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What About An Expats Club In Chiangmai?


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I would also suggest that any members who try to sell his/her wares at meetings should be banned; otherwise it will go the same way as the ex-pats club, full circle.

Another point, is that there should be no speakers taking over the meetings, but instead let everyone do their own thing and able to converse amongst themselves.

My idea was for A Gentlemans Club, i'm not sure where the meetings bit comes into play :)

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I still can't understand why anyone would want to spend an evening/afternoon/anytime with just Men?
Then don't join.

Here's a few reasons ..

1. To have a break from the missus.

2. To talk about sport (do you know any women that understand the 'off-side' rule?).

3. To avoid going shopping.

i could've sworn that was called 'a pub'. 'gentleman's club' implies huge levels of insecurity on the part of its members, masonic handshakes, stories about public school thrashings and initiation rites involving strategic placing of hot buttered crumpets betwixt buttocks. still whatever floats your boat i suppose.

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I still can't understand why anyone would want to spend an evening/afternoon/anytime with just Men?
Then don't join.

Here's a few reasons ..

1. To have a break from the missus.

2. To talk about sport (do you know any women that understand the 'off-side' rule?).

3. To avoid going shopping.

i could've sworn that was called 'a pub'.

Most pubs allow women in these days. It's the law, I believe.

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I've been here going on three years and my observation is that there are a multitude of social groupings functioning here. Eventually everyone seems to find the group that they are comfortable with, which ends up excluding all the other groups.

Those groups have similarly have excluded all the other groups, so you end up with a multitude of social groupings that have at best nothing to do with all the others. They recognize the other groups as somehow inadequate as they aren't like them. Just follow this thread and you get the idea.

Form a club, fine, but if it works it will be because it has managed to limit itself to exclusively to one type member. It might be based on ethnicity, country of origins, sexual orientation or which end of the soft boiled egg to open, but it won't be any broader that that. Social interaction here may appear to be a mile wide but it is only a inch deep. I've come to accept that and find that it is far less frustrating to live here one you figure that out.

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I still can't understand why anyone would want to spend an evening/afternoon/anytime with just Men?
Then don't join.

Here's a few reasons ..

1. To have a break from the missus.

2. To talk about sport (do you know any women that understand the 'off-side' rule?).

3. To avoid going shopping.

i could've sworn that was called 'a pub'.

Most pubs allow women in these days. It's the law, I believe.

Yes, vile fascist PC rearing it's ugly head again, so whats the point? Mind you womens clubs seem to avoid having men, funny that.

And to quote Groucho, "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

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A few more:

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.

Alimony is like buying hay for a dead horse.

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.

I remember the first time I had sex - I kept the receipt.


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I still can't understand why anyone would want to spend an evening/afternoon/anytime with just Men?
Then don't join.

Here's a few reasons ..

1. To have a break from the missus.

2. To talk about sport (do you know any women that understand the 'off-side' rule?).

3. To avoid going shopping.

i could've sworn that was called 'a pub'.

Most pubs allow women in these days. It's the law, I believe.

It all went down hill when they gave them the vote :)

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Back on topic - I think it's an interesting idea, but who or how would you decide who could join? Black balls and white balls? As someone once said 'I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that allowed people like me to be members.' (or something like that).

It was Groucho Marx and I did mention it on a previous posting along with the obvious black ball jokes but because I quoted David Oxon It got deleted :)

Personally I won't join any gentlemans club until there is a bit of ritual involved - roled up trouser legs and bared breasts and all that caper :D

I used to be in a club with Karl Marx as patron...more of a party actually ..was much younger then..but now when in the Mai must admit to prefer meeting places of the more unique type..aka..Kevins,Pedrs and wots her names establishment next door to POPs on the moat rd......is it the gas light :D (used to be of St James)

Been to most of the so called oulets in Londons West end (as a guest) and wot a joke...and price...

Dont mind the Overseas League,Asia House and our yeary reception at the Oriential Club and H of Lords ..but No Not really... :D

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I still can't understand why anyone would want to spend an evening/afternoon/anytime with just Men?
Then don't join.

Here's a few reasons ..

1. To have a break from the missus.

2. To talk about sport (do you know any women that understand the 'off-side' rule?).

3. To avoid going shopping.

i could've sworn that was called 'a pub'. 'gentleman's club' implies huge levels of insecurity on the part of its members, masonic handshakes, stories about public school thrashings and initiation rites involving strategic placing of hot buttered crumpets betwixt buttocks. still whatever floats your boat i suppose.

You have a vivid imagination.

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I would also suggest that any members who try to sell his/her wares at meetings should be banned; otherwise it will go the same way as the ex-pats club, full circle.

Another point, is that there should be no speakers taking over the meetings, but instead let everyone do their own thing and able to converse amongst themselves.

