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We applied for my husbands ILR visa 3 days ago by poss, with the application we included his ESOL speaking and listening certificate along with a letter from the college. The letter said:

This is to confirm that (name) of (address) is pursuing a course of ESOL english language and of Citizenship studies at the (name of college).

(name) has passed ESOL skills for life entry 2 level exams in speaking and listening. He is progressing from the entry 2 level to entry 3 level this september.

I later found out that the letter should include more detail about the citizenship, It should say:

This qualification was gained on an ESOL course which used materials from or derived from the citizenship materials produced by NIACE/LLU+’.

I would like to know from someone who has been successful with their ILR if the above sentence is essential or will our letter from the college be ok?


We applied for my husbands ILR visa 3 days ago by poss, with the application we included his ESOL speaking and listening certificate along with a letter from the college. The letter said:

This is to confirm that (name) of (address) is pursuing a course of ESOL english language and of Citizenship studies at the (name of college).

(name) has passed ESOL skills for life entry 2 level exams in speaking and listening. He is progressing from the entry 2 level to entry 3 level this september.

I later found out that the letter should include more detail about the citizenship, It should say:

This qualification was gained on an ESOL course which used materials from or derived from the citizenship materials produced by NIACE/LLU+'.

I would like to know from someone who has been successful with their ILR if the above sentence is essential or will our letter from the college be ok?

hi, just looked at the wifes letter from her college, it says exactly what you highlighted.not put the papers in yet though, i believe that the course has to be one that is reconized by the home office, i,e city /guilds.

It must say the applicant has moved up 1 level and improved her English basically words to that effect.

The course must have citizenship materials etc.

You can demonstrate your knowledge of language and of life in the United Kingdom (KOL) in three ways:

■If you speak English to a reasonable standard, you will need to pass the Life in the UK test.

■If you are not an English speaker, you will need to take and pass an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course which contains citizenship materials. To check your language ability, you should work through the tutorial on the Life in the UK test website. If you cannot fully understand the information in this tutorial, you may need to take a course in English and citizenship.

■If you are the spouse or civil partner or unmarried/same sex partner of a permanent member of HM Diplomatic Service, a comparable UK-based staff member of the British Council on a tour of duty abroad or a staff member of the Department for International Development who is a British Citizen or is settled in the UK, a person designated by the Secretary of State may certify personally and in writing that you have sufficient knowledge of life in the UK and of the English language. This person will normally be the head of the post where they are based. The letter confirming this must be signed personally and endorsed with an official stamp. The original letter should be submitted, not a copy.


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