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Help! Firefox Hangs Repeatedly


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Ever since I upgraded to Firefox 3.5.2, I have been having serious problems with just normal browsing. The slightest movement or click is enough to make Firefox hang, usually for about a minute or so, and this makes my entire system freeze too. Safari is normally absolutely fine, but sometimes also freezes if I have Firefox open as well. When I quit Firefox, it takes 5 minutes or longer to actually stop running. Switching tabs, scrolling, clicking a link...no matter what I do, it hangs.

I am using a Mac OS version 10.5.8, if that helps. I have tried googling the problem, but none of the suggested causes or solutions seem to apply. I have checked my extensions under add-ons, but there are none. I do not have the Skype add-on.

I have a bad habit of leaving open multiple tabs at a time, but since having this problem, I have limited this to 3 or 4, and yet the problem is worse.

Meanwhile, on a (possibly unrelated?) note, I cannot easily open google.com or log in to gmail in Firefox. If I type google.com into the address bar, it automatically redirects to .co.th, and then I get the 404/page cannot found error. If I type in gmail.com, the front page opens fine, but once I have entered my username and password, the page, again, cannot found. However, if I then click on the google maps bookmark I have in my toolbar, I found that I am actually logged in under my username, and can then just click "mail" to get to my email. I had my preferences set to google.co.uk not co.th, but it reverts every time and I cannot figure out how to make it stay put. It works fine in Safari.

At the moment I am using Safari for everything, but would prefer Firefox, where I have all my bookmarks and other data. Unfortunately, it is just unusable.

Has anyone else had this problem since the latest upgrade/have any ideas of what might be causing it? I would be really, really grateful if so, as it has been driving me insane all month!

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What you report regarding FF3.5.2. was also reported by Window users. In yizr case you are running MAC OS. So I can not assist you except

to tell you that your provider True may very well have something to do with the issues you face.

Wait for MAC users advise.

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Ok, thanks. It will be worth the wait if anyone has a solution!

Think I had the same issues with Firefox when in Singapore recently, so I'm not sure how much True are involved. And from a lot of googling, it seems it does affect a lot of people but there is no single fix yet (or maybe I'm doing something wrong).

Incidentally, opening Firefox in Safe Mode doesn't help...

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I like Firefox but the longer I use the latest version the more glitches develop. I have found that if I uninstall it and reinstall the problems go away. I have to totally uninstall it, personal settings and all.

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I like Firefox but the longer I use the latest version the more glitches develop. I have found that if I uninstall it and reinstall the problems go away. I have to totally uninstall it, personal settings and all.

From the Windows user site I went this way

Installed FF2.020.

Let FF2 upgrade automatically to version 3.0!

Let FF3 upgrade automatically to the next higher version 3.5

After that the version 3.5 upgraded to 3.5.2

Since I went this way FF runs like a charm and very fast!

It kept all my settings. I never upgraded straight to the highest available version.

At least one plug-in caused trouble and that was Auto-pager. into a nightmare. Since it is disabled, no more problems.

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Had the same problem with Firefox. Do you by chance have Firebug installed as an add-in? Once I got rid of that, I have had no problems for a few days now.

If you have it installed, disable it. Tools, add-ons, disable firebug. See what happens.

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I don't have Firebug.

Also, when I tried safe mode, I think that disables all add-ons. But I still had the problem.

I have googled the problem till I'm blue in the face, but the suggested solutions either didn't apply to me, didn't work for me, or were far too technical and above my head. It is also hard for me, as a non-techie, to figure out which of the many problems might be because of the browser update, and which are due to internet problems in Thailand.

My partner works in IT and would probably be able to figure out the problem for me. But he's so busy right now and travelling so much, I've been attempting to solve the problem on my own. The uninstall/reinstall sounds like a good option...Then again, I don't want to do anything I don't fully understand, and make things worse!

Seems like I'll just have to stick to Safari for now, and leave Firefox alone...

Thanks for all the help!

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