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Water Stations


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Maybe this is old news for some guys.

The wife drives past one of those water stations everyday on the way to uni.

Having seen many in the States and none in the UK I decided to check it out.

1 baht for just over a litre of water (approx).

Does anyone else use these?

Seems fine to me. It's cheap and it also saves using more and more plastic.

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I drink alot of water (6-8 litres a day) and my girlfriend always fills up at these stations. It's about 10% of the price of buying new bottles without all the waste, and with the amount I drink that saves us about 25,000 baht per year (just worked that out and surprised myself). I refuse to use them myself as you do look a bit of a cheap charlie :D

Been drinking it for nearly 4 years now and it's not done me any harm, no doubt someone will be on here in a minute telling you it will give you dysentry or cholera :)

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not in a million years. TIT and I would like to see when they change the filters, if ever or even if they have one. Filters are expensive. there was a recent article in the Bangkok Post about the huge number of them and only a small percentage pay the fee [very very cheap fee] and go unregulated. It said the ones they checked had no maitnenece done. bottled water is cheap here and you have a better chance of it being properly filtered since it has the company name on it.

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I've seen a couple in Bangkok as well - but I'd be concerned about the maintenance of the filters and disnfection equipment. The standard of the incoming water is very variable in Thailand.

A reputable, international certification mark that includes some form of inspection and testing (like NSF) would be needed before I'd risk it.

Same goes for the large 'water-cooler' bottles.

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Used one a while ago and I expected a bottle to drop out full of water but I got my feet washed instead. The wife was standing about 50 metres away and nearly peed herself laughing.

I'll know next time.

:) Nice one Jimmy!

Don't tell me, you're always dropping a few baht in condom machines in toilets and waiting for the sexy bird pictured on the front of the machine to drop out. :D

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>Are the water stations privately owned? Or is it a city thing?

We used on in Pattaya when we lived there, no problems with it's use but agree with the comments above about filter cleaning and if there is a strong UV light inside for bug killing.

The one we used was owned (leased?) by a small shop nearby and delivered 1.25 liters per Baht.

Bearing in mind I brushed my teeth with city water and also used it for tea coffee from time to time as well.

These days I've taken a step futher from western water on tap with all water for drinking and cooking coming from our own filter system, not been sick yet.

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