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Does Wearing A Wedding Ring Attract Women?


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Interesting topic, and I think eek made a good point... but. There are many women who like to "collect" men just to add to their trophy list. An already married man is a bigger trophy, unless his marriage is already on the rocks. There are lots of groupie women who hang around celebrities for the same reason.

I do know one thing, though, any woman who has a nice husband who treats her well in bed had better not advertise it to her so called "friends". There are more than enough women who take that as a challenge. Men are a bit weak when it comes to preying women, and too often think out of their little head. All it takes is a few marital problems at home and he is a target for preying women.

On a similar vein I've seen women go after the so called "bad guys" when they SHOULD know better. I've known hundreds of women who went after handsome casanovas who treated their women like something off a shelf... something to be used and tossed away. Then, when the inevitable happened, they would go crying to their friends saying what a bastard the guy was. They knew that before they chose to go after the guy, but they did it anyway.

Are you missing this point of this thread deliberately?? It's about the women here who think getting a married farang is something to be proud of! (Excuse the grammar) Its horrible, but true - Thai women don't feel embarrassed about it - they feel proud!!

And are you missing the point F1fanatic, maybe the OP is recently married to a Thai and has just started wearing a wedding ring and seems to receive more attention than before, maybe the OP could have clarified this and maybe he can.?. IMO I don't see where the OP was actually referring specifically to Thai women going after a western man in the hope she could win him from a western woman, but I can see and understand why your debating this thread in the way you are when I read the below post from you.

Let's just say that when my farang husband (I'm farang) started screw...ing a Thai woman, she immediately started BOASTING about it to her friends and acquaintances (that was how I eventually found out!). There are SOME Thai women out there who feel proud of being with a married farang man.

By the way what I was saying in my previous post with regards to testing fidelity was referring to modern relationships, the term can refer to sexual monogamy, so in our western culture this should mean we adhere to our marriage vows and we don't indulge in adultery unless your into polomory or have an open marriage where it's allowed.

You could be right, either way it doesn't reflect well on the local women. :) What sort of woman would have a relationship with any married man? Only those of a certain character - can't say the term - TV doesn't allow it.

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What sort of woman would have a relationship with any married man? Only those of a certain character - can't say the term - TV doesn't allow it.

Well in your particular circumstances I see why you view them in the way you are doing, or would like to but TV won't allow you, but it don't just happen here in Thailand, I'd say it happens all over the world, women do steal other womens husbands, but then again so do men steal other mens wives even though they knew they were married, normally the ring says just that, married.

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Since I started wearing a wedding ring, I have noticed an increase in interest from Thai women. It is strange to me, as, I would have expected the opposite. I have, in the past, heard the saying that women are more attracted to married men than single men but I always thought it was an old wives tale.

Really?I'm a single Chinese girl. But I will keep distance between married men, esp. he wears a wedding ring..

I usually wear a wedding ring, in order to avoid bothering by others. lol

Edited by tangqian86
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I'm not missing the point at all. The OP clearly states that men wearing wedding bands SEEM to garner more interest from Thai women. I don't think Thai women are much different than women the world over. I think eek had a good point in stating that are married man might be easier to approach without the "threat" of any long term commitment or possible relationship they might not want.

The Thai women who go after farang husbands are no different than women anywhere who do the same thing. It is a game for some women... and not a particularly nice one. But, as an aside, if women spent more time taking care of their husbands then there would be fewer husbands who strayed. A man who is all worn out isn't likely to be on the make.

OK, before I go any further forward - I think my previous posts on this thread have provided some indication as to why I think Thai women are PROUD to go for a Western (married) male.

And you seriously think Thai women (or at least those that the majority of farang men meet) are only interested in having an interesting conversation?? Of course they are - after all, as you say " Thai women are much different than women the world over." :D Obviously you're trying to say that women are the same the world over.

Quite right, the world has missed the point entirely - its no easier to find/marry a Thai woman than it is a Western woman - how could the world get it so entirely wrong??

As for your other point - obviously you're quite right - its all the fault of Western females -if only they would concentrate on their husbands instead of thinking they had a life of their own, they wouldn't lose their inadequate husband.... how could I be so blind as to miss this??? :)

You miss-quoted me. Please re-read what I actually wrote. I did NOT say Thai women are much different than women the world over. I said the exact opposite. Women ARE the same the world over, or at least in the western cultures and in Thailand. I can't speak for Islamic countries because I try not to go there.

