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Western Restaurants In Nakhon


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On ocassion I like a bit of variety in my diet, but I don't really know my way around Nakhon yet.

Please use this thread to recommend restaurants in Nakhon that serve Western style food.

In addition to a description/review of the food, please include an address or approximate location.

By the way, I'm referring to something besides KFC and Pizza Co. :)


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I will. Thanks for the reply.

By the way, it just occurred to me that this thread shouldn't be focusing on Western restaurants exclusively because if there is an Indian or Japanese restaurant in Nakhon, I'd like to know about that too.

No Indian for sure, a few crappy Japanese restaurants. Nakhon seriously lacks the variety of International food :)

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Yes, it does seem to be lacking, and that's really too bad. My hope was that I just hadn't come across them yet, and that others might be able to point me in the right direction.

By the way, I sent a message to Nakhonsi Sean, but I noticed that he hasn't posted since June.

He'll more than likely be sleeping!


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