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Mandalay Club Thais Free Falang 300 Baht!


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#3. "Farang start fights and cause problems." Again, no race or ethnic group has a monopoly on being obnoxious and starting fights, except maybe Australians.

Woa there fella. Aren't you guilty here of the same kind of sweeping generalizations you accuse others of?

Some of the nicest people I've ever met are Australian, though even that is beside the point.

I'm with you on all the rest.

:D Sorry, I meant it tongue-in-cheek. I love Australians. :)

Peace, man. My mistake for jumping the gun.

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re ... Magic Club - where's that.

its here but if you want to put up with the ... you buy me drink all night ? AND the MISSERABLE OWNER . good luck .

i went there once .... and NEVER again

enjoy ... dave2

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re ... The green arrow points to a rather seedy little bar that might have a girl or two, but no hot Coyotes like in the picture. The arrow should be pointing elsewhere.

the magic club has some nice looking girls at the mo ( last week ) who start the coyote dancing at about 11 ish but the misserable looking owner sending me a tall girl , a short girl , a thin girl , a bigger girl , a young girl , an older girl in quick sucsesion in 25 minits coz he was desperate to rent one to me at the time and every one had the same questions .

what your name , where you come from , where you stay , how long you stay , you buy me drink ? etc until i heard him say dont bother hes keenoow ( a cheap charlie , a tight ar#e or whatever ) as i wouldnt buy one of them a drink .

i paid for my drink and left about two years ago

re ... but no hot Coyotes like in the picture ... if you mean spotlight ug ? a green arrow i can do but ive not been to see the girls in there for a year at least so i cant comment on the quality of them at the mo.


ps if you want to try a bar where the second question ( not the 5th ) is you buy me drink ? go to butterfly bar in loi kroh road ! .... way ... way ... way ... too pushy .... exit dave2 ( and my regular money ) four years ago

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Sorry, you are correct. I was thinking of that bar inside the moat, which is not the Magic Club, so I thought that it was a mistake.

The Magic Club is outside the moat and they do have a few hot girls, but I get the idea that they do traditional Coyote dancing, rather than the naughty girl kind, so some of the degenerate types might find such a place nothing but frustrating. Am I correct about this?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sorry, you are correct. I was thinking of that bar inside the moat, which is not the Magic Club, so I thought that it was a mistake.

The Magic Club is outside the moat and they do have a few hot girls, but I get the idea that they do traditional Coyote dancing, rather than the naughty girl kind, so some of the degenerate types might find such a place nothing but frustrating. Am I correct about this?

Do they howl like Coyote's too? :)

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Sorry, you are correct. I was thinking of that bar inside the moat, which is not the Magic Club, so I thought that it was a mistake.

The Magic Club is outside the moat and they do have a few hot girls, but I get the idea that they do traditional Coyote dancing, rather than the naughty girl kind, so some of the degenerate types might find such a place nothing but frustrating. Am I correct about this?

Yea, you are correct. The girls are very pretty in Magic, but they aren't allowed to leave before closing time; no bar fines. So you can try to work your charms and get a phone number, but you're going to have to buy some lady drinks and unless you are very charming your chances are slim. It's a bar for watching, not pulling. Thankfully, and unlike every other Coyote club I've been to, the drinks are cheap. 60 baht for a San Mig I think.

I think the owner is a very nice guy, sitting at the bar every night and happy to chat with anyone.

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Sorry, you are correct. I was thinking of that bar inside the moat, which is not the Magic Club, so I thought that it was a mistake.

The Magic Club is outside the moat and they do have a few hot girls, but I get the idea that they do traditional Coyote dancing, rather than the naughty girl kind, so some of the degenerate types might find such a place nothing but frustrating. Am I correct about this?

Do they howl like Coyote's too? :)

depends on your magic trick :D

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Sorry, you are correct. I was thinking of that bar inside the moat, which is not the Magic Club, so I thought that it was a mistake.

The Magic Club is outside the moat and they do have a few hot girls, but I get the idea that they do traditional Coyote dancing, rather than the naughty girl kind, so some of the degenerate types might find such a place nothing but frustrating. Am I correct about this?

