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Brit Pupils See Live Sex Show In


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That said, the problem here is that their teachers brought them to see this show. Teenagers know that when they seek pornography on the internet, it is something that they are doing behind their parents' backs. All good role models in their lives tell them that this is not a healthy way to portray sex, and they are well aware that what they are doing is taboo. When a teacher (someone who is supposed to be a good role model) does something like this, it reduces the apparent degree to which it is a taboo for their students. I think it is appropriate for the teachers to be suspended for this reason alone.

If porn were taboo then why is it a multibillion dollar industry? Why does the viewing of porn extend to all national, racial, and ethnic groups? Why is it readily available to all and sundry of any age with an internet connection? Taboo? I think not. It may once have been, but not anymore.

Porn most certainly still is taboo in most cultures (and remember, we are talking about British culture here). Can you bring porn in to work and view it in plain sight of your co-workers? I certainly can't (at least not without getting me fired). What about family reunions? Schools?

It is available "to all and sundry of any age with an internet connection" because it can be viewed as such (relatively) anonymously. Try viewing it online at work in front of your boss and then get back to me.

This has nothing to do with the fact that it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the industry relies on it remaining taboo!

Edited by oevna
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I can't help but feel sorry for the bar.

Here they are trying to earn an honest living when all of a sudden the worst elements of humankind spill into their bar to watch them perform their daily night time shift activities.The bar must be so embarrassed by its association with British teenagers.

If I was the bar owner I would write a press release condemning Thailand in allowing the scum of the earth (British teenagers) into the country and violate the good bar scene of beloved Thailand, and expressing my hope that these teenagers can be contained in the vast human nursery called "the UK".

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There are so many posts in this thread now, its hard to catch up! :)

You guys are laughing, but would you honesty want this to have been one of your kids?

Call me old fashioned but i thought teenage years were for about getting to know the opposite sex in doses. Learning about each other, including learning about the emotional aspects about sex (ok, well maybe that part is more for women, not sure..but boys at least then learn about the emotional reactions of girls/women). A raw in your face sex show could be hardcore even for many adults, nevermind impressionable teenagers.

Strange story. If true, im shocked the teachers facilitated this.

When back in the UK last year (working as a schoolteacher in a comprehensive school) I heard a group of 14 year old girls discussing whether to let their boyfriends 'shag them in the ass' that evening or not. I asked them to please not talk about things like that in front of me. Another time a 14 year old girl was boasting of her night in police custody, she had been picked up blind drunk, and the police could find no adult family member to collect her from the police station. When my son was 15 he had a 16 year old girlfriend, I had to tell her that if she had sex with him (and she wanted to) I would report her to the police. On his 16th birthday they slept together at my house.

I just wonder what sort of world you imagine you are living in?

As someone with experience of working with kids pj, im surprised you take teenagers comments at face value. Many teenagers will expand the truth, and even outright lie, to keep in well with their peers. Its social pressure and normal to exaggerate and lie to appear cool. I realise kids are getting younger and younger when it comes to sexual experiences, but even so, those 14 year old girls were probably just putting on a show. Maybe a show for each other, or maybe just a "lets try to shock our teacher" show.

You imagine what sort of world im living in when im taken aback by the idea of teachers allegedly taking a group of teenagers to a live sex show. ...Really?

I dont equate kids viewing a live sex show as the same as having a sexual (and emotional) relationship with a gf/bf or even viewing porn on their pcs. I understand that some dont see a difference there, but for me there is a definite line. I also see a difference between kids sneaking out and see a strip show or whatever, to a guardian taking them to one. More so if the guardian has a particular role.

When i was 16 at boarding school my friend dated a teacher (who she ended up marrying). We had a lot of fun on planned school trips, where we went out to clubs and drank instead of doing the "cultural thing". Even then i see a difference between stuff like that and being taken along to a hard core sex show. Its kind of surprising to me that others dont, but interesting to read those view points none-the-less.

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It's a news report.. Can't trust those. Mostly likely it's more than 50% BS, or spun in a certain way.

