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Youth Arrested For 11-year-old's Rape, Murder


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I have an 11 year old daughter, she is never let out of my sight except in supervised activities. Being a very pale luk krung as the Thais call them, she would be a desirable target for the pychos and sickos out there. I suggest everone else in the same boat always be vigilant.

To this sordid tale, what a horrible horrible trauma that poor little girl must have gone through. I hope they execute the bastard publicly as a warning to others of his ilk.

Also being a father of 2 daughters I understand your feelings but I am afraid that I would employ a different punishment. In Cambodia they used palm fronds as slow and extremely painful method to slit a throat. This is the method I would use to castrate this sick basta*d in front of his family and community and if he were to die slowly in the process so be it.

The little girl and her family did not deserve this and at 11 years of age it is not unusal for a child to be left at home alone for short periods.

I hope the family can get some small measure of pride in the fighting spirit of their girl. Hopefully it may offer some comfort.

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  • 4 months later...

Of the many insulting and disgusting aspects of your post -- particularly hijacking a thread about the rape and murder of a child -- even more heinous is that you use it as your private soapbox to use Buddha's name in encouraging the use of drugs.

More than any post I've read over the past year on TV...shame on you!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I still think it is very prevalent to point out the connection between the way in which a nation's laws around drugs create more bad behaviour than they prevent in my opinion. Look at Portugal as an example of positive reform. I'm looking to see the bigger picture and not just blame and condemn.

Be well.

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