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Yettaw Interview: Guy Who Swam Lake To Burma Not That Crazy


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I'm sure everyone's heard about this American Yettaw who swam across the lake to visit Burma's activist Suu Kyi

First impression was: This guy is a complete nut and I have been waiting for an interview

Here's the video which, to my surprise makes the guy look rather sane


He seems like a nut to me. Maybe his heart was in the right place, but he's lost touch with reality.

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That guy really screwed things up for the democracy movement. To me it seems like he was paid to go over there JUST so they can impose another house arrest sentence on Su Kyi. The fact that he was released so quickly from such oppressive and dictatorial clutches only confirms the point.

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That guy really screwed things up for the democracy movement. To me it seems like he was paid to go over there JUST so they can impose another house arrest sentence on Su Kyi. The fact that he was released so quickly from such oppressive and dictatorial clutches only confirms the point.

It's a feasable conspiracy theory. I think much more likely is that the Burmese authorities recognised that indeed he was nuts, were glad of an excuse to re-persecute Suu Kyi, and were also mindful of the international incident potential.

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Finally a refreshing post where nobody, but nobody is whinging and whining about how outrageously terrible it is here in Thailand - I am totally blown away!!

Oh - its not about Thailand - silly me!! Must be one of those little temporary token jobs - maybe 10 posts-time-to-live. Why would any sane wonk go there?!

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