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Why Do Yanks Live In Thailand


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Everyone dislikes everyone unless they are buying!!! :D

Valid point IMHO. :D

Why?  Because we can. :D


Wow, that's an original little quip! Why not try something like, 'because you're all beneath us and we can go wherever the f*** we want!' That may get a respose or three.

Gee, didn't mean to rile your feathers. It was just my response to the OP and all I meant was: because we are "allowed" to, meant nothing more. :D

LOL Awesome tripxcore :D

Why cant we just, you know :D

Americans have just as much of a right to inhabit Thailand as Brits, Aussies, French, Canadians, Germans, Italians, Russians, or whoever else is there.


Very nicely put and better than my post, apparently. :D

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I don't know where to start!

I hate the blood sucking lawyers who then become politicians and if they are too stupid to be a lawyer or politician the other bloodsuckers make them judges.

The political correctness sucks. Sometimes I like to say what I really think.

I can't afford to live in the USA. I live very well here for what a studio apartment would cost in Southern California.

I fell much safer here in the Kingdom. I can stumble around drunk at night and no one robs me, bothers me or calls the cops.

Thai ladies are the best. Like anywhere else you have to look around but there are good ones here. I HAVE one.

People smile here and don't rush around like the western people in the rat race.

Edited by Gary A
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The OP put up this thread to see if Americans could take the pisstaking.There was another exactly same thread about Aussies..yet most of it was in good humour......

I am sorry, I thought I was on the thaivisa forum, not the americans taking a pissing forum.

Edited by Padkapow Guy
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The OP put up this thread to see if Americans could take the pisstaking.There was another exactly same thread about Aussies..yet most of it was in good humour......

I am sorry, I thought I was on the thaivisa forum, not the americans taking a pissing forum.

Jeez Torny... if I thought the thread would end up like this I wouldn't have goaded you into posting it. :D

Lighten up guys... :o

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The OP put up this thread to see if Americans could take the pisstaking.There was another exactly same thread about Aussies..yet most of it was in good humour......

I am sorry, I thought I was on the thaivisa forum, not the americans taking a pissing forum.

It is a Thai Visa forum...a bit of humour would not go amiss though.

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This thread has certainly become a striking reminder of what seems to me and many other long-term expats to be the worst drawback to living here: the kind of foreigners who, all too often, are drawn to this place. Nasty, simple, small-minded jackasses and ignoramuses. My, oh my. No wonder so many intelligent, well-educated Thais want to have as little to do with most foreigners as they can.

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:o I'm trully sorry. i guess i was the one who started this whole "bashing thing". Maybe the person starting this thread was just trying to get yanks dander up and yes, maybe i took some replys negatively, and yes, i am an American. i love Thailand and love my Thai wife and love my friends. I guess I got upset whilst reading other forums on TV and it upset me to know that people actually hate us because we have such a stupid President. Again. i am sorry if i changed the topic. :D
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I live here because of many reasons but mostly because of the cost of living, read LIVING, not just surviving or getting by. And I guess a love for the place either grows on ya or it doesn’t yeah it has it’s problems, but being a, young, black, American man with financial means, in Thailand is sublime. I for one NEVER get that anti-American hate that white folks complain about. When asked, I proudly say I’m American. No shame, one look at me and anyone with a clue knows I didn’t vote for that rope swinging red neck scumbag that sits at the throne of my great nation. And people every where just seem more accepting of me. From the Middle East where the Arabs took me in their homes like I was family, to Ireland where svelte freckled lasses literally started bar fights over me, to Thailand where even though I may be “Si Dum” I still get ridiculous play. But unlike the other places I have been, Thailand still has a dwindling touch of Wild West in it. For some it’s a touch too much, others a touch to little, but for me it’s just right. That’s why I bring my hard earned government contractor dollars (From Iraq) back to Thailand.

Oh and about America being all screwed up as a nation. Really, get off it, you all sound like a bunch of crabs in a barrel. So many of the European nations have had their day, LONG days even, on the top. Today is simply our day, and even with a scumbag racist illiterate Texan on in the White House we still hold it down across the globe. I for one, unlike the other Americans I see posting here, am VERY proud to call my self an American.

In the days of the Roman Empire, what else to be but a Citizen….

May the Gods bless America and my beloved Thailand…oh and Pattaya too, Pattaya gets a special blessing from Dionysus :o

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I live here because of many reasons but mostly because of the cost of living, read LIVING, not just surviving or getting by. And I guess a love for the place either grows on ya or it doesn’t yeah it has it’s problems, but being a, young, black, American man with financial means, in Thailand is sublime.  I for one NEVER get that anti-American hate that white folks complain about. When asked, I proudly say I’m American. No shame, one look at me and anyone with a clue knows I didn’t vote for that rope swinging red neck scumbag that sits at the throne of my great nation. And people every where just seem more accepting of me. From the Middle East where the Arabs took me in their homes like I was family, to Ireland where svelte freckled lasses literally started bar fights over me, to Thailand where even though I may be “Si Dum” I still get ridiculous play. But unlike the other places I have been, Thailand still has a dwindling touch of Wild West in it. For some it’s a touch too much, others a touch to little, but for me it’s just right. That’s why I bring my hard earned government contractor dollars (From Iraq) back to Thailand.