I have a 4 year old daughter.. I take her to a pub/restaurant sometimes where some of the staff are also prostitutes. Sounds bad doesn't it? Well, it isn't.

I think it's shocking to stigmatize sex work in such a way.

Winnie, i personally would have no issue with a kid being around women who were prostitutes. It all depends on the women. Why would i think a prostitute would be any less loving or caring towards a child? Why would the child even care? All the kiddy needs is smiles and attention.

Again..imo..this is quite different from say a kid being taken into a loud smoky gogo bar with girls stripping etc on stage.

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Porn most certainly still is taboo in most cultures (and remember, we are talking about British culture here). Can you bring porn in to work and view it in plain sight of your co-workers? I certainly can't (at least not without getting me fired). What about family reunions? Schools?

It is available "to all and sundry of any age with an internet connection" because it can be viewed as such (relatively) anonymously. Try viewing it online at work in front of your boss and then get back to me.

This has nothing to do with the fact that it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the industry relies on it remaining taboo!

Taboo is not at all the correct word. I think the word you are looking for is 'improper' or possibly 'indecent'. It would be improper to watch porn in the office, or at school, in the same way it would be improper to come to work in a pair of speedos and a wifebeater. I might get fired.

I would not, however, be afraid to admit to having watched porn. There is nothing taboo about that. It's not like I'd shout it out for all to hear, but if asked directly I'd be honest. The only reason to lie would be if the person asking is some kind of religious nutjob.

Times change. Porn is ubiquitous. The pendulum has swung.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I can't help but feel sorry for the bar.

Here they are trying to earn an honest living when all of a sudden the worst elements of humankind spill into their bar to watch them perform their daily night time shift activities.The bar must be so embarrassed by its association with British teenagers.

If I was the bar owner I would write a press release condemning Thailand in allowing the scum of the earth (British teenagers) into the country and violate the good bar scene of beloved Thailand, and expressing my hope that these teenagers can be contained in the vast human nursery called "the UK".

Who are you?

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Whoever suggested the trip should have been laughed out of town. The person who sanctioned it should be sacked. The teachers who agreed to go should have had more sense. And the kids involved did what kids do best. Took full advantage.

Can't say I blame 'em! :)

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......You really don't geddit, do you?

Ohhh, don't worry about me SebD, I geddit, I really do geddit. :)

Beginning to worry about you, already, neverdie.

The best part of 4 and a half thousand posts in a mere two years.

Rarely contributing much more than a one-line jibe.

Edit: Non-PC honesty overload correction.

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Having skimmed through this thread, it seems to me to be much ado about nothing.

Firstly, as LaoPo points out, the story was in a downmarket tabloid and not touched by the serious press, so there is probably only a shred of truth in it.

Secondly, as has been also pointed out, it is highly unlikely that any teacher with even half a brain would expose him/herself to the obvious ramifications of that kind of an exposee.

And thirdly, and most pertinantly, so what?

Does anyone really think that 16 - 18 year olds would be corrupted by seeing a live sex show? I took my own 18 yr old daughter to Patpong loads of times. Not to see the "ping-pong" shows, but just for fun. She loved it! We had a great laugh! It's a jumping place! In fact if she'd had her way, we would have gone to those upstairs "ping-pong" shows! :D And I might well have taken her, were it not for the flashing neon "RIP-OFF" signs that seemed to float around the heads of all the hustlers. :)

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Having skimmed through this thread, it seems to me to be much ado about nothing. You're probably right.

Firstly, as LaoPo points out, the story was in a downmarket tabloid and not touched by the serious press, so there is probably only a shred of truth in it. If as much as that, even.

Secondly, as has been also pointed out, it is highly unlikely that any teacher with even half a brain would expose him/herself to the obvious ramifications of that kind of an exposee. Oh, but they would. That's EXACTLY the problem - if the story is true. They (we) do expose our inadequacies and invariably to the cost of others (particularly those in our care).

And thirdly, and most pertinantly, so what? So a whole basket of "what's" Care of another person's children being just one "what".

