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Certain people post such utter rubbish and misinformation.

There are people in Thailand who have had sleepless nights since this immigration crackdown, they come to this forum for advice, some here are qualified to give the correct advice, others just write a load of S.h.i.t. and to anyone in the know it's obvious it is just a load of S.h.i.t.

But to the poor sods that are worried about thier future or the future of thier family, i think misinformation and scaremongering is not the way for this forum to gain credibility.

Come on Dr PP, and George, you know who writes it, maybe they do so in innocence, but it's pretty unsettling for those that come here thinking they are getting the truth. Censor thier posts!


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Should we feel sorry for a person that has taken on added responsibilites such as a family that does not have the proper means to do so in a foreign country. It seems quite simple if

they do not like living in question do something about it before it is to late. It takes a better man to leave his family

to make a decent living for them than one who just gets by

in a status quo situation. How can you feel sorry for someone

that just getting by is good enough for his family. Time to find some new fields to plow if that is what it takes.

If it means getting set up back home and bringing the family back where you have more control of your future and a decent education thats what you will do because if in 5 years down the road you are caught up in the same thing again it is not going to be any easier as time goes by.


Doing something good for your families future should not take much thinking. Bangkok would be much smaller if people did not think enough of their family to go and do better for them.

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Should we feel sorry for a person that has taken on added responsibilites such as a family that does not have the proper means to do so in a foreign country. It seems quite simple if

they do not like living in question do something about it before it is to late. It takes a better man to leave his family

to make a decent living for them than one who just gets by

in a status quo situation. How can you feel sorry for someone

that just getting by is good enough for his family. Time to find some new fields to plow if that is what it takes.

If it means getting set up back home and bringing the family back where you have more control of your future and a decent education thats what you will do because if in 5 years down the road you are caught up in the same thing again it is not going to be any easier as time goes by.


Doing something good for your families future should not take much thinking. Bangkok would be much smaller if people did not think enough of their family to go and do better for them.

Khun, it's not a case of  feeling sorry for anyone, you see, certain things happen in life , some planned, some unplanned. People cannot predict the future. Today i am working, earning a lot of money. Tomorrow i may fall down the stairs and get paralyzed. Because your life is mapped out for your timetabled future today, circumstances can change that in an instant. But personally i do feel sorry for some people, i cant change thier situation, but i have not always made the right decisions in life myself, so i can relate to them, i will admit to not being perfect.

My main point was, certain people that post misinformation on a regular basis with such conviction it cannot be be taken that they are just having a laugh. Old hands know they are not right, but a guy that is not so sure does not deserve to get scared off of going to an immigration Border , because some guy sitting in America is telling him, he will certainly be jailed if he goes. Then when the guy has gone and come back without a problem, he is told that the 'Thai's are Toying with you' and they will get you next time.  Now some people are not so strong, and they dont deserve to be frightened by some guy sitting in his den 15000kms away.


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Seems some people here are perfect, i did not know there was such a thing.


Its ok, this forum is full of people with very high opinions of themselves, i have been in Thailand since 1990, i dont take a lot of notice of them.

Certain people here can be very helpful, some are here for a laugh, some are just amusing, some are arrogant self adoring a-holes, but.............thats life i guess.

Take what you need, ignore the rest.

Bulldog will you PM me i think i know you. Shotokan right?


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Seems some people here are perfect, i did not know there was such a thing.


It is called common sense.


Compassion yes, feel sorry for their own choices, no. Many have been just getting by for years and knowingly doing so. It would be like a person taking work at Mac Donalds flipping burgers. Do you think the person stops at this and does not need to better himself or look for something else.

We as foreigners cannot  live in a half ass manner and expect things will stay staus quo. If a guy is just getting by in Thailand fine but it would also be wise to maybe look for a better future while doing so (like work back home). Do you know how many people try some type of scam back home so they can stay in Thailand ie; fake injury or disability.  Living off a tourist visa or entry permit or low wages should be temporary anyways breaking the law while doing so just compounds the problem and is very immature.

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Seems some people here are perfect, i did not know there was such a thing.


It is called common sense.


Compassion yes, feel sorry for their own choices, no. Many have been just getting by for years and knowingly doing so. It would be like a person taking work at Mac Donalds flipping burgers. Do you think the person stops at this and does not need to better himself or look for something else.

We as foreigners cannot  live in a half ass manner and expect things will stay staus quo. If a guy is just getting by in Thailand fine but it would also be wise to maybe look for a better future while doing so (like work back home). Do you know how many people try some type of scam back home so they can stay in Thailand ie; fake injury or disability.  Living off a tourist visa or entry permit or low wages should be temporary anyways breaking the law while doing so just compounds the problem and is very immature.

Khun as i said before, i dont judge people, i have been in all sorts of situations in my life, some good, some bad. Not all the decisions in my life have been perfect, many have been downright irresponsible, but i am here , and i am alive, and just for today, i am where i am.

I dont put people down for thier decisions be they right or wrong. I respect your opinion though.

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Maigo...you are not 15000 kms away, but nevertheless you are NOT in Thailand..... you continue to comment. Is there a difference ?

Dr PP, if i have to mention the posters i will, i just dont like to name people, and yes, i have a lot of experience in Thailand, so i feel i am qualified to comment no matter where i am, as i do not give false information.I am not in Thailand at this moment, but i was 2 weeks ago, and i will be in 2 weeks time.

Kow jai mai?


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