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Have been living in Thailand for the past 3-4 years with my girlfriend in the south where we have a massage parlour

Jut wondering if anybody here knows if they are desperate for tradesman like so many other countires e.g. plumbing,building,fitting air-conditioning or basically any trade

I know Thailand have there own people to work but are they qualified? Are there many westerners doing this sort of thing in Thailand?

How about the idea of building your own house then renting it out? Are these things possible?

Any feed back appreciated!


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You cant do that in Thailand. Some may give you a longer reply but the fact of the matter is that if you "WORKED" at your trade you would be seen to be taking a job away from a Thai. (Qulaified or not) You would never get a work permit either.

You could however start a company that built houses but you would NOT be allowed to work on their construction.

This is your only option.

Good Luck

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