My idea was for A Gentlemans Club, i'm not sure where the meetings bit comes into play :)

OP, you`re not explaining yourself very well.

Do you mean a group of guys that would meet up sometime for a chat or perhaps a few drinks somewhere? Or what do you mean, exactly?

Edited by BigWheelMan
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I still can't understand why anyone would want to spend an evening/afternoon/anytime with just Men?

Ah but it's not just men David it's GENTLE men. Not just those with the requisite Y chromosome, but only those who have satisfactorily demonstrated sufficiently good breeding if not direct lineage to be able to discreetly discuss topics like where only the finest rice may be procured with a peerage whose role heretofore could only be fulfilled by obsequious personal assistants and mirrors.

Hey wait! How about a fight club where pretentious a$$holes desperately in need of a butt kicking can go to bitch slap each other back from their ego trips? In a civilized manner naturally.

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what an iteresting read, we now know the origins of soccer as a descriptive term, have explored what would or would not be acceptable etiquette, a liberal constitution that allows membership from around the globe (provided they are male and not riff raf) even the possibilities of a venue.

with all of that, it seems that the original objectives have not been answered, a club or no club and if so who is prepared to get on and organise it.

based on the number of soccer fans i have managed to get to club together as clarets in thailand, i probably would not be the best candidate for the role :)

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun OneMan,

We sure hope you start a club, and get a lot of men together in some room somewhere for many hours !

We'll feel safer going out into Chiang Mai knowing a bunch of you are off the streets.

best, ~o:37;

Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Yesterday afternoon, heading up Thanon Chang Lo, west, past Chiang Mai Gate, we observe what looks like a fully "pumped up" version of Jean Claude Van Damme on large motorcycle, no shirt on. Amazing tricep definition, astounding latissimus dorsi.

best, ~o:37;

It seems ''a lot of men together in some room somewhere for many hours'' might be your thing after all :)

We certainly wouldn't appreciate one of our members acting in this manner so you've no need to apply :D

Edited by alfieconn
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I would also suggest that any members who try to sell his/her wares at meetings should be banned; otherwise it will go the same way as the ex-pats club, full circle.

Another point, is that there should be no speakers taking over the meetings, but instead let everyone do their own thing and able to converse amongst themselves.

My idea was for A Gentlemans Club, i'm not sure where the meetings bit comes into play :D

OP, you`re not explaining yourself very well.

Do you mean a group of guys that would meet up sometime for a chat or perhaps a few drinks somewhere? Or what do you mean, exactly?

Sorry, the OP'S idea and mine are slightly different in that my idea would have a permanent location where you would frequent for a drink and such like at your leisure :)

Nice sofa's

Big TV's showing all the sports channels.

Pool Table

Dining Facilities

Pleasant Hostesses :D

All daily newspapers

Membership with a small yearly subscription

Basiclly somewhere to lounge around all day and get away from the missus and kids.

Edited by alfieconn
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Sorry, wasn't meant to be a flame, just my honest opinion,

seems a shame that that's not permitted.


Please, spare us the "poor me", it is after all possible to articulate disagreement without name calling. That sort of thing belongs on a playground, or talk radio.

Well posted but I doubt the "poor me" is an act. When someone communicates in a manner that is 'normal' for them and you respond negatively, there must be something wrong with YOU. Taking responsibility for our own behavior is a rare quality these days, my friend.

To the topic, I am rarely a joiner as I find that selective groups close more doors than they open. I prefer to meet with my own species in a totally open environment and take the consequences, and the rewards, as they come...

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Im guessing the title should be changed because "What About An Expats Club In Chiangmai?, ...traditional, private, members-only" implies that all expats of all denominations and gender are welcome, when you are actually suggesting a mens club. Mens Club would probably be a great idea, where the grumpy old fat 1950's thinking blokes can get together and dream of "how we used to live". "Gentlemens" Club is probably pushing the boundaries though, dontcha think? For that implies you have to be a gentleman to be a part of the club.


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Im guessing the title should be changed because "What About An Expats Club In Chiangmai?, ...traditional, private, members-only" implies that all expats of all denominations and gender are welcome, when you are actually suggesting a mens club. Mens Club would probably be a great idea, where the grumpy old fat 1950's thinking blokes can get together and dream of "how we used to live". "Gentlemens" Club is probably pushing the boundaries though, dontcha think? For that implies you have to be a gentleman to be a part of the club.


"where the grumpy old fat 1950's thinking blokes can get together and dream of "how we used to live". "

not too well informed are you? do you only ever believe stereotypes. get some info on what such clubs are before you post.

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We've quoted Groucho, with malapropisms, at least 4 times.

We've hemmed and hawed, dithered, flamed...all to no conclusion.

So where is the first meeting, gentlemen?

Maybe I'll drop by for a tea, or stronger. :)

Already its a Brittish club, how Boring!!

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