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Recently my Internet Connection Via Ais Gprs was damm slow...When i get connected to the internet for the first 10 mins its ok... But after that the internet conection seems not to be moving or uploading any files..trying to refresh my ie but stillsays loading but nothing comes out....it has been like this since yesterday evening...

So i decided to delete alll the cokies and temp files and start scanning my Notebook using AVast home...Actually recently my System was infected by a virus from Win32 but the virus cant be repair so i delete the file and the virus from my chest...

I think the virus must have been slip to another file and programes/.....

So i decided to to do a Bootscan restrart my PC and the scan goes....

while scanning on boot the Avast Anti Virus found a Win32:MedPas[ADW] onProgram File and c:/>System Volume

i try to repair the file and virus but its not working..then i decided to delete the virus al for once...

after deleting it my Notebook is ok again...

But my question is that i cant find any description of this Virus on the NEt




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Sometimes, when a PC is infected, a copy of the file is backed up in your System Restore (XP and ME). By default, Windows prevents System Restore from being modified by outside programs, which includes your AV program.

Might be worth temporarily switching off your System Restore, and scanning again with your AV.

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