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How Many Novels Or Films Featured These As Main Themes?


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I'm trying to package/promote my novel which is NOT about Thailand.

"Martin, a gay Christian with three children, is an outspoken pacifist from Texas. He takes early retirement from a successful law practice, and starts the Jesus Peace Group in Chiapas, Mexico. He returns there to discover that his recital of Matthew 5 at his Mayan boyfriend’s funeral in 1968 has led to Catholic absolute pacifism. He falls in love with a Maya man, Ángel. They survive a massacre, in which evangelical Mayas kill 46 pacifists. A homophobic missionary attempts to murder them, but he is killed by a missionary youth. The Mexican army arrives and is pushed out by pacifist Maya women. Martin and Ángel become world famous. Martin destroys the 1,600-year heresy of the Just War Theory. Ángel is murdered by a Mexican general in Mexico City. Martin smears Ángel’s blood and brains on the cardinal of Mexico, and passes out. He hides in Chiapas until he escapes to Xantiak in SE Asia, with help from the aged queen’s grandson. Masquerading as an English teacher in a refugee camp, Martin has a six-month affair with a gay teacher, followed by gay marriage to the 18 year old cousin, Pax. Martin rescues the 500-year dynasty by publicly endorsing the new young king. At the death of a famous Asian pacifist, the king, Martin and Pax attend her funeral wake. Martin is killed on a general’s orders.

Punctuated by plot twists, absurd humor, fast motorcycles, straight and gay sex, pacifism and violence, this fast-paced novel covers several countries and cultures, presenting a a new type of hero and lover."

Comments as to the themes of the novel?

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Why has this not been dumped like many, many non Thailand related posts?

P.S. For clarification on all the other non Thailand related posts that have been dumped or locked by over enthusiastic moderators, where in the rules does it say that only Thailand related posts are permitted on ThaiVisa?

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Ya know, I don't post much in Farang Pub. I thought "Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life" didn't have to be Thai specific. Hey' the novel quotes lots of song titles and lyrics and features Guns 'n' Roses. :). It's about an expat who goes to SE Asia (not Thailand). And he's assassinated in Myanmar....oh well...

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First thoughts are it is too 'one paced', I would mix it up a bit, put a few more angles in the sub-plot and introduce a few more characters.

At the moment it is not too dissimilar to the usual saturday night in PatPong

Thanks Mossfinn, for constructive critique.

However, I've been to Patpong, where I saw no Mayas, hardly a Shan, no assassinations, no clay mountain trails, nobody in a tunic, no cardinal being smeared with fresh brains while 100 million viewers watch aghast; no aged queen.., "You're not a Patpong regular are you PaulMossfin? :)

Single issue? Three countries, five cultures, a half dozen themes; saving a Karen girl from human traffickers; destroying a 1600-year heresy that blessed all warfare; etc. Maybe 90 named characters.

Sorry I didn't mention that before. Again, thanks.

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Irony doesn't come across well on the internet.

I was stating the exact opposite to what I wrote.

It is very eclectic mix with an exciting array of inter related plots and to me sounds quite exciting.

Sorry for the confusion.

However, is it an autobiography?

A gay Christian with children and an outspoken pacifist from Texas, who has lived in Mexico as an English teacher who likes fast motorcycles?

Is the novel available on the internet? If so I will down load it and give a more in depth review.

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