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Why Do Threads And Posts Have To Be "thailand-related"?


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I've just read an interesting single-post thread about an elderly journalist who's been allegedly ripped off in Hong Kong.

It was in the Southeast Asia sub-forum, I think, though I don't think Hong Kong is in SE Asia. Still, it was interesting to me and, I suspect, to other expats who've moved and travelled a bit around the region. But I wondered how it was "Thailand-related", a criterion used for closing some threads or warning posters.

Why do all Thaivisa threads have to be "Thailand-related" and what are the criteria for determining this? Do they have to be based on events taking place in Thailand or issues that relate purely to Thailand? I skimmed the Forum Rules and couldn't see anything that stipulated or explained "Thailand-relatedness".

Now, I'm a compliant soul and if someone in authority at Thaivisa says "that's just the way it is", then I won't complain, but it seems a shame if a topic of interest to members is closed for not being Thailand-related, and I have seen that happen.


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We have to draw a Thai-related line in most forums. Exceptions are in Gay, Ladies, Farang Pub. I've met Latvian, Korean, Japanese, Slovenian, Irish, etc. expatriates. But how Lapps feed reindeer in N Scandinavia are not Thai related. Unless they're international school students here.

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Just to elaborate on what PB said, this topic comes up every now and again: keeping things Thai related helps give some focus to the forum, and the result is that most people who come and contribute here have found the site because, initially at least, they were looking for information and/or discussion about Thailand.

If any subject matter is allowed, then it very quickly becomes just a general discussion forum, and so those members who are here because we want to talk about Thailand will soon go elsewhere, and another Thai-based forum will end up fulfilling the role that ThaiVisa does now.

Exceptions are in the specialist forums, the examples PB gave, and others such as the football forum, the stop smoking forum, the SE Asia forum, etc. If demand is there and ThaiVisa start a UK forum, then the UK Gone Nuts topic would be allowed to run in there. Until that happens, though, it just muddies the waters in the Thai-focussed, non-specialist forums.

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We have to draw a Thai-related line in most forums. Exceptions are in Gay, Ladies, Farang Pub.

That doesn't explain why 'non -Thai' related threads are closed, rather than simply moved to more a more appropriate forum heading.

I guess what I mean is, if, for example, the 'UK gone nuts' thread that I referred to previously had originally been posted in the 'Farang Pub' section, then it would presumably still be open and running, but because it was posted in 'General topics' it got closed down. Rather than moved to a more appropiate place.

(Edited so as not to step on anymore toes) :)

Edited by thecatman
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Yes, I can see the point in Peace Blondie's and Dantilley's responses and I have no problem with that. However, if a thread has begun on a Thai-related topic, but then leads on to a more general or unrelated theme and the discussion is vigorous (and within the bounds of Forum courtesy, etc), it seems a shame to close it because it's no longer "Thai-related".

Just a bit of a grumble. I really have no complaints about Mods. I think they do a very good job on this Forum.

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This thread is treading the fine line between discussion of a rule and discussion of moderation. One poster has stepped over that line and been warned. Please be very careful when discussing your opinion of the rule not to make negative characterisations of the mods individually or as a group.

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We have to draw a Thai-related line in most forums

I had a thread closed 3 weeks ago, now the thread should have probably have been in Internet, computers, communication, technology but I posted in the wrong forum but actually asked on the OP post to have the thread moved to an appropriate forum, lo and behold when I went back to the topic later the thread was nuked/closed.

Why it was closed was because it was not Thailand (reason given) related, the actual thread was about the new xray scanner at Manchester airport UK being trialled and I was asking if you was travelling to Thailand from Manchester would you object to the new scanner, as I was asking people on a Thai forum who do travel from Manchester UK to Thailand I was a bit miffed as to why it was closed as IMO it was actually related to Thailand as people do travel from Manchester to Thailand.

I appreciate that Mod's and Admin are trying to keep the forums Thai related as much as possible, but what's your thoughts on the above.?.


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This is first and foremost a Thailand expat forum with focus on assisting members with Thai/Thailand questions and answers. In other words, primary purpose is as an information resource for those living, working, vacationing or just keen on Thailand. Non-Thai related topics dilutes its purpose and interferes with obtaining this information for those looking for it.

As mentioned, some areas of discussion outside of specific Thailand references are allowed within the scope of that specific forum due to limitations of Thai related activities there and that crosses international boundaries , sports is a key example. The Farang Pub forum is not necessarily a collection of all non-Thai related topics but more latitude is given if it is entertainment related.

If there appears to be inconsistencies, this has more to do with a limited number of mods and also judgment calls that need to be made based on individual experiences and backgrounds (mods). I've been on-line at times and find myself as the only mod or admin here, but efforts are continuously made in the background to improve on this.

There are occasional instances where extraordinary International news is released that will be put out to the members as a public service. Thai Visa has expanded its scope, specifically adding the South East Asia sub forum, to meet members wishes. In this case, our neighboring countries can have a direct impact on Thailand.

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We have to draw a Thai-related line in most forums. Exceptions are in Gay, Ladies, Farang Pub. I've met Latvian, Korean, Japanese, Slovenian, Irish, etc. expatriates. But how Lapps feed reindeer in N Scandinavia are not Thai related. Unless they're international school students here.

My Thai wife, who was a farmer in Isaan, went back to Lappland with me and is now raising reindeer. Fortunately, she is able to access tonnes of rice from Isaan and has found that reindeer's diet can be supplemented with rice especially in the cold harsh winter.

See, with a bit of imagination, everything can be Thai related. :)

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