common sense realize that if you passed out while hanging yourself to get off you would not likely ever wake up? And wouldn't that leave very visible marks on your neck the next day when he was scheduled to begin shooting for his next film? And why would he be masturbating in Thailand of all places? Thailand is one of the easiest places in the world to hook up with someone, no matter what your fancy, all the more so if you're a rich, famous American actor!

What you really don’t know how this works?

Pull the other one, it’s got bells on, or should I say, ropes.

And Thailand is full of masturbators. Just hang about in Chiang Mai for a few days, you`re meet loads of them. There is a book on the subject by: Paul McPlocker and W. Anka.

Edited by sassienie
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All these posts and still nobody answered this question: wouldn't "auto-erotic asphyxiation" leave very visible marks on your neck the next day? David Carradine was scheduled to begin shooting for his next film the very next day!

Please tell me how it makes sense that he would hang himself in a closet with every risk of passing out and dying, or at the very least having alarming strangulation marks all around his neck the next day when he was to begin filming?

Keep in mind - all those around him said he was in great spirits, happy to be alive, and eager to begin his next film. His family and director immediately ruled out any possibility of suicide because they knew his mental state just prior to his death - he was anything but depressed or suicidal.

Furthermore, other accounts have him flirting with a couple of lady boys in the hotel bar that night just prior to his death.

I'm sorry guys, but the official story just doesn't make sense in light of all these other facts. And it's shocking to me that so many supposedly intelligent people are so willing to buy some disgusting story and just forget about it when it's clearly possible and even likely that he was murdered instead, and his murder is now being covered up.

What this means is that anyone could come into your hotel room, rob you, torture you to death, and then tie your naked corpse up in a closet in embarrassing position and the whole world will now say "oh yeah, he must've been some freak like that David Carradine".

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All these posts and still nobody answered this question: wouldn't "auto-erotic asphyxiation" leave very visible marks on your neck the next day? David Carradine was scheduled to begin shooting for his next film the very next day!

I've never done it, but a common shirt collar would probably hide any marks. :)

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Maybe the OP is too embarrassed to ask for how-to instructions and this is his clever way of obtaining them? :)

Ha! Go choke yourself. :D

I guess intelligent debate is too much to expect in this forum. Guess I should stick to joking around from now on. More fun anyway.

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Maybe the OP is too embarrassed to ask for how-to instructions and this is his clever way of obtaining them? :)

Ha! Go choke yourself. :D

I guess intelligent debate is too much to expect in this forum. Guess I should stick to joking around from now on. More fun anyway.

Ease up, we're just having a bit of fun with you. When you show up with attitude and spoiling for a fight you make a target of yourself. Chill out a bit, don't assume everyone who disagrees with you is some kind of idiot, and you'll find plenty of intelligent conversation here. :D

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Ease up, we're just having a bit of fun with you. When you show up with attitude and spoiling for a fight you make a target of yourself. Chill out a bit, don't assume everyone who disagrees with you is some kind of idiot, and you'll find plenty of intelligent conversation here. :)

You're right, man - thanks for going easy on me. I don't mean to come off that way, so I'll try to be more aware of the attitude I'm projecting and choose my words more carefully.

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All these posts and still nobody answered this question: wouldn't "auto-erotic asphyxiation" leave very visible marks on your neck the next day? David Carradine was scheduled to begin shooting for his next film the very next day!

Please tell me how it makes sense that he would hang himself in a closet with every risk of passing out and dying, or at the very least having alarming strangulation marks all around his neck the next day when he was to begin filming?

Keep in mind - all those around him said he was in great spirits, happy to be alive, and eager to begin his next film. His family and director immediately ruled out any possibility of suicide because they knew his mental state just prior to his death - he was anything but depressed or suicidal.

Furthermore, other accounts have him flirting with a couple of lady boys in the hotel bar that night just prior to his death.

