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Kbank Shopping Card Refund

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Im looking for a bit of advice but also a warning for others...

my mum has her own small business back in the UK, last year when i wanted to borrow some money off her i thought I would save the charge by getting her to do a refund from her PDQ machine onto my Virtual KBANk Visa card/Shopping card..no problem 5 days later cash was in my account..

This year i wanted to do the same again..problems galore.... its now been nearly 5 weeks and the money still hasnt arrived in my account.. in typical thai form they told me that you cannot refund a kbank shoping card unless you brought something using that card and are just looking to refund that amount(even though i did it last year).

i have provided them with the Actual slip from the telling machine which clearly shows not only the VISA card number but also the words 'refund accepted' written on the slip and also the unique transaction number that VISA provide everytime a transaction is done...

I seem to be getting nowhere fast with people on the end of the phone at KBANK and am getting sick of having to explain the whole episode everytime I phone up and want to speak to somebody about it..

Has this happened to anybody else before or does anybody regualry get refunds put on their card like paypal etc...

Andy finally does anybody have any idea what to do to pursue this.. i getting really pissed about it now

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we have several credit card charge gadgets and there are several ways that an establishment could provide refund to customers with various intentions, some of which are legitimate while others are questionable.

i like thaivisa too well and does not want to subject it to possible sanction of any kind.

go back and ask your mom and i am sure she can figure this thing out quickly.

good luck.

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