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I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

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I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

Whatever happened to the gay boyfriend you had hot to trot Billy ? It was a gay bar then.


a thai wouldnt want to getinto a partnership with a farang....

if a thai needs money he will take it from a bank or another thai...what makes u think he would just trust you...inless his intentions r to rip u off....

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

You have about as much chance of finding one as a motorcycle taxi driver with an MBA


I thought you had to have a thai partner to do business.

A farang cannot start a business with more than 49% ownership or something like that.

So how are you going to create a business without a thai

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

What are you upto now, Billy? What happened to your Thai boyfriend that you were so lovey-dovey with? The 200,000 Baht investment to open a bar for him to run while you remain in England for 6 mo./yr? :o

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

What are you upto now, Billy? What happened to your Thai boyfriend that you were so lovey-dovey with? The 200,000 Baht investment to open a bar for him to run while you remain in England for 6 mo./yr? :o

Ole Billy is either a fool or a troll. He changes his story by the hour. I'm sorry to say but he's an Aussie

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?


Does not exist, only scams.

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

What are you upto now, Billy? What happened to your Thai boyfriend that you were so lovey-dovey with? The 200,000 Baht investment to open a bar for him to run while you remain in England for 6 mo./yr? :o

Ole Billy is either a fool or a troll. He changes his story by the hour. I'm sorry to say but he's an Aussie

a fickle fool from Freemantle?



I'm sure you could find many business partners in most if not all of the Boyztown bars. :o

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

You have about as much chance of finding one as a motorcycle taxi driver with an MBA

aheeem...Mate of mine in Bangkok took a morbike taxi from a guy that spoke Perfect English(Pommie accent)..MBA from a UK Uni. After sasking him why he did this job and not a manager somewhere etc he told my mate.."Well the hours are my own, the money can be really good..especially from farang customers and he liked the job"...can't argue with that.He also had his own busines cards printed in English :o

I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

I know where such a gentleman lives. :o

Nice fellow, speaks exc. E -- but his last take was when he stiffed a couple Brits for 5 mil. -- he is in jail now, in Phuket town.

Billy? At least you know what you're dealing with in advance. Get yourself a horse and bust him out at dawn.

Then post here. :D


OK, here's not only a thai perspective but from someone with a U.S. MBA and a current position as President & CEO of a subsidiary to a Swiss based company (mentioned only to highlight my business acumen).

The gents who warned you are absolutely right about the difficulties in finding a thai business partner, especially one you can trust, although i don't believe this is unique to thailand. So you're left with 2 options, figure out how to find a trustworthy partner or do it yourself.

Either case, you should develop a business plan first and do your homework to figure out what you want to do exactly. Then you can figure out how to do it and who needs to be involved. Even at that point i highly recommend you tread water for yourself first before you try to swim in the deep end, ie, spend some time in country to make friends and learn everything you can about the culture and business.

If you don't know anything about business plans, check out the link below. The sample plan for Coffee Kiosk might be interesting reading for you. Finally, my thai sister-in-law has successfully started up 2 cafes in bangkok so you can pm me later with specific questions, when you finally make the move.


I often wonder where i can find good Thai business partners.

For example there must be some Thais out there with loads of experience say in a CAFE operation but not much capital who are looking at starting a business.

Where can i find someone like this? Who has the motivation,experience but not the capital?

Ask toxin :o:D


actually - beer bars are good places to look for thai partner. You can use bg IDs as shareholder and they will never bother you.

will cost from 200 to 400baht a head. You might need small flock of them - just in case of 5% each.


Great reply from Vit42.

For me, i just hope Billyboy keeps on posting. Its very sad i know, but his posts brighten up my day no end. At least on the business accumen scale i know im not rank bottom now!

Great reply from Vit42.

For me, i just hope Billyboy keeps on posting. Its very sad i know, but his posts brighten up my day no end. At least on the business accumen scale i know im not rank bottom now!

I liked it too, esp credentials of CEO of Swiss-based company with USA BA etc.

a propos, did someone see swiss based company in bkk? i didn't.

and of course - wise advise to look at bplans.com - only CEO can give such pro tip. get real, pls!

Great reply from Vit42.

For me, i just hope Billyboy keeps on posting. Its very sad i know, but his posts brighten up my day no end. At least on the business accumen scale i know im not rank bottom now!

