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Rubbish Service In Central Take Home


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Thought it was ironic the other day, while waiting to be served at Central Take Home, 4 staff behind the counter, only 1 serving. One of them even thought that her make up needed doing more than HER JOB!

Only that morning, saw an article on Al Jazira about the downturn in tourism, and some hawkers bemoaning that not enough tourists coming any more.

News flash, Thailand, get a grip and care about your customers, or you won't have any! Plenty of other countries willing to take our money.

Remember the adage, a satisfied customer tells 1 person, a dissatisfied one tells 10, or nowadays a LOT of people via the internet et al.

Must clarify, though. Take Home is in 2 sections, the savouries part is OK, the culprits were on the sweets and drinks counter. Even the Thai lady working at the savouries section seemed embarrassed by the slovenly attitude of the sweets counter staff.

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