Does anyone really think that 16 - 18 year olds would be corrupted by seeing a live sex show? Corrupted? No. Affected? Probably/Maybe. I took my own 18 yr old daughter to Patpong loads of times. Not to see the "ping-pong" shows, but just for fun. She loved it! We had a great laugh! Agreed, I took my 18 year old daughter there, too. It's a jumping place! In fact if she'd had her way, we would have gone to those upstairs "ping-pong" shows! :D And I might well have taken her, were it not for the flashing neon "RIP-OFF" signs that seemed to float around the heads of all the hustlers. Good for you that you saw the signs, but I can assure you that if you hadn't you would be singing from a different hymn-sheet. :)

Patpong upstairs shows are not a good idea. One thing for your daughter to go and be amazed, titillated, outraged or disgusted in the company of her friends and contemporaries - with whom she can talk. Quite another to go with her father.

I talk from a position of experience.

The sight of a past her sell-by date female inserting various objects into her vagina within 3 feet of where you sit sipping a cool drink and feigning indifference is neither erotic nor educational.

It is certainly something that I would not dare allow another's child, under my care, to see - and neither should anyone else dare allow my child to see, whilst under their care, also.

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Having skimmed through this thread, it seems to me to be much ado about nothing. You're probably right.

Firstly, as LaoPo points out, the story was in a downmarket tabloid and not touched by the serious press, so there is probably only a shred of truth in it. If as much as that, even.

Secondly, as has been also pointed out, it is highly unlikely that any teacher with even half a brain would expose him/herself to the obvious ramifications of that kind of an exposee. Oh, but they would. That's EXACTLY the problem - if the story is true. They (we) do expose our inadequacies and invariably to the cost of others (particularly those in our care).

And thirdly, and most pertinantly, so what? So a whole basket of "what's" Care of another person's children being just one "what".

Does anyone really think that 16 - 18 year olds would be corrupted by seeing a live sex show? Corrupted? No. Affected? Probably/Maybe. I took my own 18 yr old daughter to Patpong loads of times. Not to see the "ping-pong" shows, but just for fun. She loved it! We had a great laugh! Agreed, I took my 18 year old daughter there, too. It's a jumping place! In fact if she'd had her way, we would have gone to those upstairs "ping-pong" shows! :D And I might well have taken her, were it not for the flashing neon "RIP-OFF" signs that seemed to float around the heads of all the hustlers. Good for you that you saw the signs, but I can assure you that if you hadn't you would be singing from a different hymn-sheet. :)

Patpong upstairs shows are not a good idea. One thing for your daughter to go and be amazed, titillated, outraged or disgusted in the company of her friends and contemporaries - with whom she can talk. Quite another to go with her father.

I talk from a position of experience.

The sight of a past her sell-by date female inserting various objects into her vagina within 3 feet of where you sit sipping a cool drink and feigning indifference is neither erotic nor educational.

It is certainly something that I would not dare allow another's child, under my care, to see - and neither should anyone else dare allow my child to see, whilst under their care, also.

Why not? Educational as in learning something about how some people live and work itn another culture. As in reflecting on the differences between the culture, religion and history that allows such practices here? As in thinking about cultural relativism?

Could be educational in the best sense - getting students to think for themselves!

Lots of unimaginative prudes here.

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I once mentioned (to an ex-TG) that me and a mate were intending to visit that place..

The reply i got to that idea was akin to something inbetween upsetting a hornets nest and poking a very large and grumpy grizzly bear with a sharp stick..

My point being...If im not allowed to go there, (and im a 40 y.o male) considering the reputation of Brits on these pages, it could hardly be a fitting place for teenage ones :D

On second thoughts im starting to feel jealous of them now :)

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Hmmm, patpong is now a family destination with the night market there. Every time you go there you will see families of tourists who are shopping there at the night market. I wouldn't call it "wall to wall sex," that's a bit of an overstatement.

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Everyone seems to be missing the point..

If you read the article it doesnt say the teachers took them there.. It says that the teens went there.

