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Have You Visited Panthip Plaza Lately? Any Fun New Toys?


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Was thinking of popping into Panthip to see if I could spend any more money this week, has anyone been lately? Do they have any fun new tech toys? Or is there a better place to go?

What new tech toys are on display now?

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Was thinking of popping into Panthip to see if I could spend any more money this week, has anyone been lately? Do they have any fun new tech toys? Or is there a better place to go?

What new tech toys are on display now?

I bought a new HP desktop two days ago there. God I hate the place. I was confronted by at least a dozen sleazeballs trying to sell me "sex video", had another try to sell me illegal software as he stood next to a huge sign that said buying fake software is illegal, and had trouble using any of my 4 credit cards simply because the store didn't want to take credit cards (but couldn't quite be honest about it...although otherwise I really liked doing business with them). Then we spent almost a half-hour trying to get a taxi.

Okay, so I didn't answer your question at all. :)

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I had a rather extensive stroll down Panthip last Thursday and must honestly say I was quite impressed. The hallways were not clogged by stalls or tables, even the main area on the groundfloor did not have any promotional booths creating a feel of space and quietness (lack of mega big speakers there helped!).

Not even once I was asked to buy sexy movies, and I spend roughly 2.5 hours in the place.

Just before Panthip I went to Fortune Town, as this place seems to be liked by members, and to be honest I don't get it why. Very small selection, very few people mulling around and only bored to death faces in the shops. Maybe good to buy a sony (think I saw 3 Sony shops) but few shops actually selling computer parts. And the place seems to be owned by Buffalo. Each and every shop seemed to have a display with Buffalo external drives!

Compare to Panthip which is just massive, and sells pretty much anything you can imagine. Lots and lots of toys! And quite a bit of the merchants seem to have at least a little knowledge on the stuff they are selling. And hardly any Buffalo hard drives to be seen :)

New toys?

Not sure, there's a few shops selling the Chinese toys, i.e. camera's in pens, GPS trackers, camera's in watches, that kind of stuff.

Stand alone multimedia players seems to pick up a little bit, many shops stock the Western Digital player, good value if you do need to stream from a network (only external drive), and one shop stocks the better full HD players. Friend bought an EGEAT player for 6,000 BAht (bargained down from 6,700 Baht) which actually is a good price considering what the thing costs in the rest of the world...

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Just before Panthip I went to Fortune Town, as this place seems to be liked by members, and to be honest I don't get it why...very few people mulling around and only bored to death faces in the shops.

No reason to wonder why, you just said it.

...but few shops actually selling computer parts

True, Pantip has many more shops. But guess what, they sell the same selection of things at the exact same prices. And these same things at these same prices are at Fortune Town too. Beyond that, in several cases I learned the hard way if one place in Pantip is out of stock, methodically browsing the whole complex showed so are all the res. So it wouldn't surprise me if they are all stores with the same owner getting stuff from the same stock pile. I don't see the point of needing more than one big shop selling parts given the current model. For general purpose parts, I have yet to find a compelling reason to shop around in Pantip, or anywhere in Thailand for that matter. But Pantip has its merits too. There are some specialty shops that are worth a look. That is the only reason I would go there as it is harder to get to.

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Was just in last week ,same stuff nothing new. Was looking for the new SLR by Canon D7 (They did not have,was quoted 86,000BHT body only) LOL. Was also confronted by the same software/porn peddlers, never fails. Anyhow. Nothing new that I recall.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also find Fortune much more boring than Pantip.

What's strange is that there's a very limited selection in both places - a huge number of stores all selling the same thing. Say I was looking for a 500GB Toshiba external drive. In all of pantip and Fortune, everyone had WD and some other brand external drives, and only 2 shops had Toshibas, and none of them in 500GB capacity. I was really looking for a 2.5" Toshiba laptop drive (without the box) and I am reasonably sure that nobody has that in Bangkok.

Same with faster USB Flash drives - looking for a high speed one, that can maybe do 20MB/s... forget it! They sell them at the airport but also only one model from Sandisk. They don't exist in Pantip or Fortune. There are hundreds of shops all selling the exact same slow USB Flash drives from Kingston and maybe 2 or 3 other brands, that's it.

So yeah all in all, while Pantip is fun, and great for silly gadgets you never knew existed, it's pretty bad compared to any online shop in the US or Europe when it comes to hardware selection.

As for the sexy movies sales guys - I am surprised they're still in business. I mean, have you heard of that thing, "the internet" where you can get more sexy movies than you could ever watch, for free? Same with software... their days are numbered.