Oh and about America being all screwed up as a nation. Really, get off it, you all sound like a bunch of crabs in a barrel. So many of the European nations have had their day, LONG days even, on the top. Today is simply our day, and even with a scumbag racist illiterate Texan on in the White House we still hold it down across the globe. I for one, unlike the other Americans I see posting here, am VERY proud to call my self an American.

In the days of the Roman Empire, what else to be but a Citizen….

May the Gods bless America and my beloved Thailand…oh and Pattaya too, Pattaya gets a special blessing from Dionysus  :D


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:D I'm trully sorry. i guess i was the one who started this whole "bashing thing". Maybe the person starting this thread was just trying to get yanks dander up and yes, maybe i took some replys negatively, and yes, i am an American. i love Thailand and love my Thai wife and love my friends. I guess I got upset whilst  reading other forums on TV and it upset me to know that people actually hate us because we have such a stupid President. Again. i am sorry if i changed the topic.  :D

Good on you mate!!! :o

Now let's see some humour.


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Just one more serious post. None of us had any choice where we were born or what color we turned out to be. We could just as easily been born in Burma (I don't like to say Myanmar). I was fortunate to have been born in the USA. If I had not been born in a first world country I would likely still be trying to scratch out a living in some rice paddy or picking bananas. I love to pick on the Aussies and when I am with an Aussie friend and a Brit shows we team up and beat the ###### out of the Brit. One thing most of us share is a sense of humor and even if we get a little rowdy at times we are still all friends enjoying this wonderful place called Thailand.

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Hey Captian, where did you get that outfit and the sword?

I got the same exact photo shoot inside a little booth on the 3rd floor of the Big C in Pattaya...wearing the exact same outfit... didn't one of the rings have the bottom portion bent out? Yup, I'm sure they did, I even remember all that wooden stuff they had in there.

heheh, I hope you know I wasn't wearing any underwear when I was wearing those golden pants! :o

Isn't that chick in there that does all the main stuff cute? My wife caught me looking at her in the mirror when she was putting on her makeup. Did the ol just looking around the place eye roll and head thing. I didn't mean to, I mean they were both just right there... uh oh.

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Why?  Because we can. :o


Wow, that's an original little quip! Why not try something like, 'because you're all beneath us and we can go wherever the f*** we want!' That may get a respose or three.

Gee, didn't mean to rile your feathers. It was just my response to the OP and all I meant was: because we are "allowed" to, meant nothing more. :D

Ken, you didn't rile my feathers, it was meant as a light hearted jibe. Sorry, forgot to add a smiley. :D

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Oh and about America being all screwed up as a nation. Really, get off it, you all sound like a bunch of crabs in a barrel. So many of the European nations have had their day, LONG days even, on the top. Today is simply our day, and even with a scumbag racist illiterate Texan on in the White House we still hold it down across the globe. I for one, unlike the other Americans I see posting here, am VERY proud to call my self an American.

Yeah, but at least the Romans et al were respected to a certain degree :o

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This thread has certainly become a striking reminder of what seems to me and many other long-term expats to be the worst drawback to living here: the kind of foreigners who, all too often, are drawn to this place. Nasty, simple, small-minded jackasses and ignoramuses. My, oh my. No wonder so many intelligent, well-educated Thais want to have as little to do with most foreigners as they can.

You were making a lot of sense then you went stupid on us and started singing the Thai are smart anthem. A national IQ of 87 does not make for much intelligent conversation.

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To answer the original question, I compromised my career to move to Thailand because my wife needed to go back. We would have been perfectly happy settling in somewhere near the Pacific coast of the US.

In fact, I think I would have been content never straying from the western part of North America (west of the continental divide), and due to business travel and this move, I have already seen more of the world than I ever expected. I think I can learn something about other places from reading, and I'd rather learn a few in depth than do the tourist medley to collect postcards or bottle caps. I don't think there is time in life to even get to know all of the areas of my home state, California, with the intimacy I would like!


Why is it Americans can not laugh at themselves? Take a joke....  [a comedian] was taking the piss of George Bushes policies, spoke the truth with tounge in cheek and they didn't like it.  :o

The fact that our languages have so much in common has fooled you into thinking we share the same culture. This makes about as much sense as asking "why is it Thais cannot laugh at themselves" after insulting their religion and slapping them on the forehead!

Over simplifying, there is much less irony in American English. Every Brit or Aussie expat in the US who I ever met would say the same thing. What sounds like playful joking in the Queen's English will ruffle many Americans. I was raised by a very ironic father and have to "think foreign" and bite my tongue to communicate with many other Americans. They do have their own senses of humor, but it varies regionally both in timing, style, and appropriate topics for joking among relative strangers. This is not even considering dialects with different vocabulary.