As far as fault and blame are concerned it varies with the situation. In almost every case there is some blame on both parties when infidelity occurs. I can speak with absolute assurance with this. A happy, sexually contented man does not stray. Neither does a woman. But, throw some marital problems into the mix and there is often trouble. And, as I stated previously, a man or woman who CHOOSES a partner with a questionable background is taking a big risk and has to accept the consequences of their own actions. I've known several nurses and airline stewardesses who married doctors and pilots who had known reputations for being casanovas, and in each case there were problems. Leopards do not change their spots. It is no different than the middle age, or elder, guy who marries a much younger Thai bar girl.

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this topic seems a little strange. most thai women are deeply traditional and would not go anywhere near a married man, they certainly would not specifically be attracted to a married man.

you may notice that many thai men do not wear wedding rings, even if they are married.

one of my thai co-workers told me after i got married that now she felt safe to be with me socially because i was married.....but that was to protect herself, not because she had any other motives.

i think i do get a more friendly reaction from women now i have a wedding ring but i think this is because they know i am ''safe'', like a brother or soemthing. it also shows that i have a commitment to another woman and they respect that (because they want, or have, the same thing).

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Since I started wearing a wedding ring, I have noticed an increase in interest from Thai women. It is strange to me, as, I would have expected the opposite. I have, in the past, heard the saying that women are more attracted to married men than single men but I always thought it was an old wives tale.

Yes its true, girls want what they cant have. Its that simple.

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Geez what a cynical lot.

If a Thai woman is cute with a guy in a wedding band, its because of the gold, thus shes on the make. If a Thai woman has more than one phone, shes on the make. If a Thai woman.. *insert any number of things* ..shes on the make...

Ok sorry, a bit extreme maybe, but sometimes i end up scratching my head when i read this stuff.

me too, it would seem they're all 'up to something' and 'can't be trusted' if you were to take what many here say at face value

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I have heard that it has more to do with the fact that a man seems more desirable when he is taken, because he seems like a better catch. Clearly some other woman thought that he was nice enough, smart enough, successful enough, etc. that she married him. Of course, I am not a woman, so what do I know about it?

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My Thai girlfriend bought me a wedding ring and we are not married ( and have no plans to do that ). She bought it with her own money ( farrang gold and her name inscripted ). We are now 7 years together and I have to wear it at all times. She doesn t wear one ????

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My Thai girlfriend bought me a wedding ring and we are not married ( and have no plans to do that ). She bought it with her own money ( farrang gold and her name inscripted ). We are now 7 years together and I have to wear it at all times. She doesn t wear one ????

If it were me, I wouldn't fall for the trap either - keep strong young skywalker, keep strong.

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My Thai girlfriend bought me a wedding ring and we are not married ( and have no plans to do that ). She bought it with her own money ( farrang gold and her name inscripted ). We are now 7 years together and I have to wear it at all times. She doesn t wear one ????

The reed/twigs tied to the waist and later to just the finger to show ownership (as the urban legend goes), just like in the caveman days. Only in this case, you're the cavewoman.


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That would be great if one was living in a Hollywood movie where babies aren't on overlapping cycles of 15-30-45-60 minute intervals of eating, sleeping, peeing, pooping, and if you're really lucky, spitting up. Tried doing the solo thing 2-3 times (not to meet girls, but for the parental bonding thing). I've concluded that I can bond just as effectively with the nanny(s) and my wife along.


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There has long been a theory supported by multiple research that women value the "stamp of approval" from another woman and therefore find men "approved" by a fellow woman to be more attractive.

Great, I'm off out tonight -I'll make sure I put a ring on my finger. :)

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The ultimate con would be to rent a cute baby and take it to the park...

When I walked around town with my baby I was almost beating girls off of me with a sh1tty stick. It was like coming to see the baby was a good enough reason to get close to a farang. At that time I was getting zero affection/attention from my (now ex) wife so It was a pleasant experience. A baby is much more effective than a wedding ring.

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Did you never watch the episode of Seinfeld where George explored that theory?

Women are more concerned about what others think of them than men in general. That's why being married shows you are pre-approved as not being a loser/freak/serial killer. It also shows you probably know how to shut up about a brief sexual encounter.

It's the same thing as being known as a player/womanizer/butterfly.

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Since being married and wearing a ring, I have broken at least 3 shitty sticks beating other women away.

Of course they have all been stunning looking, young and willing to invite there mates , not 40 plus tramps that would hump roadkill and see married men as a easy desperate lay stuck in a life of boredom.


My short truthful answer no it dosent make any difference, married guys just notice advances more and tell there mates.

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