Edited by nikster
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New toys?

Not sure, there's a few shops selling the Chinese toys, i.e. camera's in pens, GPS trackers, camera's in watches, that kind of stuff.

Stand alone multimedia players seems to pick up a little bit, many shops stock the Western Digital player, good value if you do need to stream from a network (only external drive), and one shop stocks the better full HD players. Friend bought an EGEAT player for 6,000 BAht (bargained down from 6,700 Baht) which actually is a good price considering what the thing costs in the rest of the world...

Anyone seen the EGEAT player on sale in Pattaya? (Too lazy to go up to Bangkok! :))

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Thought toys were not allowed in Thailand SBK :D:D

Hehe. Tech toys. :)

I did make it to Panthip, checked out netbook prices for Boo, she wants to get one after seeing mine. Not sure if the UK is cheaper than Bkk tho. Had a wander around, but the place can be kind of overwhelming, I develop "gotta have" issues while there so find it better for my wallet if I don't spend too much time there.

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I have just returned from Panthip but not the one at Pratunam - this one is at Bangkapi in what was the Mandarin hotel. It is all completely new on at least 5 floors and promises to be much better than the other one although it is not finished yet. Because some of the shops have only been open a week or two there are some significant discounts at the moment.

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Namphonny, where abouts is th enew one? Is it on Lad Phrao road?


No, it's actually next to Bangkapi market. By car, the turning is about 30 metres before the traffic lights after you pass the market. Lots of parking behnd the building,


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Same with faster USB Flash drives - looking for a high speed one, that can maybe do 20MB/s... forget it! They sell them at the airport but also only one model from Sandisk. They don't exist in Pantip or Fortune. There are hundreds of shops all selling the exact same slow USB Flash drives from Kingston and maybe 2 or 3 other brands, that's it.

I've only ever been to Pantip once, but from what I saw your statement about the Kingston is very accurate. It's totally random if you go into one shop or another, pretty much all shops have exactly the same anyway and if they didn't have, they just go next door and get it and offer it to you.

They specialize in the cheapest models in all categories, and then they really shop big. Imagine how many Kingston USB flash drives they sell in Pantip every day, and when all those shops buy together from the distributors they can get some silly low prices :)

The Toshiba hard drive you are talking about, I didn't quite get it, is it an external drive? Because I haven't seen those before (I think).

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Was thinking of popping into Panthip to see if I could spend any more money this week, has anyone been lately? Do they have any fun new tech toys? Or is there a better place to go?

What new tech toys are on display now?

gosh SBK, the toys are everywhere, they come in all genders too, one suits me, one suits you, the problem is, none will do, but looking is still fun :):D:D:D:D

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New toys?

Not sure, there's a few shops selling the Chinese toys, i.e. camera's in pens, GPS trackers, camera's in watches, that kind of stuff.

Stand alone multimedia players seems to pick up a little bit, many shops stock the Western Digital player, good value if you do need to stream from a network (only external drive), and one shop stocks the better full HD players. Friend bought an EGEAT player for 6,000 BAht (bargained down from 6,700 Baht) which actually is a good price considering what the thing costs in the rest of the world...

Anyone seen the EGEAT player on sale in Pattaya? (Too lazy to go up to Bangkok! :) )

Nope, that was the very reason we went to Bkk.

Only halfway decent player they sell over here is the Western Digital TV box.

Not bad but no network connection, so cannot stream from a media server or NAS. Only USB port for external drive.

Just under 5000 Baht (same price as I saw in Bkk).

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Do they sell 128 GB or 256 GB thumb flash drives there?

Nope, the only company that I was aware of making a 256 GB thumbdrive is Kingston (dt300/256GB).

AFAIK only available in Europe and currently costs around 570 UK pounds (30,000+ Baht) excluding VAT!

Biggest I have seen (but haven't been searching for the real big ones ) are the 32GB cheap (slow) Kingstons...

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Do they sell 128 GB or 256 GB thumb flash drives there?

Nope, the only company that I was aware of making a 256 GB thumbdrive is Kingston (dt300/256GB).

AFAIK only available in Europe and currently costs around 570 UK pounds (30,000+ Baht) excluding VAT!

Biggest I have seen (but haven't been searching for the real big ones ) are the 32GB cheap (slow) Kingstons...

Jeeeeeeez ! Thats expensive !

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New toys?

Not sure, there's a few shops selling the Chinese toys, i.e. camera's in pens, GPS trackers, camera's in watches, that kind of stuff.

