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International Magazine Delivery


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Have seen some great deals for hard copy magazines delivered from the UK and USA lately and am wondering if one needs to pay duty on them once they get here. The cover prices are quite high compared to the subscription cost so the duty could really add up in a year if they apply it. What's your experience on magazines delivered to Thailand from overseas?

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Long time ago, I used to buy recycled newspapers and magazines from a guy on Suk 13.

He got them -daily- from peoples who were cleaning the planes at Don Muang airport.

Most of the time, I had them a week (or two) before they hit Asia Book display... and this for a fraction of the price!

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Have seen some great deals for hard copy magazines delivered from the UK and USA lately and am wondering if one needs to pay duty on them once they get here. The cover prices are quite high compared to the subscription cost so the duty could really add up in a year if they apply it. What's your experience on magazines delivered to Thailand from overseas?

I subscribe to Private Eye magazine (UK). In 2 years only 1 copy has failed to arrive and there has never been any duty charged.

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I have received many magazines over the years and have never paid duty on a single one. Mostly they arrive and on time and I have been very happy with it as the cost of magazines in English is quite high here in Thailand.

What deals? I'd be interested in having a look too :)

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Have seen some great deals for hard copy magazines delivered from the UK and USA lately and am wondering if one needs to pay duty on them once they get here. The cover prices are quite high compared to the subscription cost so the duty could really add up in a year if they apply it. What's your experience on magazines delivered to Thailand from overseas?

I had to regretfully cancel my subscription to the Atlantic Monthly (USA); the delivery just got too erratic. Sometimes nothing for months, then two issues would arrive on the same day.

I too would like to know more about these 'great deals'.

Chatuchak market has some magazine stalls back in the area around the subway station that have copies of many magazines, some of them fairly recent. They used to have newspapers, too. Years ago I used to buy the New York Times Sunday edition there -- just a week old!! :)

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I have been subscribing to The New Yorker for about five years (living in Bkk and Jomtien). I've had no significant problems with delivery and have never paid any duty on issues delivered. Also delivery time is usually within a few days of the issue date.

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