I'm sorry guys, but the official story just doesn't make sense in light of all these other facts. And it's shocking to me that so many supposedly intelligent people are so willing to buy some disgusting story and just forget about it when it's clearly possible and even likely that he was murdered instead, and his murder is now being covered up.

What this means is that anyone could come into your hotel room, rob you, torture you to death, and then tie your naked corpse up in a closet in embarrassing position and the whole world will now say "oh yeah, he must've been some freak like that David Carradine".

No - not neccasserily: folk into the practise get very good at going about it in such a way so as to avoid obvious marking. When things go wrong though, and they kill themselves accidently, you can be pretty sure the preceeding struggle is going to involve sufficient force to leave marks - just as murder would, granted.

But "murder" which involves sufficient physical force to leave marks on the body, tends to also result in a lot of other "things" also been left behind: like additional evidence and motive - and there is neither of either in this case to the best of my knowledge.

No one saw anyone go to Carradines' room - in fact staff say he went up to his room alone. No one saw anyone leave the hotel early in the morning (meaning around 3am give or take a couple hours - estimated time of David's death. )

So we have a couple of lady boys (or someone else), who had no motive to murder him, who went up to his room without been seen, who had the knowldege to kill him, strip the body, physically move it into the position it was found, who had the knowledge and exeperiance to make it look like one of rarest types of accidental death that it looked to be - and do all this, take nothing from the room, and depart un-noticed, leaving no evidence of 3rd party participation!

We are talking about professional murderers here aren't we - so professional that they were willing to committ this murder with no motive (nothing was missing from his room), so good at their business that they have outwitted the police and lead the forensic examanier complelty off track?

Sorry - but I see no evidence to support a murder allegation, let alone evidence of a murder or is it that there is evidence of all the above, but that all involved are participating to suppress the evidence.

Edited by Maizefarmer
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Well ..RIP Bill. But this is an even funnier thread ..thought case was closed.

1) To the poster ranting on about 'suspicious deaths of fallangs in Thailand' ...Mann I feel safer here in Thailand than I do in the UK !

2) He died from his 'beating the meat', 'bashing the bishop', 'five knuckle shuffling', 'one off the wrist', 'gam lang chak wow' whilst adding to his pleasure by lack of oxygen ....period. Unlucky man ..that's about it and sad for him.

Get off the bandwagon conspiracy geezers and get real ...<deleted> happens like this all the time and it just happened to be a famous person this time so we all got to hear about it ...Joe Bloggs, you'd never know.

RIP Bill.

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The theory that there was a Kung <deleted> sect involved was already published by Not The Nation in this gripping exposé which; true to their style, is written in incredibly poor taste (yet humorous in its own right);


yep, insensitive but funny.

:) eg "Dr Chung said that if the Thousand Palms technique was still practiced, it would be a secret so powerful that its practitioners would probably kill to protect it."

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The theory that there was a Kung <deleted> sect involved was already published by Not The Nation in this gripping exposé which; true to their style, is written in incredibly poor taste (yet humorous in its own right);


yep, insensitive but funny.

:D eg "Dr Chung said that if the Thousand Palms technique was still practiced, it would be a secret so powerful that its practitioners would probably kill to protect it."

Presumably the 'Thousand Palms' technique requires 500 pairs of hands?


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Riddle me this - why would you do this in a closet and not on your bed? :D

Have you never heard of the 'wardrobe wank'? :D

^Uh please elaborate!!! :D

Please note: this is the General forum, not Bedlam. :)

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He was researching secret societies and was going to do a tell all. His father was deeply involved in such organizations, so David must have known enough to do them some serious damage if he talked.

And for all those who poo-poo such things, YOU ARE NAIVE.

So, hurry. Don't be late for your flu shots.....

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He was researching secret societies and was going to do a tell all. His father was deeply involved in such organizations, so David must have known enough to do them some serious damage if he talked.

And for all those who poo-poo such things, YOU ARE NAIVE.

So, hurry. Don't be late for your flu shots.....

Can I sell ya a t-shirt? :)


Edited by cdnvic
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