Stand alone multimedia players seems to pick up a little bit, many shops stock the Western Digital player, good value if you do need to stream from a network (only external drive), and one shop stocks the better full HD players. Friend bought an EGEAT player for 6,000 BAht (bargained down from 6,700 Baht) which actually is a good price considering what the thing costs in the rest of the world...

Anyone seen the EGEAT player on sale in Pattaya? (Too lazy to go up to Bangkok! :) )

Nope, that was the very reason we went to Bkk.

Only halfway decent player they sell over here is the Western Digital TV box.

Not bad but no network connection, so cannot stream from a media server or NAS. Only USB port for external drive.

Just under 5000 Baht (same price as I saw in Bkk).

Now why would they have a simple gadget like that but not one that cost 1000 more and can streap live video from a network. Typically Pattaya.

I had a look for some info on this EGEAT but found this: http://www.egreatusa.com/ - is that the player you were talking about?

Edited by Phil Conners
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This one http://www.playonhd.com/en/ looks very promising, looks similar to the WD, but has Ethernet and even Wireless (option which is coming soon. Even let's you install your own (up to) 2TB hdd inside the box. Works as a NAS server and can download torrents.

A.C.Ryan actually makes very good quality products, so I think this could be an option to consider.

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Same with faster USB Flash drives - looking for a high speed one, that can maybe do 20MB/s... forget it! They sell them at the airport but also only one model from Sandisk. They don't exist in Pantip or Fortune. There are hundreds of shops all selling the exact same slow USB Flash drives from Kingston and maybe 2 or 3 other brands, that's it.

I've only ever been to Pantip once, but from what I saw your statement about the Kingston is very accurate. It's totally random if you go into one shop or another, pretty much all shops have exactly the same anyway and if they didn't have, they just go next door and get it and offer it to you.

They specialize in the cheapest models in all categories, and then they really shop big. Imagine how many Kingston USB flash drives they sell in Pantip every day, and when all those shops buy together from the distributors they can get some silly low prices :D

The Toshiba hard drive you are talking about, I didn't quite get it, is it an external drive? Because I haven't seen those before (I think).

Indeed, they all seem to "specialize" in the cheapest possible Flash drives... :)

Toshiba makes external HDs, they're quite nice. But I really wanted one because of the drive inside. I wanted to get the 2.5" drive that uses the least power of all, and Toshiba is, according to TomsHardware, the best in this regard. Not the fastest, but it's using only .69W idle, when others are well over 1W.... I know... not _that_ super duper important, I just thought while I am in BKK might as well look for it...

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Did you guys know there is a Pantip 2?

It's located near the Mall Ngam wong wan. It's about 1/2 the size of Pantip 1 but has LOTS of computer parts places and better deals.


Pantip at Ngam wong wan is not really fantastic. Shops is dedicated to only 1 level and doesnt have a bigger range of products like Pantip at Patunam

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Did you guys know there is a Pantip 2?

It's located near the Mall Ngam wong wan. It's about 1/2 the size of Pantip 1 but has LOTS of computer parts places and better deals.


Pantip at Ngam wong wan is not really fantastic. Shops is dedicated to only 1 level and doesnt have a bigger range of products like Pantip at Patunam

hmmm, musta been a while since you were there... I counted 3 floors of computer stuff, one floor of computer and budda accessories and one floor of normal shops and mobile shops.. oh and at the top is a spiffy second hand market!

I was there yesterday :)

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I suggest you take a look at COMMART in 4 weeks. You can see some featured gadgets here. Should be a better option than sexy movie place... or why not take a look at Fortune in the meantime?

Be careful at COMMART - Last time there were some shops selling 32GB labeled Kingston USB drives that were actually only 2GB.

Many (Most?) Kingston drives selling locally are Chinese knock-offs - not really Kingston Brand.

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Did you guys know there is a Pantip 2?

It's located near the Mall Ngam wong wan. It's about 1/2 the size of Pantip 1 but has LOTS of computer parts places and better deals.


Pantip at Ngam wong wan is not really fantastic. Shops is dedicated to only 1 level and doesnt have a bigger range of products like Pantip at Patunam

hmmm, musta been a while since you were there... I counted 3 floors of computer stuff, one floor of computer and budda accessories and one floor of normal shops and mobile shops.. oh and at the top is a spiffy second hand market!

I was there yesterday :)

didnt really bother to actually look around cause every shop i asked didnt have what i want. so the only place i go to now is Pantip Pratunam

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