Do they howl like Coyote's too? :D

depends on your magic trick :D

555 :)

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Sorry, you are correct. I was thinking of that bar inside the moat, which is not the Magic Club, so I thought that it was a mistake.

The Magic Club is outside the moat and they do have a few hot girls, but I get the idea that they do traditional Coyote dancing, rather than the naughty girl kind, so some of the degenerate types might find such a place nothing but frustrating. Am I correct about this?

Do they howl like Coyote's too? :D

depends on your magic trick :D

555 :)

It sounds like it might be time to visit CM. :D

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all essential for the thai economy

if thai's had to pay farang prices they would need farang wages. where would the rice be then?

If the place was set up for gay rice farmers then i wouldn't object that much - but it ain't.

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If the place was set up for gay rice farmers then i wouldn't object that much - but it ain't.

You kidding? Mandagay on a Friday night is like a gay rice farmers convention :D (well, OK maybe the gay offspring of local rice farmers :) )

"Son, time to come home and help with rice harvest!" "Oooohh laaaa, sorry Pa, too busy doing my hair and makeup, and that strong sun would ruin my white skin, Jiaow"

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I am really surprised (or maybe not) to see a discussion about MANDALAY re-starting again.

since ages it is known that this establishment is extremely rascist towards Farang. PERIOD

it is stunning me that there are still Farang patronizing their premises, when there are plenty of other more pleasant joints (at Nimmanhaemin, for example)

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I am really surprised (or maybe not) to see a discussion about MANDALAY re-starting again.

since ages it is known that this establishment is extremely rascist towards Farang. PERIOD

it is stunning me that there are still Farang patronizing their premises, when there are plenty of other more pleasant joints (at Nimmanhaemin, for example)

Yea, but they are no fun to complain about. This is much more fun to read.

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I am really surprised (or maybe not) to see a discussion about MANDALAY re-starting again.

since ages it is known that this establishment is extremely rascist towards Farang. PERIOD

it is stunning me that there are still Farang patronizing their premises, when there are plenty of other more pleasant joints (at Nimmanhaemin, for example)

Yea, but they are no fun to complain about. This is much more fun to read.

yeah like "where is the best hamburger ?" threads :)

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since ages it is known that this establishment is extremely rascist towards Farang. PERIOD

it is stunning me that there are still Farang patronizing their premises, when there are plenty of other more pleasant joints (at Nimmanhaemin, for example)

If they were racist they'd just have a no Farang policy, period. They're actually very welcoming of some Farang who get VIP treatment whenever they go there. I think it's more certain Farang stereotypes they don't want!

Hot tip: If you REALLY WANT to pay 300 Bt to get in go wearing a football shirt (especially an England one) :)

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well obviously if you're being cheap with the 300 baht fee/coupon (and u can exchange that with drinks inside) it seems fair enough. my partner and i have been going to mandalay for 2 years and we get to pay 300 baht to get in. we dont bother much. so dont complain too much over here. these places are just trying to maintain the local customers and i think if theres too many farangs go there thai get intimidated, especially with some tourists. most of the time theyre the one who are annoying at the end of a night out screaming and doing stupid things. Although we dont get to pay in fabrique eversince they opened. We were invited by the owner once (randomly) coming out in another club in town @ 7 AM , he opened his club for 20 people, open bar and spin his records til noon...that was so cool of him.......and it doesnt hurt your pocket spending 300 baht, not unless you're trying to be a cheap falang in town...just saying.

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My girlfriend says this is a rampant gay bar, probably explains why I haven't been there. In any establishment it always comes down to how much do you really want to go there? If the place is going off pay the 300 baht and have a good time, if it is only so so then find somewhere else. Vote with your feet, and no, the Thais won't care either way.

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My girlfriend says this is a rampant gay bar, probably explains why I haven't been there. In any establishment it always comes down to how much do you really want to go there? If the place is going off pay the 300 baht and have a good time, if it is only so so then find somewhere else. Vote with your feet, and no, the Thais won't care either way.

Mandagay is it's unofficial name :) yes it does have a large gay clientle but not exclusive. I went there once a few year back; nightclubs gay or straight, Thai or Farang are not really my thing so I couldn't comment if it was good or bad, I did get in for free though :D

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