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Where To Stay In Chiang Mai W/young Baby


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Dear all,

I'm seeking your advice for a hotel recommendation in Chiang Mai (mid November).

This will be the first time that I'm travelling with my by then 8 months old daughter, to visit a friend who is staying at the ComPeung Village of Creativity at Doi Saket. I'll be flying in from Singapore and will be staying for 3-4 days, and I'm travelling on my own with the baby. Can you recommend a good family friendly hotel that will arrange airport pickup? Ideally it should be near or in Doi Saket, or near the artists village if you know the place.

Thank you very much!


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Hi Winnie,

yes, I should explain this: my friend will arrive only shortly before I'm coming so I'm not sure whether she will have the overview yet to recommend something.

I really appreciate your input about being stuck - that is of course something I'd like to avoid. I've read that Doi Saket is about 20-30minutes drive from Chiang Mai but I'm still having difficulties to imagine the full picture. I've checked out the Horizon Resort website and it says it's located along a highway ... Perhaps I'd be better off to stay more in central Chiang Mai? Or in Doi Saket directly? What sort of place is it?


Many thanks for your kind help

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Yes, agreed.

On the Horizon Resort, the entrance is on the main road/highway from Chiang Mai to Doi Saket, but it's a really big area, they have botanical gardens and lakes and stables for horses and all that.. The only public transportation is in the form of converted pick-up trucks with benches in the back; those aren't very suitable when you're with a baby. (no seat-belts or any safety equipment to speak of). So if you do stay there then you should really rent a car with a child safety seat.

Anyway, I'd pick something in town. A swimming pool is nice when you're with a kid. What sort of budget or luxury-level do you have in mind?

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You're really lucky that the little one won't be very mobile at 8 months. I had a friend who traveled as a sales rep for a major corporation, by air, at least 4 days a week and she would take her kids with her when they were infants. She said it worked really well until they got to the stage where they could crawl/walk faster than her. She said they always had the best seat on the plane because the airline staff would hang a little infant crib from the ceiling once the flight got underway.

The Thais love and cherish kids, especially babies. If your kid has blonde hair/blue eyes you may not see him/her at all during your stay. The infant will be "adopted" by the hotel staff and returned to you speaking Thai as a native language. I've seen this happen numerous times, sometimes to the dismay of young parents who find their children speak better Thai than they do English because their Thai neighbors/co-workers/condo staff/etc spend so much time talking and playing with their kids.

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When I used to visit - before living here - I used to go to Lai Thai - has a pool and nice rooms (cots on request etc) and used to have free airport pick-up/put down (don't know if they still do). They have website I believe so you could get heir number and csall them (they never used to answer their emails, but may do now???)

Oh, its in the centre of CM near the moat

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Dear all,

I'm seeking your advice for a hotel recommendation in Chiang Mai (mid November).

This will be the first time that I'm travelling with my by then 8 months old daughter, to visit a friend who is staying at the ComPeung Village of Creativity at Doi Saket. I'll be flying in from Singapore and will be staying for 3-4 days, and I'm travelling on my own with the baby. Can you recommend a good family friendly hotel that will arrange airport pickup? Ideally it should be near or in Doi Saket, or near the artists village if you know the place.

Thank you very much!


My advice is: to book your trip with a reputable travel agent who can pre book everything, including the hotel, arrange a taxi to collect you and your baby from the airport and has details of suitable hotels that have facilities for a baby.

If you are visiting Thailand on a limited budget and your friend does not have suitable accommodation to put up you and your baby, than it would be irresponsible, for the baby’s sake, to visit at this time.

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If you are visiting Thailand on a limited budget and your friend does not have suitable accommodation to put up you and your baby, than it would be irresponsible, for the baby’s sake, to visit at this time.

Why? She never mentioned she was on a limited budget. The lady obviously doesn't know the location of Doi Saket in relation to Chiang Mai and is asking for a recommendation for accommodation. What dangers await the baby if she comes at this time?

Sass, occasionally you make the an intelligent remark and then you go and spoil it all by making posts such as this.

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Budgetwise I'd be prepared to spend more on hotel and transport than I usually would, but I can't go five stars either. I would travel quite light with the baby, using a baby carrier instead of stroller and requiring minimal fuss (she's quite used to being out and about, also used to Asian weather and culture etc.).

Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to stay with my friend in the artists village and I'm beginning to wonder now how feasible the whole idea of meeting up will be. The Lai Thai Hotel looks and sounds quite perfect for my needs and budget but I'm not sure how I would feel about commuting to the artists village. I'm all up for adventures and I'm sure my baby could cope but on the whole it all starts to sound a bit stressful.

The other option would be to wait until mid December and try and meet up with my friend somewhere else after she's finished with her workshop in Doi Saket.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions! :)

I have a clearer idea now of what to expect.

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> Sass, occasionally you make the an intelligent remark and then you go and spoil it all by making posts such as this.

A lot of people who don't have kids in Thailand don't really have a grasp on what that's like. The lady is from Singapore; honestly, how much harder than Singapore could Chiang Mai be.. I'd much rather raise kids in Chiang Mai than in Singapore.

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