These 'kids' are 16 - 18 for gods sake.. They are out without the teachers supervision.. hel_l at that age I used to hitchike to amsterdam and sleep rough around the city in the winter !!

This wasnt teachers taking them on a field trip.. It was them out under thier own steam in thier own free time.. And if you dont want your 16 - 18 year old doing what interests them in Bangkok, perhaps dont let them go to Bangkok.

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They are aged 16-18. Knowing it was a live sex show , yet the teens still went into the bar with the teachers.

Doesn't say anywhere that the teachers FORCED them into the bar. The teens are more than capable to think for themselves.

Doesnt say anywhere the teachers accompanied them to the sex show..

Only that there were under the teachers supervision which I guess they would be door to door from when they leave home.

But this story has much less shock factor when its 'teens run off and miss behave when not with teachers' not exactly the headline that gets comments is it ?

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I've said it in my very first post in this topic: trust journalists and newspapers at your peril, and when the topic has anything to do with Thailand then The Guardian and Independent are every bit as bad as the NotW.

And the photo in the article that the NoTW claims is of Patpong is actually Walking Street in Pattaya! How's that for the truth.

However, whether the kids went to the show of their own accord or with the teachers is a moot point. The teachers are legally in loco parentis in this case, which means they have all the rights and responsibilities of a parent. Therefore they are guilty of not effectively supervising the students at the very least.

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Everyone seems to be missing the point..

If you read the article it doesnt say the teachers took them there.. It says that the teens went there.

These 'kids' are 16 - 18 for gods sake.. They are out without the teachers supervision.. hel_l at that age I used to hitchike to amsterdam and sleep rough around the city in the winter !!

This wasnt teachers taking them on a field trip.. It was them out under thier own steam in thier own free time.. And if you dont want your 16 - 18 year old doing what interests them in Bangkok, perhaps dont let them go to Bangkok.

At last someone with some sense.

At 18 we was off on the famous 18-30 holidays, do you think we went to bed early with a torch and read comics under the sheets?

16,17 and 18 year-olds are young adults not kids or children.

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They are aged 16-18. Knowing it was a live sex show , yet the teens still went into the bar with the teachers.

That's what the sensational tabloid wrote.

It's the typical one-sided story by a tabloid.

The truth is known only to (some of) the students and (maybe) teachers but we didn't read anywhere else what the truth was/is up till now.


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......You really don't geddit, do you?

Ohhh, don't worry about me SebD, I geddit, I really do geddit. :)

Rarely contributing much more than a one-line jibe.


Incorrect statement. Clearly, you really need to do some more research before you make accusations like this. Dont worry I make allowances for the inexperienced.

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......You really don't geddit, do you?

Ohhh, don't worry about me SebD, I geddit, I really do geddit. :)

Beginning to worry about you, already, neverdie.

The best part of 4 and a half thousand posts in a mere two years.

Rarely contributing much more than a one-line jibe.

Edit: Non-PC honesty overload correction.

I don't think you need to worry about the Non -PC stuff, unless you are one of those tree huggers that Mr Neverdie likes so much. :D

To be fair to the poster you are having a dig at, he does contribute a lot more to this forum than maybe you believe. Now lighten up a little, it's a big world out there.

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......You really don't geddit, do you?

Ohhh, don't worry about me SebD, I geddit, I really do geddit. :)

Beginning to worry about you, already, neverdie.

The best part of 4 and a half thousand posts in a mere two years.

Rarely contributing much more than a one-line jibe.

Edit: Non-PC honesty overload correction.

I don't think you need to worry about the Non -PC stuff, unless you are one of those tree huggers that Mr Neverdie likes so much. :D

To be fair to the poster you are having a dig at, he does contribute a lot more to this forum than maybe you believe. Now lighten up a little, it's a big world out there.


hen mai baawk laaeo ngai

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at the age of 16, 17 and 18 we were having pints for lunch at the local strip club and heading back to class. this in Vancouver BC. i would not encourage an educator to make this ha[ppen, nor would i condone it, however i suspect that your average UK teen has experienced a lot worse as a participant rather than spectator.

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