I liked it too, esp credentials of CEO of Swiss-based company with USA BA etc.

a propos, did someone see swiss based company in bkk? i didn't.

and of course - wise advise to look at bplans.com - only CEO can give such pro tip. get real, pls!

Not sure what your "get real, pls!" comment is referring too. I never said the company i run was in bkk, if you see my location, it's in boston, ma, usa. IMHO, billyboy seems a little green so i thought that a bplan was the right place for him to start. I'd rather not bore him or anyone with b-school or ceo talk since his idea is for a simple shop.

On-line, where nobody can see you, it's so easy to act smug and give non constructive criticism. If you really want to get real, i'll show you mine (credentials) if you show me yours!

Not sure what your "get real, pls!" comment is referring too. I never said the company i run was in bkk, if you see my location, it's in boston, ma, usa. IMHO, billyboy seems a little green so i thought that a bplan was the right place for him to start. I'd rather not bore him or anyone with b-school or ceo talk since his idea is for a simple shop.

On-line, where nobody can see you, it's so easy to act smug and give non constructive criticism. If you really want to get real, i'll show you mine (credentials) if you show me yours!

Ph D, nuclear physics, Master comp. sciences, Chernobyl.

no, really - it was fun - to send poor billy to wright business plan for coffee shop. that was for "get real, pls"

Not sure what your "get real, pls!" comment is referring too. I never said the company i run was in bkk, if you see my location, it's in boston, ma, usa. IMHO, billyboy seems a little green so i thought that a bplan was the right place for him to start. I'd rather not bore him or anyone with b-school or ceo talk since his idea is for a simple shop.

On-line, where nobody can see you, it's so easy to act smug and give non constructive criticism. If you really want to get real, i'll show you mine (credentials) if you show me yours!

Ph D, nuclear physics, Master comp. sciences, Chernobyl.

no, really - it was fun - to send poor billy to wright business plan for coffee shop. that was for "get real, pls"

PhD impressive. Me... MBA, MS Materials Science (nuclear), BS Nuclear Engineering, Texas Instruments (DRAM design), General Dynamics (nuclear submarines design), Seabrook Nuclear Station (reactor design). Does my 2 masters make up for the lack of a PhD? Perhaps we can discuss enrichment loading factors since what are the chances that we both have nuclear physics understanding??? BTW, know i know why Chernobyl's coolant system failed...


.... back to live action, folks...

the American has answered the bell with a couple of weak jabs against the formidable Russian. Perhaps Oleg's verbal onslaught and a tad too much radiation exposure has weakened him. Everyone in the arena is eagerly anticipating the no-nonsense Russian's response.



On the serious plane...what about a business seminar in BK this year...could be both fun and productive........

And for entertainment... Oleg and Vit could duke it out..lol.....

Not sure what your "get real, pls!" comment is referring too. I never said the company i run was in bkk, if you see my location, it's in boston, ma, usa. IMHO, billyboy seems a little green so i thought that a bplan was the right place for him to start. I'd rather not bore him or anyone with b-school or ceo talk since his idea is for a simple shop.

On-line, where nobody can see you, it's so easy to act smug and give non constructive criticism. If you really want to get real, i'll show you mine (credentials) if you show me yours!

Ph D, nuclear physics, Master comp. sciences, Chernobyl.

no, really - it was fun - to send poor billy to wright business plan for coffee shop. that was for "get real, pls"

PhD impressive. Me... MBA, MS Materials Science (nuclear), BS Nuclear Engineering, Texas Instruments (DRAM design), General Dynamics (nuclear submarines design), Seabrook Nuclear Station (reactor design). Does my 2 masters make up for the lack of a PhD? Perhaps we can discuss enrichment loading factors since what are the chances that we both have nuclear physics understanding??? BTW, know i know why Chernobyl's coolant system failed...

As long as both Masters were research based we'll accept you. :o


MAD: mutual assured destruction is what will happen if Dr. Oleg and I duke it out :D I say you bring you worst bottle of russian vodka and i'll bring my moonshined thai whiskey and we drink until the last man standing to see who's "smarter" :o P.S. sriracha john, this is where you should take note that i'm thai, although terribly americanized. And dr. patpong can join and ask me questions about my thesis on high energy implantation to see if indeed i do equivocate to a phd.

Poor billyboy, sorry for the tangents and the rants that have absolutely nothing to do with your desire for a good cup of expresso. Next time i'll leave my credentials at the door to keep from antagonizing the other egos :D

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