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You Know She's A Winner When...


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Putting aside your need to define what a real woman is

:) bingo. I think that poster needs to clarify that is what HE defines as a real women. We actual real women define what a real women is by just being one :D

A real woman is one that does not spend her time trying to outdo or get even with men.

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Like I said above, its too easy to confuse 'Being a Winner' and being 'Onto a Winner'.

Putting aside your need to define what a real woman is, has it occurred to you that the 'Winner' who on her first visit to your room conforms to your idea of what a woman should be, might very well be playing you like a fiddle?

But feel free to throw out the accusation of Political Correctness if that helps you disregard views you don't like.

So there isnt any good women out there ? If they are good then they must be faking it ?

Another thing, intelligent girls are not attracted to poor men.

Edited by sokal
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no, a real woman is one born a woman with all woman bits. And she can live & act how ever she wishes. You have only an opinion that doesn't change what a women is.

Strange I need to explain this really.

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no, a real woman is one born a woman with all woman bits. And she can live & act how ever she wishes. You have only an opinion that doesn't change what a women is.

Strange I need to explain this really.

Here is the def

n., pl., wom·en (wĭm'ĭn).

1. An adult female human.

2. Women considered as a group; womankind: "Woman feels the invidious distinctions of sex exactly as the black man does those of color" (Elizabeth Cady Stanton).

3. An adult female human belonging to a specified occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: an Englishwoman; congresswoman; a saleswoman.

4. Feminine quality or aspect; womanliness.

5. A female servant or subordinate.

6. Informal.

1. A wife.

2. A female lover or sweetheart. See Usage Note at lady, man, person.

Womanly, womanlike, womanish mean having the traits or qualities that a culture regards as especially characteristic of or ideally appropriate to adult women. Womanly is usually a term of approval, suggesting the display of traits admired by the society, such as self-possession, modesty, motherliness, and calm competence: a womanly consideration for others; with womanly skill and efficiency. Womanlike may be a neutral synonym for womanly, or it may suggest mild disapproval: a womanlike dignity; womanlike tears and recriminations. Womanish is usually disparaging; applied to women it suggests traits not generally socially approved: a womanish petulance; womanish disregard for the rules. Applied to men it suggests traits culturally deemed inappropriate for men and (in what is now often regarded as a sexist notion) to be found in women: a womanish shrillness in his speech; a womanish way of stamping his foot in anger. See also

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so you disregard the first 3 descriptions specifically the first?

Like I said, you have an opinion of what you consider a real women should be. It doesn't mean that your opinion is what a real women actually is. It really isn't that hard for a person of normal comprehension to grasp.

1. An adult female human.

2. Women considered as a group; womankind: "Woman feels the invidious distinctions of sex exactly as the black man does those of color" (Elizabeth Cady Stanton).

3. An adult female human belonging to a specified occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination: an Englishwoman; congresswoman; a saleswoman.

oh but please leave the credit to place you got this from, it is considered good netiquette.

From http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/woman?view=uk


• noun (pl. women) 1 an adult human female. 2 a female worker or employee. 3 a wife or lover.

— PHRASES the little woman a condescending way of referring to one’s wife. woman of the streets euphemistic, dated a prostitute.

— DERIVATIVES womanliness noun womanly adjective.

— ORIGIN from the Old English words for WIFE and MAN.

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my 'winner'

  1. reads the newspaper and news sites, asked me what i knew about pirates in Somalia (um, nothing. are they from Somalia?)
  2. encourages me to go off running/cycling as knows i come back feeling good
  3. still gets a panic-look sometimes when i say 'up to you' - even choosing cinema seats!
  4. doesn't drink, but always brings back some beers with the shopping
  5. laughs hysterically at every ruck and maul in rugby, but still will watch a game at 3am with me; bought herself a black jersey with white collar to show me 'New Zealand colours'

maybe should ask her for a 'top 5 appraisal'

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Um, guys, its nearly 2010 not 1010. Women stopped being chattel a few years ago. Get over it.

