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Leave It To The Drama Queens, Reds


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The point of such posts is Nation newspaper bashing and TVForum bashing. Bash, bash, bash.

it is criticism and a comment.

once you grow up, finish school and move a little bit around in the world you will maybe learn that your love and obsession for certain things isn't likewise shared by all people and some have a different opinion. sometimes maybe hard to accept, but you have to live with that. maybe you will also learn that criticism can help to improve things.

A scatter shot ad hominum attack and so woefully off the mark it beggars belief.

Seems a truly informed and open-minded world traveler is unrecognizable through the reddened fog.


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The point of such posts is Nation newspaper bashing and TVForum bashing. Bash, bash, bash.

it is criticism and a comment.

once you grow up, finish school and move a little bit around in the world you will maybe learn that your love and obsession for certain things isn't likewise shared by all people and some have a different opinion. sometimes maybe hard to accept, but you have to live with that. maybe you will also learn that criticism can help to improve things.

A scatter shot ad hominum attack and so woefully off the mark it beggars belief.

Seems a truly informed and open-minded world traveler is unrecognizable through the reddened fog.



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and who is calling who drama queen? isn't it astonishing that the frequency of the appearance of Thaksin topics seems to be still on the rise? the tvforum search engine finds in the period of last 90 days that there are in the news section 46 active topics with "Thaksin" in the title. "Abhisit" topics only 16. (and three of them have also Thaksins name in the title.) if i count only threads with more than 50 replies, there are 28 threads with "Thaksin" and only 5 theads with "Abhisit" (and two of them include Thaksin in the title) if i check The Nation search engine, starting on July 1, 2009, "Thaksin" brings up 675 results and "Abhisit" 1031 results.

We agree on what you mention, above.

On the one hand, it nearly sickens me how much and how often Thaky dominates things. On the other hand, it's intriguing; like watching a busy & dangerous intersection where there are car crashes every few minutes. Thaksin is a headline grabber for several reasons, not least because of his propensity to stick his foot in his mouth so often. He's rather like the naughty loud kid in a large family, and as such, everyone is compelled to focus upon his antics.

To stretch that analogy further; even though his antics elicit derisional laughter, he takes focus away from other things that need tending to. In the case of Thailand, those 'other things' are governing and tending to pressing matters.

Just one topic that's winds up being neglected (partly due to Thaksin's incessant bleating) is Thailand's environment. Much more could be done to address its diminishing coral reefs, its shrinking wild habitat, trash everywhere, polluted waterways, noise pollution, etc. Yet how can government tend to the business of governing, when there's a persistent thorn in its side; a.k.a. Thaksin and his Red Shirts?

Edited by brahmburgers
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