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Pay For Holidays, Or Not..

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I would be interested to see opinions on the following;

I have had in the past, like some other teachers, working at Thai. government schools contracts that are written .. May 10th till Sept 28th, Nov 1st till Mar.10th, (actual start/stop dates may differ) clearly showing the working and payment times.

My current governwemt school has written the contract as follows, May 15th 2009 till Feb 28th 2010, BUT myself and the other teachers have been told orally, firstly that we would be paid 10 months, then just before we signed, that we would be paid for 9 months. We were also told that the contract read that way 'for office purposes'. that we won't be paid for Oct.

Not trying to be sneaky, does this mean that we should be paid for Oct, or simply accept what we have been told.

I'm curious to see the opinions of those with better understanding of the Labour Law.

Thanks in advance.

PS, am I correct in saying that the Government/Education Dept. pays extra to the school that employ foreign teachers, ie, an amount that about equals the salary paid, (30/40,000) and will the Govt. therefore pay, to the school, for each teacher, for Oct. because of the way the contract is written??

Again, many thanks..

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try to be really discreet in your search for truth in this aspect, pls.

won't want to see you come on in the next few months and be in a position that you have been unfairly squeezed out.... maybe because you did not wear your tie correctly.... know what i mean....

i also heard that some influential principal also kept part of farangs' salaries, the discrepency between contracted amount and actual monthly payment to farangs.... unbelievable isn't it?

personally, i rather believe that the truth has been stretched in this case.

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try to be really discreet in your search for truth in this aspect, pls.

won't want to see you come on in the next few months and be in a position that you have been unfairly squeezed out.... maybe because you did not wear your tie correctly.... know what i mean....

i also heard that some influential principal also kept part of farangs' salaries, the discrepency between contracted amount and actual monthly payment to farangs.... unbelievable isn't it?

personally, i rather believe that the truth has been stretched in this case.

Thanks for your, and the previous members reply & comment, I have just realised I've posted in the wrong section, and have now re-posted in the Teaching in Thailand forum. My apologies.

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My suspicion is that funds are budgetted as per your written contract. Whether this money comes from the Thai government or is just a part of the Official School Budget is uncertain.

My guess is that you are getting paid on paper, but the funds are going to somebody elses Mercedes Benz fund...

That being said and even if true (especially if true), the advice to tread lightly is good advice. If this is what is happening, they will find a reason to fire you asap if the boat is rocked.

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