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Thai Expat Arsinization Syndrome


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Complaining either verbally or "bastard face" is a strategy some people resort to, to help cope with a undesirable or controllable situations such as:

aches and pains, failing health and fitness

being ripped-off

feeling hot and sticky

inconsiderate pushy people

smells and filth

inability to communicate successfully

low standards

apparent double standards

apathetic attitudes




and the realization for some that they can no longer afford (financially or socially) to return to there old life they remember in their youth.

This is not unique to Thailand, but more common in older men reflecting on their lives, who no longer have one.

They need to get off their xxxx's and make a life, a life is what YOU make it! Dont blame others for your problems, sure these issues exist for many, but those that can overlook them are those, that have enjoyment in their lives. These are not grumpy old unhealthy overweight men sitting around in bars nursing cigarettes and beer!

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The problem is in Thailand there is too many Western misfits, people who could not make it in society back home so they try to become someone in Thailand (pretty younger girlfriend, have a social life etc) but then become disillusioned when life still doesn't work out for them...

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The problem is in Thailand there is too many Western misfits, people who could not make it in society back home so they try to become someone in Thailand (pretty younger girlfriend, have a social life etc) but then become disillusioned when life still doesn't work out for them...

..very interesting thread .. so whats different about Thailand ?.expect the same issues would arise anyplace..would not fancy being retired iand housebound in a snow storm though...

Misfits as you call 'em will always be just that..the rest of us kid/convince ourselves we are happy most of the time which is hopefully true. The post about boredom is the most accurate summary I feel.

One thing I have noticed since being in the tropics is the "f.. it I have lots of time to fix that or complete that attitude" I seem to have adopted..maybe I will just sit here look at the mountains and have beer first and think how lucky I am not to be where its cold , expensive etc.... a long way from the workaholic acquisitive westerner I once was... bored ? NO, just well errr... maybe just a touch more languid..like the environment.

Must admit often feel "guilty" about not "working" or doing something constructive..luckily it soon passes lol.

In the past I had viewed people from warmer climes as lazy or apathetic... now I know ....

gotta go find something else not to do now...

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When the significant joys of life surpass the aggravations people can overlook the annoying aggravations.

Its up to us to foster and treasure the joys, and then the aggravations are overlooked.

If the balance of joy to discomort lies on the discomfort side then its up to you to think about what you can do different to change the situation.....

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The problem is in Thailand there is too many Western misfits, people who could not make it in society back home so they try to become someone in Thailand (pretty younger girlfriend, have a social life etc) but then become disillusioned when life still doesn't work out for them...

..very interesting thread .. so whats different about Thailand ?.expect the same issues would arise anyplace..would not fancy being retired iand housebound in a snow storm though...

Misfits as you call 'em will always be just that..the rest of us kid/convince ourselves we are happy most of the time which is hopefully true. The post about boredom is the most accurate summary I feel.

One thing I have noticed since being in the tropics is the "f.. it I have lots of time to fix that or complete that attitude" I seem to have adopted..maybe I will just sit here look at the mountains and have beer first and think how lucky I am not to be where its cold , expensive etc.... a long way from the workaholic acquisitive westerner I once was... bored ? NO, just well errr... maybe just a touch more languid..like the environment.

Must admit often feel "guilty" about not "working" or doing something constructive..luckily it soon passes lol.

In the past I had viewed people from warmer climes as lazy or apathetic... now I know ....

gotta go find something else not to do now...

It is an interesting theory. What is different about Thailand is the 'honeymoon period'. If you don't understand the country basically anybody can arrive here and think they've landed in heaven. Women who find them very attractive where the women back home just found them fat, old and ugly - everything is cheap and everybody is so nice, the weather is great and your girlfriend dotes on you, does your dishes and cleans all of your laundry from the first date onward. etc. etc. etc.

Then the reality slowly sets in, with you maybe even feeling like a fool for behaving the way you did (for example: carting BG's hand in hand all over Thailand and knowing now that everybody else knew she was a BG) and life here not being the fantasy you once thought it was.

I'm not saying life in Thailand isn't great and/or better than it is back home - but it certainly isn't the Disneyland many first time tourists think it is. I can see how this could make some people bitter over time.

Edited by DegenFarang
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Circumstances also change; people run out of money, are sick, possibly medication or drink causes people to complain more and be short tempered. Very often people take frustration out on the easiest target, or the things that have bothered them slightly in the past; I agree people who are not suffering from an outside influence that is causing change are very likely to complain where ever they are.

I doubt anyone here can honestly say they have never winged at some point even if it was just in a moment of frustration. What’s important is to understand what affects us and deal with it, life is about solutions not problems.

I spent a year in ill health recently, taking drugs (prescribed) that made me get pretty nasty with loved ones, it took my 10 year old son to point out to me I was being a shit for me to notice the gradual change the year had on me.

If things are shitty change them, understand what makes you angry and fix it. Not possible for some I know, I have a friend who can never find anything good here and revels in how he complained to another dumb idiot, Thai and Farrang.

Just think however not everyone is an arse by birth some may just be going through a bad patch or have problems that they find hard to cope with.

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Apart from Phil, the replies have been serious - which is what you hoped for. Le't wish that you get more replies to add some views on this thread.

I think frustration is one cause of TEAS. The obvious examples: Can't own land, double pricing.

One can't "retaliate" against these so we take it out in our attitudes. And I take that point from seeing an expat get very irate in Tesco over some dispute over goods. He raised land ownership, double pricing ( though that does not apply in Tesco), fake Thai smiles, lack of democracy, corruption, ...

None of it applied to whatever his problem with the store was. He just had to get it off his chest. And I can see how we all sometimes get like that. In the West we can write to our MP or local authority, in a criminal action we can get help from the police. We feel unable to do that here. I think that moves on to frustration and TEAS

I'm sure there are other causes and I hope this thread can debate them.


Everyone is an ASS or EAS sometime. Some more often. Some have been all their life. Nobody can escape own self. We come here with the package. The numerous local cultural, social, economic, language, political, religious differences affect us. Sometimes in weird ways. The age factor also kicks in.

Net result - TEAS. Let's face it, in Europe it would be EEAS, in Malaysia, - MEAS... and so on!

It seems the only permanent component is US being ASS.

Maybe it is not the meek, but the asses, who will inherit the world, after all? :)

P.S. Sorry to be an ....

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