As someone else stated, many Americans are very optimistic, outgoing, and generous and this mistranslates as demanding, obnoxious, and thick to some other cultures. I remember a complaint that Americans will go to a restaurant and ask for everything to be customized. A European thinks this is offensive to the chef. The American expects a more laid back, tolerant chef who wants to serve his customer rather than enforce his own taste. American politeness is more focused on honesty and directness while other cultures of politeness are focused on half-truths and avoidance. Sometimes I wonder if it is that style of half-truths and avoidance which requires irony in order to escape...

Unfortunately, this value system leads many Americans to vote for leaders who seem honest, direct, and simple rather than for someone who seems to appreciate complex or subtle problems which often seem to require ambivalent and comrpomised solutions. It is easy to hoodwink people who value and expect honesty.

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Well I think this thread has proved that - Yanks cannot laugh at themselves. :D

I know a yank in Phuket who got Khun Nueng tattooed on his his shoulder, although he cannot speak the language, shags bar girls and generally is the most boring man on the planet, he actually thinks he is something special - He makes me laugh just looking at him.

Septic tanks dont mind having a go at the French, Mexicans or Canadians, but once its thrown back at em, they cant handle it - funny fluckers :o

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Oh and yes That was upstairs in Big C. And I was ready to pimp smack that girl that dose the make up. I took this picture session with my Mi Anoy and she is darker than me by a shade, yet the girl with the make up tried to make her look white, ended up makeing her look like bozo the clown! :o So I had her remove it all and keep it natural with just a few caramel highlights to complement her skin tone, so we ended up looking awsome together in the picture. Not like the ones they have there of like some pasty 70 yr old English geezer trying to look like Khun Paan, with his Mia Choi. :D

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Well I think this thread has proved that - Yanks cannot laugh at themselves.  :o

No way man! If one can't find something humorous to laugh at about oneself, then one should not be allowed to laugh at anyone else!

If people get senstive when laughing, I just like to say: "Don't worry, I'm laughing with you, not at you!" :D

Or with egotistical yanks, which of course we all do come across form time to time, if they can't take a joke, then I just make a point to keep busting their balls until they start lightening up!

I know a yank in Phuket who got Khun Nueng tattooed on his his shoulder, although he cannot speak the language, shags bar girls and generally is the most boring man on the planet, he actually thinks he is something special - He makes me laugh just looking at him.

That's <deleted>' hiliarious! Probably not, but I could only wish the tat was really written in transliterated Thai instead of Thai script. Now that would be really be funny! :D

Good thread, but as a yank, I think some replies are a bit too stereotypical. For example, deep down I'm about as easy-going as it gets. But I'm also quite introverted until I get to know someone. Sometimes that is interpreted as uptight or stand-offish or worse, which would really be untrue.

IMHO, it's really not fair to be critical unless one has been fully immersed in the culture. For example, I've been working in the UK for almost a year now. My opinion of the Brits in general has changed a lot during that time, some much more towards the good and some also towards the bad.

Just my own wrong opinion ... but good thread anyway!

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Like the way the thread went -- I bit on the "bash American" trend ...

Should emulate one of my best buds -- Jimmy Buffett -- and just lay back and let the world pass by. Sometimes it is funny to watch yourself getting wrapped up in such meaningless drivel.

Being American is great and I am very proud of that -- has nothing to do with who is the current president or who is saying what about America. Being proud of your heritage will always be there. What changes is how pissed you can get about what small minds say about my country,

I got caught -- I'll try not to again ...

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I know a yank in Phuket who got Khun Nueng tattooed on his his shoulder, although he cannot speak the language, shags bar girls and generally is the most boring man on the planet, he actually thinks he is something special - He makes me laugh just looking at him.

Yeah? Well we all know an "gentleman" from OZ who claims to be a big-time property developer and thinks he's something special.

Anyone come to mind? :o

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So do we enter into an indepth disusion tinto Thai poetry or do we lag on to Thomas' cut and pastes.....

I'll let Tom lead on seeing as he knows it all...........

Tom, please discuss the various verse forms in Thai poetry and the way they affect the feeling of the listner?

Right, but the topic is why to Yanks live in Thailand and it's nothing but Troll-bait.

Just brings out the same old bashers like the Jockster & the Gent (Tornado) etc to announce that they again dislike Americans... :o

Can't see the mods letting this one go much further... :D

Edited by Boon Mee
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So do we enter into an indepth disusion tinto Thai poetry or do we lag on to Thomas' cut and pastes.....

I'll let Tom lead on seeing as he knows it all...........

Tom, please discuss the various verse forms in Thai poetry and the way they affect the feeling of the listner?

I would have though, it helps, if you are trying to appear clever, to cut and paste, in the correct thread, don't you think?

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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