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Olive Oil Or Canola Oil

William Osborne

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A fry up is not a fry up unless it is fried in butter :):D :D

A good quality first pressed olive oil will be better than most other oils. I really think it will not matter nor make a difference for you. Unless of course you do use butter.

Olive Oil: Contains many mono-unsaturated fatty acids. It is good for pan frying but not good for deep frying. It will break-down and become rancid.

Canola Oil: Made from genetically engineered rapeseed and used extensively in restaurants. Registered with the EPA as an insecticide. There is much controversy surrounding this oil. From all the research I've read related to this oil, I avoid it like the plague.

Edited by onnut
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If you want to keep the kilos down , stop the morning fry-ups , you can cook practically anything in a microwave without the oils and fats , or use a grill if you have one .

The problem with frying with olive oil is , when you overheat it , it downgrades and loses its benificial properties , most people that fry food tend to have the medium too high any way .

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I see what you are tryng to say bit there is no way that you can cook a fry up in a microwave. Sure, I supose you can cook a sausage and rasher of bacon in a microwave but it's hardly going to look or tast good. Personaly, I do not rate microwaves for cooking anything, heating or re-heating is fine but cooking! No way.

Feel free to argue that if you like.

If you want to keep the kilos down , stop the morning fry-ups , you can cook practically anything in a microwave without the oils and fats , or use a grill if you have one .

The problem with frying with olive oil is , when you overheat it , it downgrades and loses its benificial properties , most people that fry food tend to have the medium too high any way .

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virgin coconut oil (VCO) is the only oil to cook with from what I gather

olive oil is not stable at high heat like coconut oil

also 50% of oilve oil is not oilve oil from what I understand

they say 100% but legally only 50% must be oilve oil

i get mine from samui

place called thaiorganilife.com I found on this web site in fact in classified section

the other oil u mentioned is only good for engines and such in my book not the human body

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Gotta love those who know not whereof they speak. After - expensive in Sydney - rice bran oil (the highest smoke point of all oils), olive oil is by far the best. Trouble is, as with any frying, one needs to discard the oil after each fry, sorry to say. Coconut oil is saturated. Might taste good, but is not healthy. Frying, though providing flavour, ain't the way to go at anytime. Can't believe this is a mystery.

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If you're the sort who goes in for fry ups, the breakfast isn't significant in the larger scheme. You're overweight & out of shape and won't be around long anyway, so might as well enjoy the time you have left.

You'd have to change your total lifestyle to make any difference.

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Olive oil and canola oil are both monunsaturated fats and thus help to increase HDL (the "good" cholesterol).

As several posters mentioned though olive oil does not fry well.

Personally I use olive oil for salad dressing & anything else where I don't cook the oil, and also for slow sauting of Italian dishes and the like, but canola for serious frying.

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If you're the sort who goes in for fry ups, the breakfast isn't significant in the larger scheme. You're overweight & out of shape and won't be around long anyway, so might as well enjoy the time you have left.

You'd have to change your total lifestyle to make any difference.

There are an aweful lot of ways to die. you shouldn't be complacent, or, preach.

Life has a sick sense of humour. I bet the fry-up king will out live you.

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I've read that although coconut oil is saturated it has short molecule structure that makes it act differently than animal derrived saturated oils. It is the only saturated oil that come from plants. Because of these diferences it supposed to actually lower your cholesterol and to be very healthy. It is also untiseptic.

I've tried coconut oil as a skin lotion and it worked great for me. My skin cleared from some red spots which I thought was partly infections, partly egzma. I used it also as a lubricant and noticed that it had dramatic effect on re-occurent redness over my private parts that was at times making me over-sensitive. I would not be surprised it the oil was to be also very beneficial when consumed. It apparently is also very good for hair and some declare it another health miracle product.

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I like a fry up every now and then, normally only once or twice a month. I prefer it cooked butter for the taste. I am no way a fry up king although I know plenty about them. I cook plenty of em as I am a chef!

Don't know why some posters have to be so rude, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so try to get out a little and enjoy life. Not everyone is fat and unhealthy.

If you're the sort who goes in for fry ups, the breakfast isn't significant in the larger scheme. You're overweight & out of shape and won't be around long anyway, so might as well enjoy the time you have left.

You'd have to change your total lifestyle to make any difference.

There are an aweful lot of ways to die. you shouldn't be complacent, or, preach.

Life has a sick sense of humour. I bet the fry-up king will out live you.

By the way, my post was directed at jsixpack!!!! Who probably has a barrel under his jumper. Can be whoever you like on the net eh?

Edited by onnut
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Just a little reading will inform you...

Totally endorse this. What you should read:

Why it is called 'Canola', and the implications of that.

What the FDA really said about poly-unsaturated oils and the guidance about not heating them (which always gets ignored).

The effects of Linoleic acid on the immune system, and its percentages in edible oils; its use in transplant surgery and complications therein. Note, this is not the same as Gamma-Linoleic acid, or Conjugated Linoleic acid.

The effect of poly-unsaturate consumption on the cell walls of mammals.

No need to step outside of Wikipedia if learned journals are too technical. It is all there.

I use palm oil for cooking, and only palm oil. I would prefer Dura palm over Tenera, but that is harder to get here.

Read up on Palm oil while you're at it.

I also use olive oil, and cold pressed nut oils for salads, flavour etc.

