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Living In Thailand


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Would 20-30 million tbt be enough to retire on at 52 Hsbc are offering 8% now.

Just wondering.

I think,ll you,ll find that the interest is only for 250 pounds a month for a year and can only put 250 pounds in the first place ..the best interest for a wad of money is 4-75%....with most uk banks.......I.m in same boat..hope this is of use ...sorry to disapoint

Edited by cliffy
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When you move over here and you stay in vacation mode you would need very little because you would probably be dead in six months.

I have a pickup truck, a small motorcycle and a condo. I was living VERY well on less than $1,000 US per month. Now I spend most of my time up country in Loei province. It is a struggle to spend more than half that here. My biggest expenses by far are the UBC TV and satellite Internet. The house is my girlfriend's so I don't pay any rent.

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This is one of those impossible questions because there's a different answer for every person. Here's my take on the subject:

For the basics of living: Rent, food (Thai food, not Farang food), public transportation, food, clothing, etc... Thailand costs about 1/3 as much as most western countries. So, take the amount of money you need to live comfortably back home, divide by 3 and then add in any expenses other those mentioned above. That's how much you need to live comfortably in Thailand.

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I am not to argue "otherstuff" but i think this differ from country to country.

The index in Norway is 1 nok = 6 bath .

And say a meal in thailand cost 60 bath , in Norway at least 6 times that.

A flat size 40m2 cost about 30 000bth a month , and fuel is 60 bth pr litre.

I spend about 12 000 bth in fuel each month only to and from work.+ 2500 bth citytax.Eating for about 25000bth monthly (and i mean not in a restaurant,then you might tripple it).

Drinks cost about 600 bth , 0,4 litr beer 300 bth in the local bar.

One saturday night out in Norway most likely will not end under 9000bth.

In thailand you would do well with 2000 bth for a good partynight.

So my opinion is that it's more like 1/5 split of money, cause there is several things that cost much less then at home.


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Living cost in Kalifornia ? A studio apartment in the Los Angeles area will cost you about $1,200 US per month. In Jomtien I was paying about $180 a month for a new one bedroom apartment. Car insurance in Kalifornia was about $1,600 and full coverage here is about $350. My girlfriend grows most of our vegetables and what we buy including meat is very cheap. My beer bill comes in number three in the high cost items. I buy on average a case of big bottles every week. A case cost 310 baht. about $8.15.

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I cant believe some of the responses to this thread, you guys must be buying gold everyday and eating at the Sheraton for all of your meals.  :o

My estimation would be, 50 thousand a month is plenty and that is still going out for great meals and a pissup once in a while. I live well under this and I dont have a budget that I cling to. Up north you can probably live on 20k easily.

Horse shit.. I have seen you go through 50k in a weekend.. :D

40 - 50k is livable but I wouldnt consider it 'plenty' (plus if I am not mistaken you own your place outright, have already bought the car etc).. 20k up country or not wouldnt even make the pickup payments.

About 80k starts to get into the 'plenty' category and 100 is luxury IMHO..

Also if talk about retiring consider inflation and how far that money needs to go..

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I plan on making a go at it with 40K Baht a month, house and car paid for. Hope it works...

I also plan on getting a job earn an extra 20K a month, the wife could do the same if she felt the need. I am currently 32. I realize that I can not depend on the 40K alone due to inflation etc. So this is why we would like to suplement the 40K and save for the days when I am too old to work... like say around 40yrs old (Eh Eh Eh)

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No chance of getting 8% on 20-30 million baht with the HSBC. Details of their offer below...


    * Competitive interest rate of 8% gross/AER, fixed for 12 months.

    * Save from £25 to £250 each month by standing order from your HSBC Bank current account.

    * No partial withdrawals allowed.

    * Manage your account online, at your branch or by the phone.

    * Available only to customers who have their monthly salary or retirement income paid to an HSBC Bank current account. If you're not an existing customer, apply online now to open an HSBC Bank Account.

Would 20-30 million tbt be enough to retire on at 52 Hsbc are offering 8% now.

Just wondering.

I think,ll you,ll find that the interest is only for 250 pounds a month for a year and can only put 250 pounds in the first place ..the best interest for a wad of money is 4-75%....with most uk banks.......I.m in same boat..hope this is of use ...sorry to disapoint

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a bit bored to read or answer those questions regarding "how much is needed for good living in Los" etc bcoz as mentioned soooo many times...it depends on each individuals life style. But ONE THING 4 sure guys: do not forget about social securities!!! Mean: add another 10.000,00 baht per month for times of sickness or accident/hospital expense. IF it (unlikely) happens that you never ever have an accident: be happy and keep on drinkin' ... but IF it happens: be double happy that the hospital doctor knows that you have enough cash available to safe your life.

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But ONE THING 4 sure guys: do not forget about social securities!!! Mean: add another 10.000,00 baht per month for times of sickness or accident/hospital expense. IF it (unlikely) happens that you never ever have an accident: be happy and keep on drinkin' ... but IF it happens: be double happy that the hospital doctor knows that you have enough cash available to safe your life.

I've been here 5.5 years now and been to hospital twice, once for a semi-slipped disc and once for a swollen knee. I may have been lucky up to now, but the cost of these two visits (private, not public) amounted to Bht 550.00. Therefore given an "insurance" of Bht 10,000.00/month, I'm 659,450.00 in pocket.

However, I have been informed by others that at an age of between 50 and 60, adequate health insurance is available for around Bht 40,000.00 p.a. (3,300.00/month).

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However, I have been informed by others that at an age of between 50 and 60, adequate health insurance is available for around Bht 40,000.00 p.a. (3,300.00/month).

Hi Jay.

Where please? US$1000 p/a sounds too good to be true. :o

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I believe a safe figure for one contemplating life in Thailand is 30,000 baht per month. And that's still more than enough if you own your own place and have to feed 8 relatives, send one to college and loan out 2000 baht per month. :o

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There are several factors to consider, we live in a country which has a reasonable cost of living, however inflation is quite strong and rapid in Thailand. Just look at the prices of diesel and petrol which can increase by 25% in one day....The whole economy is based on diesel run transport...This will make all our consumer goods more expensive. Another factor is that electicity and water have been increasing constantly as well....This happens everywhere but in Thailand just a little faster. I don't think it would be wise to index a budget for living on todays' economical environment because in 5 yrs time things will have drastically increased...

Other factors in your budget should include Visa Fees, visa runs, the eventual trips back "Home", etc....

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Thailand can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be...you have the choice. Eat on the street or in local places and you wont be paying too much. Eat in upscale dining places and you will burn through money! Same for choosing places you want to have a drink in.

I dont have a gf in tow at the moment so things are fine for me and I dont own my own place nor do i have a car. I take home less than 40k per month and i do ok. I live a comfortable life here. Eat on the street or pretty cheaply and will eat at a nice restaurant once in a while for a treat...belong to a nice sports club, have fun over the weekends. I drink only on the weekend unless its a special occasion.

Everyone has differnt ideas on what makes a comfortable life...

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