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Bangkok too clean for comfort


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Bangkok too clean for comfort

DELEGATIONS to the Apec summit in Bangkok last weekend found the cleaned-up Thai capital to be so boring they decided to go to bed with each other instead. Only they called it making bilateral agreements. In contrast, the Survivor-esque world of World Trade Organisation talks in Cancun had one official saying, 'it's Temptation Island out here'.

And while most of the press corps contented themselves with foot massages and pad thai, others who were determined to sample the city's fabled delights reportedly slipped out for cut-price botox injections, while a few straight guys went looking for queer ayes.

Straits Times 2003-10-26

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Actually they slept with themselves because So Cowboy, Patpong and Nana Plaza were forced to close, part of the clean up. But the Ratchada Cabaret Show was open and if they would go to the last show, walk outside and take a photo with one of the "Ladyboys", for an additional thousand baht they could have slept with a beautiful ladyboy. So all was not lost, I think I saw GW with the tall leggie one, last seen departing in a blue electric Tuk Tuk with an APEC sticker and a Thai Sailor driving. The "Ladyboy" was all over him, first time I seen him smiling since his approval dropped below 50 percent.


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