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Has anyone here observed foreign companies that set up shop in Thailand and then tempt farangs to work for a period of time? Normally the jobs are selling shares of comapnies which don't exist. There are many examples of these companies, types of of firms operating here in Bangkok. I had a friend that was ssent to Tokoyo to work only to discover the job was a scam from snout to tail. Any horror stories?

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Job scams are world wide.   They prey on those that need a job and have a bit of cash.  Saw a cnn bit the other day about some company that scammed everyone of out 3K for a promised job.

20+ years ago when I was just out of Uni looking for an overseas job I went to some sketchy office building where the "recruiting firm" was located and they weren't even listed.  Then they gave us all a simple test, then the " break out your cc so another firm can grade these tests". They pushed so hard on the cc angle that I knew it had to have been a scam.  Sure enough a few months later I read about these scammers in the news.

I'm sure TH has it share of scams too, as I know of a hotel in Phuket that hired foreigners as "managers" w/o a work permit, then when payday came around they never paid and the "employees" had no recourse as they weren't legally employed.

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Met a guy a couple of years ago who did exactly as in the original post. He tried to get me into calling clients. Apaprently they got hold of lists of people owning share of a particular stock and told them there would be a split or similar and they have to pay up some money in order to get them...

Another couple of companies have been selling stuff via phone to other countries and then never paid the sales staff..

Today in the same building as our office there is one unit fully occupied with phillipinos. They are very careful not to exit or enter when anyone else is passing their door.. Not sure what they are doing..

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A few years ago there were lots of job ads in the Bangkok Post offering jobs for foreigners to be done at odd hours (5AM till 2PM). Later I found out through job seeking acquaintances that these places were selling investments to Australians, that explained the strange working hours.

Not long afterwards many of these places were raided and closed down. Boiler rooms is the proper expression for such places, but likely many of the newbies working there (openers) were not even aware they were assisting in a scam.

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My advice to anyone seeking employment and have doubts about such firms is this, and basically the same as for any investors.

1. Ask where the company is licensed (not registered), and what financial license they hold?

They should be able to show you a copy of the appropriate financial industry license that they hold in this country and you should be able to check the license with the local securities industry regulator.

2. Ask how long has the company been operating at this office address?

You should be able to check this independently, but operating less than a year or recent changes of name and address are suspicious

3. Ask yourself why would a supposedly legitimate financial company hire someone with no experience to work as a financial broker?

People invest based upon the knowledge of the workers, would a licensed company really want to risk it's credibility with people without training or experience? And if you are experienced then you should know when you see a scam.

If you can not get a satisfactory straightforward answer to all of these questions, then something's not right. However, if you do disregard such advice and work with this companies, then you have no recourse for any legal problems that entrap you.

Finally, the Thai SEC does follow up on reports of such illegal companies - although rather slowly- so please do report any unlicensed operators to them.

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I was living here when Boiler Rooms were all the rage around 2000. They were recruiting guys in BKK and when the supply dried up they started advertising in Yorkshire newspapers.Free airfares ,accom,training etc join an exciting team !!! there were farangs sitting in pubs in Patpong and Sukhumvit reading their notes and phone spins. A farang showed me his homework which involved learning the art of stopping somebody from hanging up on you. Very clever! They hit Australia so hard the Federal police got involved along with the FBI. There was a huge bust in central BKK involving about 105 farangs around 2001. They were all deported. Most of the ring leaders were arrested but nothing much came of it. Theyre probably still floating around here somewhere.

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hi i think that they are 1. here illegaly 2 part of a gang who have been preying on people at atm machines 3 engaged in some illegal activity.

i am the only foreigner living in my building ,and one guy who, whenever i have my door propped open ,gets up and closes his door,strange :) mrsmith

Met a guy a couple of years ago who did exactly as in the original post. He tried to get me into calling clients. Apaprently they got hold of lists of people owning share of a particular stock and told them there would be a split or similar and they have to pay up some money in order to get them...

Another couple of companies have been selling stuff via phone to other countries and then never paid the sales staff..

Today in the same building as our office there is one unit fully occupied with phillipinos. They are very careful not to exit or enter when anyone else is passing their door.. Not sure what they are doing..

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A youtube search on 'boiler rooms' brings up quite a few interesting items. Seems that Australia was hit quite heavy. My friend got stung back in 2001, which from what I read above was the 'golden age' of boiler rooms in Bangkok. He was taken on as an employee, made thousands of telephone calls trying to sell non-existant stocks and was never paid. They even sent him to Tokyo to work. They paid the flights but, again, never paid!

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