The whole world has gone to sh!t since they allowed women to read... whoever taught them to use a computer has a lot to answer for :) ...

I think the point was to have some light hearted fun, not debate gender equality, and why so many farrang men prefer women in Asia with more tradional views on it...

You're on a winner when;

1) she won't let you hold her hand in public (and not because she is embarassed by your big gut).

2) she goes all red/shy when you kiss her hello on the cheek in public (no not that cheek you dirty bastards).

3) she actually wants to learn about stuff... any stuff... and when you try to explain it to her, she doesn't say her head hurts too much...


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farrang men prefer women in Asia with more tradional views on it...

but therein is the fallacy. The first time I went to my now husbands bungalow I too cleaned it. Because like most single men it wasn't really up to my standards of cleanliness. We have now been together for 8 years & apart from doing the washing up or the occasion after I had our son he has never cleaned our home. He does all the fix it jobs & empties bins, I clean & do washing. Oh & I'm english & this is normal for every single western women I know married to English/western men too so it means jack really, it is down to the individual women. I also know Thai women who don't' cook, don't' clean & live in pigsty conditions. How about that!!!!

The op was supposed to be lighthearted, sadly some posters have to take their issues with the west to extremes as per usual on thaivisa.

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farrang men prefer women in Asia with more tradional views on it...

but therein is the fallacy. The first time I went to my now husbands bungalow I too cleaned it. Because like most single men it wasn't really up to my standards of cleanliness. We have now been together for 8 years & apart from doing the washing up or the occasion after I had our son he has never cleaned our home. He does all the fix it jobs & empties bins, I clean & do washing. Oh & I'm english & this is normal for every single western women I know married to English/western men too so it means jack really, it is down to the individual women. I also know Thai women who don't' cook, don't' clean & live in pigsty conditions. How about that!!!!

The op was supposed to be lighthearted, sadly some posters have to take their issues with the west to extremes as per usual on thaivisa.

Considering many men get accused of coming to Thailand for the women, I would not say it is a complete fallacy. Plus Thailand got voted the number one place in the world to fall in love. Men tend to fall in love with womanly women so that love study does have some merrit.

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farrang men prefer women in Asia with more tradional views on it...

but therein is the fallacy. The first time I went to my now husbands bungalow I too cleaned it. Because like most single men it wasn't really up to my standards of cleanliness. We have now been together for 8 years & apart from doing the washing up or the occasion after I had our son he has never cleaned our home. He does all the fix it jobs & empties bins, I clean & do washing. Oh & I'm english & this is normal for every single western women I know married to English/western men too so it means jack really, it is down to the individual women. I also know Thai women who don't' cook, don't' clean & live in pigsty conditions. How about that!!!!

The op was supposed to be lighthearted, sadly some posters have to take their issues with the west to extremes as per usual on thaivisa.

May as well talk to a wall Boo. I dont doubt the experiences of the men who have negative things to say about western women, but i can only put that down to the type of women they were able to attract in the west. Most women globally enjoy taking care of themselves, their homes, and their partner. We also in turn deserve men that know how to treat us with the same respect and consideration in return. Maybe some should have a think about what makes a man a man..

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Maybe some should have a think about what makes a man a man..

I wholeheartedly agree - especially amongst the women of the world, particularly in the West. The unabated, deliberate emasculation of men by the fairer sex over the last few decades has caused major problems for huge numbers of men, particularly in the West.

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Why should it always be what women should do, maybe some of you guys who like to put down women & especially western women should have a look at yourself first. In my own opinion, REAL men don't need to put down any women & especially don't' need to, to justify their choices in life. :)

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Um, guys, its nearly 2010 not 1010. Women stopped being chattel a few years ago. Get over it.

your term,chattel has to do with treating woman badly, not women being a certain way.

Have you considered investing in a new dictionary?

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