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Public Ban [reason] List


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On several much larger forums one thing that often can be found is the listings of banned users and a short-sentence reason (and also expiration date if not permanent) for every registered user to see. One example would be the somethingawful.com-forums.

This helps people when it comes to understanding WHY people are banned and removes the need to ASK anyone about it. Because believe me, questions are asked. But if no official response exist there only remains personal skewed opinions [often from friends of the banned] and that slants users against the admins of the site.

While I have often seen many justified bans there is always a feeling when talking to others about the site that overall there is a perception that management is banning 'at will' at times, most likely due to lack of background of the events leading up to the bans.

This can all be remedied.

One example, a user I didn't always see eye to eye with, but he did contribute with a LOT of newspostings was 'sriracha john'. He has over 28 posts, and has apparently been banned for over 2 weeks. I just assumed he had taken some vacation.

Now, should I ask some of his friends and get a slanted view on the events leading up to this ban or should I direct my questions to someone more objective, and in that case, who?

If there was a list with a reason stated atleast one could get a hum regarding what it was about and decide there and then that it satisfies the need to know.

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Agree that this would be a good idea, as I'm sure many other members would also. Unfortunately, I also expect there's pretty much 0% chance of it actually happening.

BTW, I assume that when you said this:

28 posts

you actually meant 28,000 posts :)

Edited by dantilley
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A few reasons certain unnameable posters were finally banned

clearly insulting the monarch

Consistently, repeatedly, almost constantly breaking the rules

naming members, admins, noted Thai figures, et al. as Nazis, child rapists, and worse

outing members by name and address, nationality of spouse, in a threatening manner

combinations of the above

IMHO, it opens whole cans of worms.

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OP, if you are friends with SRJ, I'm sure you'll manage to find him again one way or another and ask him about his status- because he will have been clearly told (whether or not he tells you so) why he has been banned.

We mods are accountable to each other and to Admin, and they make the rules (with mod and member suggestions in mind, sure enough). If a mod behaves capriciously or unreasonably, there are umpteen (well, more than 30) other mods to point it out, and Admin gets the final say. That's far and away enough accountability to make the system work- and as far as I can tell, after using many Thai-related websites, it is more consistent and more accountable than nearly any other place I have seen. If you don't feel that things are trustworthy here enough on this basis, then maybe you shouldn't use this forum and you should find some place which is transparent enough to suit your needs.

On a personal note, SRJ's hard work for the news- which should be acknowledged- did not save him from being required to follow the rules- and his breaking of the rules should also be acknowledged. Even WE MODS have to obey the rules in general (with some exceptions related to the execution of our duties).

As this is devolving into a discussion of moderation, the thread will be closed soon.

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Agree that this would be a good idea, as I'm sure many other members would also. Unfortunately, I also expect there's pretty much 0% chance of it actually happening.

BTW, I assume that when you said this:

28 posts

you actually meant 28,000 posts :)

Yes, indeed. :D

PB>> Unless SJ was specifically banned for one of those reasons, I find it disrespectful to bring any of them up as a possible reason someone was banned. We KNOW what the POSSIBLE reasons can be for the forum in total.

And clearly labeling a banned user with 'Breach of LM' is not something I think would open up a can of worms if it happened. Neither is short descriptions as 'Repeatedly broke rule #3' etc.

As this is devolving into a discussion of moderation, the thread will be closed soon.

No, it is not devolving into that.

It's about administration of a big site and transparency towards the users.

I was admin for two very large forums before work took it's toll so I know what is required and the reasons one might to keep some things out of the loop. But keeping the users confused and worried is detrimental to the well-being of the forum in the long run.

And FYI, I don't know SRJ personally. The thread isn't about him personally, it just reminded me of something I have been meaning to post before.

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Perhaps, as the internet and forums continue to evolve and assume more importance in people's lives we will see the emergence of a professional occupation as a moderator with verifiable credentials to match (eg. B. Mod.). Probably inevitable really.

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