And after that, go take a look into Nutrasweet!

Edited by korkenzieher
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Canola was derived from rapeseed in the 1970s in Canada (through selective breeding not genetic engineering) as an edible oil with a lower level of erucic acid, and without the distinctive flavour and greenish colour of rapeseed. The name "canola" comes from "Canadian oil, low acid" to distinuish it from rapeseed and without the negative connotations of the word "rape." It has since become one of North Americas biggest cash crops. Those vast fields of beautiful yellow flowers in Canada, The States, and increasingly in Europe, are canola. The oil is known for its low saturated fat content, high amount of monounsaturated fats, and beneficial amount of omega 3 and is widely considered to be among the most "heart healthy" oils available.

There are some particularly witless urban legends concerning canola which are spread by the ignorant, the gullible and the easily-deceived in email hoaxes.

Edited by billp
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The problem with most oils is the rancid factor, canola, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, olive oil. and one or two more. Coconut oil is very good for high temp. cooking as well as palm it takes very high temp. for them to go bad.

Olive oil for salads and as a condiment. Do a bit of reading the body neds good fats to process certain functions.

A low fat diet will not facilitate the discharge of bile and all of the nasty things it carries out of the liver and gall bladder if it doesn't discharge into the gut it will recirculate into the liver redepositing heavy metals,pesticides, and herbicides.

Eat your fats but not the crap that goes rancid very fast.

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There are some particularly witless urban legends concerning canola which are spread by the ignorant, the gullible and the easily-deceived in email hoaxes.

Which is why it is important to read authoritative sources, if you can cope with the jargon.

Erucic acid is a neuro-toxin, and prior to the discovery of low-temperature processing of animal protein remains in cattle feed, was felt by many to be the likely cause of BSE in the UK and downer-cow syndrome in the US - rape pulp is routinely fed to cattle. It doesn't need to be sprayed as a crop, because the erucic acid acts as an effective insecticide in the living crop. Newer cultivars may be less resistant - no info on that. It may lead to lower trace pesticide yield, but that is a trade-off for the trace nickel and remaining acid.

On the other hand, it is at 21% relatively low in linoleic acid, which is a plus point.

No urban myths needed. Just basic research. People simply need to spend more time looking into what their diet actually does for them, instead of reading garbage (pro and anti) promulgated by one lobby (industrial) or another. Informed choice!

My own favourite, palm oil, generally comes in for criticism because of the perceived expansion of acreage at the expense of rain forest in Malaysian and Indonesian plantations for use as a biofuel (I would prefer red (dura) palm if I could get it - Azeite de Dende in Brazil). Palm plantations are more biomass / area than rainforest, though without doubt bio-diversity takes a hit.

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Olive oil and canola oil are both monunsaturated fats and thus help to increase HDL (the "good" cholesterol).
There is no such thing as "good cholesterol" or "bad cholesterol". Cholesterol is produced naturally by your liver. If intake of cholesterol is high or low your body automatically balances out the imbalance. The only sure way to reduce high cholesterol levels is with medication. Source of information is http://www.second_opinions.co.uk/cholesterol_myth_1.html for one. Edited by sinbin
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A fry up is not a fry up unless it is fried in butter :):D:D

A good quality first pressed olive oil will be better than most other oils. I really think it will not matter nor make a difference for you. Unless of course you do use butter.

Olive Oil: Contains many mono-unsaturated fatty acids. It is good for pan frying but not good for deep frying. It will break-down and become rancid.

Canola Oil: Made from genetically engineered rapeseed and used extensively in restaurants. Registered with the EPA as an insecticide. There is much controversy surrounding this oil. From all the research I've read related to this oil, I avoid it like the plague.

Your boyfriend told me you prefer Canola oil so which is it?

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Sinbin, you need to do more reserch. Even though ldl cholestrol is listed as bad there there are some forms of it that are good. The notion of cholestrol being bad for you comes from the fact that it is only doing it's job of trying to repair damage in arteries that have been damaged by inflamation. Cholestrol is the precursor for all sex hormones if your cholestrol becomes to low you can have high blood pressure, loss of mental function,reduced sexual function this is just a few of the side affects of low cholestrol.

most people have an enzeme that turns off the production of cholestrol if one obtains to much from outside sources but the small percentage of people who donot need help from medication or those natural sources that will lower cholestrol.

The liver is not the only organ that produces cholestrol, it is also produced in the gut as well.

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Just a little reading will inform you...

Totally endorse this. What you should read:

Why it is called 'Canola', and the implications of that.

What the FDA really said about poly-unsaturated oils and the guidance about not heating them (which always gets ignored).

The effects of Linoleic acid on the immune system, and its percentages in edible oils; its use in transplant surgery and complications therein. Note, this is not the same as Gamma-Linoleic acid, or Conjugated Linoleic acid.

The effect of poly-unsaturate consumption on the cell walls of mammals.

No need to step outside of Wikipedia if learned journals are too technical. It is all there.

I use palm oil for cooking, and only palm oil. I would prefer Dura palm over Tenera, but that is harder to get here.

Read up on Palm oil while you're at it.

I also use olive oil, and cold pressed nut oils for salads, flavour etc.

And after that, go take a look into Nutrasweet!

Palm oils is only a step above lard, which is the worst of the worst. Malaysian food is full of the stuff, tastes bad and turns rancid very quickly. Awful stuff.

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